
Perserverance, or the lack thereof

git clone git:// (6640B)

    1 use regex::Regex;
    2 use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};
    4 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
    5 enum Op {
    6     Add,
    7     Sub,
    8     Mul,
    9     Div,
   10 }
   12 impl Op {
   13     fn calc(&self, a: i64, b: i64) -> i64 {
   14         match self {
   15             Self::Add => a + b,
   16             Self::Sub => a - b,
   17             Self::Mul => a * b,
   18             Self::Div => a / b,
   19         }
   20     }
   22     fn calc_poly(&self, a: &Vec<f64>, b: &Vec<f64>) -> Vec<f64> {
   23         let mut res = Vec::new();
   24         match self {
   25             Self::Add => {
   26                 res = a.clone();
   27                 for (j, y) in b.iter().enumerate() {
   28                     while res.len() < j + 1 {
   29                         res.push(0.0);
   30                     }
   31                     res[j] += y;
   32                 }
   33             }
   34             Self::Sub => {
   35                 res = a.clone();
   36                 for (j, y) in b.iter().enumerate() {
   37                     while res.len() < j + 1 {
   38                         res.push(0.0);
   39                     }
   40                     res[j] -= y;
   41                 }
   42             }
   43             Self::Mul => {
   44                 for (i, x) in a.iter().enumerate() {
   45                     for (j, y) in b.iter().enumerate() {
   46                         while res.len() < i + j + 1 {
   47                             res.push(0.0);
   48                         }
   49                         res[i + j] += x * y;
   50                     }
   51                 }
   52             }
   53             Self::Div => {
   54                 res = a.clone();
   55                 for i in 0..a.len() {
   56                     for (j, y) in b.iter().enumerate() {
   57                         if j == 0 {
   58                             res[i] /= b[0];
   59                         } else {
   60                             res[i + j] -= res[i] * y;
   61                         }
   62                     }
   63                     if i + b.len() == a.len() {
   64                         break;
   65                     }
   66                 }
   67             }
   68         }
   69         let len = res.len();
   70         for i in (0..len).rev() {
   71             if res[i] == 0.0 {
   72                 res.remove(i);
   73             } else {
   74                 break;
   75             }
   76         }
   77         res
   78     }
   79 }
   81 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
   82 enum Cell {
   83     Num(i64),
   84     Calc(Op, String, String),
   85 }
   87 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
   88 struct Monkey {
   89     id: String,
   90     cell: Cell,
   91 }
   93 impl Monkey {
   94     fn from_str(s: &str) -> Option<Self> {
   95         if let Some(cap) = Regex::new(r"^(?P<id>[a-z]{4}): (?P<num>[0-9]+)$")
   96             .unwrap()
   97             .captures(s)
   98         {
   99             Some(Monkey {
  100                 id:"id").unwrap().as_str().to_string(),
  101                 cell: Cell::Num("num").unwrap().as_str().parse::<i64>().unwrap()),
  102             })
  103         } else if let Some(cap) =
  104             Regex::new(r"^(?P<id>[a-z]{4}): (?P<id_1>[a-z]{4}) (?P<op>[-+*/]) (?P<id_2>[a-z]{4})$")
  105                 .unwrap()
  106                 .captures(s)
  107         {
  108             Some(Monkey {
  109                 id:"id").unwrap().as_str().to_string(),
  110                 cell: Cell::Calc(
  111                     match"op").unwrap().as_str() {
  112                         "+" => Op::Add,
  113                         "-" => Op::Sub,
  114                         "*" => Op::Mul,
  115                         "/" => Op::Div,
  116                         _ => unreachable!(),
  117                     },
  118           "id_1").unwrap().as_str().to_string(),
  119           "id_2").unwrap().as_str().to_string(),
  120                 ),
  121             })
  122         } else {
  123             None
  124         }
  125     }
  126 }
  128 fn main() {
  129     let input = std::fs::read_to_string("input.txt")
  130         .unwrap()
  131         .trim()
  132         .split('\n')
  133         .map(|s| Monkey::from_str(s).unwrap())
  134         .collect::<Vec<Monkey>>();
  135     // 364367103397416
  136     println!("Part 1: {}", part_1(&input));
  137     // 3782852515583
  138     println!("Part 2: {:?}", part_2(&input));
  139 }
  141 fn part_1(input: &Vec<Monkey>) -> i64 {
  142     let monkeys = input
  143         .iter()
  144         .map(|m| (, m.clone()))
  145         .collect::<HashMap<String, Monkey>>();
  147     let mut results = HashMap::new();
  148     let mut stack = VecDeque::new();
  149     stack.push_front("root".to_string());
  150     while let Some(id_curr) = stack.pop_front() {
  151         match &monkeys.get(&id_curr).unwrap().cell {
  152             Cell::Num(x) => {
  153                 results.insert(id_curr, *x);
  154             }
  155             Cell::Calc(op, id_1, id_2) => match (results.get(id_1), results.get(id_2)) {
  156                 (Some(a), Some(b)) => {
  157                     results.insert(id_curr.clone(), op.calc(*a, *b));
  158                 }
  159                 (res_1, res_2) => {
  160                     stack.push_front(id_curr.clone());
  161                     if res_1.is_none() {
  162                         stack.push_front(id_1.clone());
  163                     }
  164                     if res_2.is_none() {
  165                         stack.push_front(id_2.clone());
  166                     }
  167                 }
  168             },
  169         }
  170     }
  171     *results.get("root").unwrap()
  172 }
  174 fn part_2(input: &Vec<Monkey>) -> i64 {
  175     let mut monkeys = input
  176         .iter()
  177         .map(|m| (, m.clone()))
  178         .collect::<HashMap<String, Monkey>>();
  179     if let Cell::Calc(_, id_1, id_2) = &monkeys.get("root").unwrap().cell {
  180         monkeys.insert(
  181             "root".to_string(),
  182             Monkey {
  183                 id: "root".to_string(),
  184                 cell: Cell::Calc(Op::Sub, id_1.clone(), id_2.clone()),
  185             },
  186         );
  187     }
  188     let mut results = HashMap::new();
  189     let mut stack = VecDeque::new();
  190     stack.push_front("root".to_string());
  191     while let Some(id_curr) = stack.pop_front() {
  192         if id_curr == "humn" {
  193             results.insert(id_curr.clone(), vec![0.0, 1.0]);
  194             continue;
  195         }
  196         match &monkeys.get(&id_curr).unwrap().cell {
  197             Cell::Num(x) => {
  198                 results.insert(id_curr, vec![*x as f64]);
  199             }
  200             Cell::Calc(op, id_1, id_2) => match (results.get(id_1), results.get(id_2)) {
  201                 (Some(a), Some(b)) => {
  202                     results.insert(id_curr.clone(), op.calc_poly(a, b));
  203                 }
  204                 (res_1, res_2) => {
  205                     stack.push_front(id_curr.clone());
  206                     if res_1.is_none() {
  207                         stack.push_front(id_1.clone());
  208                     }
  209                     if res_2.is_none() {
  210                         stack.push_front(id_2.clone());
  211                     }
  212                 }
  213             },
  214         }
  215     }
  216     let res = results.get("root").unwrap();
  217     println!("Polynomial: {:?}", res);
  218     // assume greatest power of 1
  219     (-res[0] / res[1]) as i64
  220 }