
Perserverance, or the lack thereof

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day-14.jl (1919B)

    1 function calc_fuel_cost(recipes, fuel_count)
    2     chemicals = Dict("FUEL" => fuel_count)
    3     leftovers = Dict()
    4     ore_count = 0
    5     while length(chemicals) != 0
    6         target, amount = pop!(chemicals)
    7         if target == "ORE"
    8             ore_count += amount
    9             continue
   10         end
   11         # Check leftovers before commiting to reaction.
   12         leftover_amount = get!(leftovers, target, 0)
   13         leftovers[target] -= min(amount, leftover_amount)
   14         amount -= min(amount, leftover_amount)
   15         if amount == 0
   16             continue
   17         end
   18         # Initiate new reaction.
   19         recipe = recipes[target]
   20         reaction_count = Int(ceil(amount / recipe[target]))
   21         for (k, v) in pairs(recipe)
   22             if k != target
   23                 chemicals[k] = get(chemicals, k, 0) + v * reaction_count
   24             else
   25                 # Place excess product in leftovers.
   26                 leftovers[target] = (
   27                     get(leftovers, target, 0)
   28                     + v * reaction_count - amount
   29                 )
   30             end
   31         end
   32     end
   33     ore_count
   34 end
   36 function part_1(input)
   37     calc_fuel_cost(input, 1)
   38 end
   40 function part_2(input)
   41     # Binary search.
   42     ore_cargo = 1000000000000
   43     lo = 1
   44     hi = ore_cargo
   45     while lo + 1 < hi
   46         mi = lo + (hi - lo) ÷ 2
   47         if calc_fuel_cost(input, mi) > ore_cargo
   48             hi = mi
   49         else
   50             lo = mi
   51         end
   52     end
   53     lo
   54 end
   56 input = map(readlines(open("input.txt"))) do line
   57     material, product = match(r"(.*) => (.*)", line).captures
   58     reaction = Dict()
   59     material = map(split(material, ", ")) do term
   60         num, name = split(term, " ")
   61         reaction[name] = parse(Int, num)
   62     end
   63     num, name = split(product, " ")
   64     reaction[name] = parse(Int, num)
   65     name => reaction
   66 end |> Dict
   68 println("Julia:")
   69 println("Part 1: ", part_1(input))
   70 println("Part 2: ", part_2(input))