
Perserverance, or the lack thereof

git clone git:// (4599B)

    1 use std::collections::HashMap;
    2 use std::collections::HashSet;
    3 use std::fs::File;
    4 use std::io::prelude::*;
    5 use std::io::BufReader;
    7 fn main() {
    8     let input = BufReader::new(File::open("input.txt").unwrap())
    9         .lines()
   10         .map(|line| {
   11             line.unwrap()
   12                 .trim()
   13                 .chars()
   14                 .map(|x| x == '#')
   15                 .collect::<Vec<bool>>()
   16         })
   17         .collect::<Vec<Vec<bool>>>();
   19     println!("Rust:");
   20     println!("Part 1:");
   21     let (coord, num_obs) = part_1(&input);
   22     println!("{} asteroids observed at {:?}", num_obs, coord);
   23     println!("Part 2: {}", part_2(&input, coord));
   24 }
   26 fn gcd(mut x: i32, mut y: i32) -> i32 {
   27     // Assumes both are positive.
   28     x = x.abs();
   29     y = y.abs();
   30     while x > 0 && y > 0 {
   31         x %= y;
   32         if x != 0 {
   33             y %= x;
   34         }
   35     }
   36     x + y
   37 }
   39 fn line_of_sight(x_diff: i32, y_diff: i32) -> (i32, i32) {
   40     // A hash to encode both x_diff and y_diff.
   41     // Built such that stars along the same line of sight have the same hash.
   42     // Guard against zeros.
   43     if x_diff == 0 || y_diff == 0 {
   44         return (x_diff.signum(), y_diff.signum());
   45     }
   46     let gcd = gcd(x_diff, y_diff);
   47     (x_diff / gcd, y_diff / gcd)
   48 }
   50 fn coord_to_angle(coord: &(i32, i32)) -> f64 {
   51     // Convert to angle ranging from 0 to 2 * pi.
   52     // Designed such that angles are measured wrt to (0, -1) clockwise.
   53     let x = coord.0 as f64;
   54     let y = coord.1 as f64;
   55     //    |
   56     // ---+---> x
   57     //    |
   58     //    V y
   59     // Count angle from north.
   60     let mut angle = y.atan2(x) + 0.5 * std::f64::consts::PI;
   61     if angle < 0.0 {
   62         angle += 2.0 * std::f64::consts::PI;
   63     }
   64     angle
   65 }
   67 fn part_1(input: &Vec<Vec<bool>>) -> ((i32, i32), usize) {
   68     // Record coordinates.
   69     let mut detected = HashMap::<(i32, i32), HashSet<(i32, i32)>>::new();
   70     for x in 0..input.len() {
   71         for y in 0..input[0].len() {
   72             if input[y][x] {
   73                 // If there's an asteroid, compute line of sight with all others.
   74                 let mut view_curr = HashSet::<(i32, i32)>::new();
   75                 for (coord, view) in detected.iter_mut() {
   76                     view.insert(line_of_sight(x as i32 - coord.0, y as i32 - coord.1));
   77                     view_curr.insert(line_of_sight(coord.0 - x as i32, coord.1 - y as i32));
   78                 }
   79                 detected.insert((x as i32, y as i32), view_curr);
   80             }
   81         }
   82     }
   84     detected
   85         .iter()
   86         .map(|(&key, val)| (key, val.len()))
   87         .max_by_key(|(_, len)| *len)
   88         .unwrap()
   89 }
   91 fn part_2(input: &Vec<Vec<bool>>, station: (i32, i32)) -> i32 {
   92     // Record detected asteroids sorted by line of sight angle.
   93     let mut detected = HashMap::<(i32, i32), Vec<(i32, i32)>>::new();
   94     for x in 0..input.len() {
   95         for y in 0..input[0].len() {
   96             if input[y][x] && (x as i32, y as i32) != station {
   97                 let x_diff = x as i32 - station.0;
   98                 let y_diff = y as i32 - station.1;
   99                 detected
  100                     .entry(line_of_sight(x_diff, y_diff))
  101                     .or_default()
  102                     .push((x_diff, y_diff));
  103             }
  104         }
  105     }
  106     // Sort line of sight by angle, which starts CW from north.
  107     let mut los_sorted = detected.keys().cloned().collect::<Vec<(i32, i32)>>();
  108     los_sorted.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| {
  109         coord_to_angle(a)
  110             .partial_cmp(&coord_to_angle(b))
  111             .unwrap_or(std::cmp::Ordering::Less)
  112     });
  113     // Count number of asteroids in each los.
  114     let mut los_count = detected
  115         .iter()
  116         .map(|(&key, val)| (key, val.len()))
  117         .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
  118     // Vaporize by going around sorted los until we hit 200th.
  119     let mut num_vaporized = 0;
  120     let mut last_los;
  121     'vaporize: loop {
  122         for key in &los_sorted {
  123             if los_count[&key] > 0 {
  124                 *los_count.get_mut(&key).unwrap() -= 1;
  125                 num_vaporized += 1;
  126                 last_los = *key;
  127                 if num_vaporized == 200 {
  128                     break 'vaporize;
  129                 }
  130             }
  131         }
  132     }
  133     // Sort asteroids in that los and count back.
  134     let mut asteroids_in_los = detected[&last_los].clone();
  135     asteroids_in_los.sort_unstable_by_key(|&(x, y)| x ^ 2 + y ^ 2);
  136     asteroids_in_los.reverse();
  137     let jackpot = asteroids_in_los[los_count[&last_los]];
  138     // Convert relative coordinates to absolute one.
  139     let jackpot = ((jackpot.0 + station.0), (jackpot.1 + station.1));
  140     jackpot.0 * 100 + jackpot.1
  141 }