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    1 [[comments]]
    2 name="Random Ken"
    3 email_hash="20a8d0b8a8"
    4 time=2014-02-09T01:25:31+00:00
    5 uri="/en/posts/2014-02-09-linux-only-boots-under-recovery-mode/"
    6 content="""
    7 Is your BIOS set to look for a bootable USB device? If so maybe that is now causing a conflict and needs to be disabled, so that it only seeks out your harddrive for booting.
    8 """
    9 [[comments]]
   10 name="shimmy1996"
   11 email_hash="9954e37336"
   12 time=2014-02-09T08:02:56+00:00
   13 uri="/en/posts/2014-02-09-linux-only-boots-under-recovery-mode/"
   14 content="""
   15 You are the first one to comment on Pandora!!!:)
   17 I'm not sure, though, for the windows loader works perfectly. Thanks for the advice anyways. XDD
   18 """
   19 [[comments]]
   20 name="Random Ken"
   21 email_hash="20a8d0b8a8"
   22 time=2014-02-09T20:00:30+00:00
   23 uri="/en/posts/2014-02-09-linux-only-boots-under-recovery-mode/"
   24 content="""
   25 Do I win a prize? 😛 lol
   27 Hmm if it still loads for Windows then no, that doesn’t sound like the problem. Strange. Hopefully you figure it out 🙂
   28 """
   29 [[comments]]
   30 name="BXMusic"
   31 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
   32 time=2014-07-14T08:35:04+00:00
   33 uri="/zh/friends/"
   34 content="""
   35 yoooooooooooooooo
   36 """
   37 [[comments]]
   38 name="shimmy1996"
   39 email_hash="9954e37336"
   40 time=2014-07-14T08:57:40+00:00
   41 uri="/zh/friends/"
   42 content="""
   43 YOOOOO~  少年不来一发?我今天开个注册....
   44 """
   45 [[comments]]
   46 name="BXMusic"
   47 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
   48 time=2014-07-14T08:59:44+00:00
   49 uri="/zh/friends/"
   50 content="""
   51 目测服务器离我这边远得很……开网页速度特别慢
   52 """
   53 [[comments]]
   54 name="shimmy1996"
   55 email_hash="9954e37336"
   56 time=2014-07-14T09:00:10+00:00
   57 uri="/zh/friends/"
   58 content="""
   59 卧槽跪...有多慢?
   60 """
   61 [[comments]]
   62 name="BXMusic"
   63 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
   64 time=2014-07-14T09:01:40+00:00
   65 uri="/zh/friends/"
   66 content="""
   67 网页有60%左右概率加载失败,成功的情况下要20s左右打开……好的情况下10s左右……
   68 """
   69 [[comments]]
   70 name="shimmy1996"
   71 email_hash="9954e37336"
   72 time=2014-07-14T09:02:33+00:00
   73 uri="/zh/friends/"
   74 content="""
   75 可以注册了
   76 """
   77 [[comments]]
   78 name="shimmy1996"
   79 email_hash="9954e37336"
   80 time=2014-07-14T09:03:10+00:00
   81 uri="/zh/friends/"
   82 content="""
   83 这样啊...不知道独立ip会不会好些...
   84 """
   85 [[comments]]
   86 name="shimmy1996"
   87 email_hash="9954e37336"
   88 time=2014-07-14T10:26:40+00:00
   89 uri="/zh/friends/"
   90 content="""
   91 我测了国内各地的ping值....详见日志...
   92 """
   93 [[comments]]
   94 name="BXMusic"
   95 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
   96 time=2014-07-19T08:53:25+00:00
   97 uri="/zh/posts/2014-07-18-i-met-zhengyuanjie/"
   98 content="""
   99 超厉害!你们都聊了些啥?
