
Perserverance, or the lack thereof

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main.go (2496B)

    1 package main
    3 import (
    4 	"bufio"
    5 	"fmt"
    6 	"os"
    7 	"strconv"
    8 )
   10 const (
   11 	P1_WIN = iota
   12 	P2_WIN
   13 )
   15 func readInput(filename string) (p1, p2 []int) {
   16 	file, _ := os.Open(filename)
   17 	defer file.Close()
   19 	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
   20 	currHand := []int{}
   21 	for scanner.Scan() {
   22 		line := scanner.Text()
   23 		if line == "" {
   24 			p1 = currHand
   25 			currHand = []int{}
   26 			continue
   27 		}
   28 		if num, err := strconv.Atoi(line); err == nil {
   29 			currHand = append(currHand, num)
   30 		}
   31 	}
   32 	p2 = currHand
   33 	return
   34 }
   36 func main() {
   37 	p1, p2 := readInput("./input.txt")
   38 	// 32815
   39 	fmt.Println(part1(p1, p2))
   40 	// 30695
   41 	fmt.Println(part2(p1, p2))
   42 }
   44 func playCombat(p1, p2 []int) ([]int, int) {
   45 	for len(p1) != 0 && len(p2) != 0 {
   46 		if p1[0] > p2[0] {
   47 			p1, p2 = append(p1[1:], p1[0], p2[0]), p2[1:]
   48 		} else {
   49 			p1, p2 = p1[1:], append(p2[1:], p2[0], p1[0])
   50 		}
   51 	}
   52 	if len(p1) == 0 {
   53 		return p2, P2_WIN
   54 	} else {
   55 		return p1, P1_WIN
   56 	}
   57 }
   59 func calcHand(hand []int) (res int) {
   60 	for i, v := range hand {
   61 		res += (len(hand) - i) * v
   62 	}
   63 	return
   64 }
   66 func part1(p1, p2 []int) int {
   67 	winnerHand, _ := playCombat(p1, p2)
   68 	return calcHand(winnerHand)
   69 }
   71 func calcHash(hand []int) (hash uint64) {
   72 	// djb2 hash, good enough for our input.
   73 	hash = 5381
   74 	for _, v := range hand {
   75 		hash = (hash<<5 + hash) + uint64(v)
   76 	}
   77 	return
   78 }
   80 func playRecursiveCombat(p1, p2 []int, strict bool) ([]int, int) {
   81 	gameHash := map[uint64][]int{}
   82 	for len(p1) != 0 && len(p2) != 0 {
   83 		// Because the game is deterministic, only need to record p1.
   84 		// Also only need to record per recursive level.
   85 		if hist, ok := gameHash[calcHash(p1)]; ok {
   86 			same := len(hist) == len(p1)
   87 			if strict {
   88 				for i := 0; i < len(hist) && same; i++ {
   89 					same = hist[i] == p1[i]
   90 				}
   91 			}
   92 			if same {
   93 				return p1, P1_WIN
   94 			} else {
   95 				panic(fmt.Sprintf("Need stronger hash: %v should differ from %v", p1, hist))
   96 			}
   97 		}
   98 		gameHash[calcHash(p1)] = p1
   99 		var res int
  100 		if p1[0] <= len(p1[1:]) && p2[0] <= len(p2[1:]) {
  101 			_, res = playRecursiveCombat(
  102 				append([]int{}, p1[1:1+p1[0]]...),
  103 				append([]int{}, p2[1:1+p2[0]]...),
  104 				strict,
  105 			)
  106 		} else {
  107 			if p1[0] > p2[0] {
  108 				res = P1_WIN
  109 			} else {
  110 				res = P2_WIN
  111 			}
  112 		}
  113 		if res == P1_WIN {
  114 			p1, p2 = append(p1[1:], p1[0], p2[0]), p2[1:]
  115 		} else {
  116 			p1, p2 = p1[1:], append(p2[1:], p2[0], p1[0])
  117 		}
  118 	}
  119 	if len(p1) == 0 {
  120 		return p2, P2_WIN
  121 	} else {
  122 		return p1, P1_WIN
  123 	}
  124 }
  126 func part2(p1, p2 []int) int {
  127 	winnerHand, _ := playRecursiveCombat(p1, p2, false)
  128 	return calcHand(winnerHand)
  129 }