  100 """
  101 [[comments]]
  102 name="shimmy1996"
  103 email_hash="9954e37336"
  104 time=2014-07-19T15:28:06+00:00
  105 uri="/zh/posts/2014-07-18-i-met-zhengyuanjie/"
  106 content="""
  107 噢噢噢他讲了让各国使馆吃瘪的故事,他当时给郑亚旗写教材的心情,然后他在米帝停车不慎吃了罚单准备上诉上法庭,有可能还想体验一下坐牢XDDD
  108 """
  109 [[comments]]
  110 name="shimmy1996"
  111 email_hash="9954e37336"
  112 time=2014-07-19T15:36:20+00:00
  113 uri="/zh/posts/2014-07-18-i-met-zhengyuanjie/"
  114 content="""
  115 还有之前他找牙医的奇遇XDD 当年签30年童话大王等等
  116 """
  117 [[comments]]
  118 name="shimmy1996"
  119 email_hash="9954e37336"
  120 time=2014-07-19T16:16:08+00:00
  121 uri="/zh/posts/2014-07-18-i-met-zhengyuanjie/"
  122 content="""
  123 非常有趣,和善,根本不像明年60大寿的样子,潮的很。虽说有的观点不尽同意,但是不得不说是个敢想敢做,非常大胆的人。
  124 """
  125 [[comments]]
  126 name="A Clef"
  127 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
  128 time=2014-07-25T08:39:01+00:00
  129 uri="/zh/posts/2014-07-24-use-alt-code-to-input-special-characters/"
  130 content="""
  131 蛤蛤,这个玩意儿我在幼儿园还是小学的时候就发现了,感觉很神奇。
  132 """
  133 [[comments]]
  134 name="shimmy1996"
  135 email_hash="9954e37336"
  136 time=2014-07-25T10:13:01+00:00
  137 uri="/zh/posts/2014-07-24-use-alt-code-to-input-special-characters/"
  138 content="""
  139 我之前因为需要输µ这个字母所以去找的XDD,网上还有一些alt code能输出笑脸,音符等等,不知道是怎么做的...我试了不少都不行...跪...
  140 """
  141 [[comments]]
  142 name="A Clef"
  143 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
  144 time=2014-07-31T08:11:21+00:00
  145 uri="/zh/posts/2014-07-30-file-destructor-2/"
  146 content="""
  147 这个实现起来应该很简单,没想到还真有无聊的人去搞……真的能躲过deadline吗
  148 """
  149 [[comments]]
  150 name="shimmy1996"
  151 email_hash="9954e37336"
  152 time=2014-07-31T11:39:26+00:00
  153 uri="/zh/posts/2014-07-30-file-destructor-2/"
  154 content="""
  155 我上学期有一次真是文件坏了XDD 然后成功要到两天延期...不过估计用的人多了就会露馅吧lol
  157 我刚才试着向学校的系统里交了一下,发现这货会提示文件已损坏hhhhhh所以只适用于email交作业...
  158 """
  159 [[comments]]
  160 name="Z"
  161 email_hash="44fe2d5841"
  162 time=2014-08-03T04:47:00+00:00
  163 uri="/zh/posts/2014-07-18-i-met-zhengyuanjie/"
  164 content="""
  165 小时候也很他的作品呢,总是跑到新华书店去看。
  166 """
  167 [[comments]]
  168 name="Z"
  169 email_hash="44fe2d5841"
  170 time=2014-08-03T05:00:04+00:00
  171 uri="/zh/posts/2014-07-24-use-alt-code-to-input-special-characters/"
  172 content="""
  173 我觉得我需要把常用字符存个txt带着。经常有×、∅之类的换个计算机就找不到在哪儿了=_=
  174 """
  175 [[comments]]
  176 name="shimmy1996"
  177 email_hash="9954e37336"
  178 time=2014-08-03T15:46:45+00:00
  179 uri="/zh/posts/2014-07-24-use-alt-code-to-input-special-characters/"
  180 content="""
  181 噢噢噢噢哦感谢回访XDDDDD
  183 所以说各种奇怪的符号简直反人类啊XDD,还好有latex...
  185 另,你成为了这儿的第一位「朋友」哦!
  186 """
  187 [[comments]]
  188 name="shimmy1996"
  189 email_hash="9954e37336"
  190 time=2014-08-03T16:16:20+00:00
  191 uri="/zh/posts/2014-07-18-i-met-zhengyuanjie/"
  192 content="""
  193 都是慢慢的回忆啊XD
  194 """
  195 [[comments]]
  196 name="BXMusic"
  197 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
  198 time=2014-08-03T19:24:47+00:00
  199 uri="/zh/posts/2014-08-03-using-duoshuo/"
  200 content="""
  201 我家终于换上光纤了,不过最进网页打开的概率似乎有所下降
  202 """
  203 [[comments]]
  204 name="shimmy1996"
  205 email_hash="9954e37336"
  206 time=2014-08-04T05:47:10+00:00
  207 uri="/zh/posts/2014-08-03-using-duoshuo/"
  208 content="""
  209 给跪...那速度如何?
  210 """
  211 [[comments]]
  212 name="shun"
  213 email_hash="5a5689d7f8"
  214 time=2014-08-05T07:53:03+00:00
  215 uri="/zh/posts/2014-08-03-using-duoshuo/"
  216 content="""
  217 多说确实比较好用
  218 """
  219 [[comments]]
  220 name="Z"
  221 email_hash="44fe2d5841"
  222 time=2014-08-07T08:30:28+00:00
  223 uri="/zh/posts/2014-07-30-file-destructor-2/"
  224 content="""
  225 >_<
  226 """
  227 [[comments]]
  228 name="BXMusic"
  229 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
  230 time=2014-08-12T19:11:37+00:00
  231 uri="/zh/posts/2014-08-11-experience-as-a-miner/"
  232 content="""
  233 除了挖矿这货还可能有其他用处吗……发挥它的算力
  234 """
  235 [[comments]]
  236 name="shimmy1996"
  237 email_hash="9954e37336"
  238 time=2014-08-12T21:31:03+00:00
  239 uri="/zh/posts/2014-08-11-experience-as-a-miner/"
  240 content="""
  241 这倒不清楚,我可以试试...如果可以当计算卡用那就赚大发了
  243 (暖炉不算用处吗喂!
  244 """
  245 [[comments]]
  246 name="Z"
  247 email_hash="44fe2d5841"
  248 time=2014-08-13T20:27:54+00:00
  249 uri="/zh/posts/2014-08-11-experience-as-a-miner/"
  250 content="""
  251 不懂,=_=看起来很神奇的样子
  252 """
  253 [[comments]]
  254 name="Z"
  255 email_hash="44fe2d5841"
  256 time=2014-08-13T20:29:06+00:00
  257 uri="/zh/posts/2014-08-12-one-month-anniversary/"
  258 content="""
  259 恭喜=^_^=
  260 """
  261 [[comments]]
  262 name="shimmy1996"
  263 email_hash="9954e37336"
  264 time=2014-08-13T22:32:40+00:00
  265 uri="/zh/posts/2014-08-12-one-month-anniversary/"
  266 content="""
  268 """
  269 [[comments]]
  270 name="A Clef"
  271 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
  272 time=2014-09-22T15:34:05+00:00
  273 uri="/zh/friends/"
  274 content="""
  275 yoooo终于正式开学了 我也许应该开始刷高数了……
  276 """
  277 [[comments]]
  278 name="shimmy1996"
  279 email_hash="9954e37336"
  280 time=2014-09-22T16:24:30+00:00
  281 uri="/zh/friends/"
  282 content="""
  283 Yoooo~  我后天也要回学校了XDD
  285 我现在家里网络访问博客简直蛋疼...OTZ
  287 回校后会开始更新XDD
  289 高数加油吧少年~
  290 """
  291 [[comments]]
  292 name="Antonius"
  293 email_hash="837eea9725"
  294 time=2014-10-01T11:15:43+00:00
  295 uri="/zh/friends/"
  296 content="""
  297 少年!一直有看你的部落格。新學期唸書加油~
  298 """
  299 [[comments]]
  300 name="shimmy1996"
  301 email_hash="9954e37336"
  302 time=2014-10-02T02:13:50+00:00
  303 uri="/zh/friends/"
  304 content="""
  305 多谢支持!XDD
  307 某会努力的XDDDD
  308 """
  309 [[comments]]
  310 name="Z"
  311 email_hash="44fe2d5841"
  312 time=2014-10-26T20:00:40+00:00
  313 uri="/zh/posts/2014-10-12-miku-expo-in-la/"
  314 content="""
  315 好happyo(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
  316 """
  317 [[comments]]
  318 name="A Clef"
  319 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
  320 time=2015-01-02T10:44:40+00:00
  321 uri="/zh/friends/"
  322 content="""
  323 我终于也买了块机械键盘!ikbc的红轴F104
  325 送了套PBT键帽省的买了~
  326 """
  327 [[comments]]
  328 name="Z"
  329 email_hash="44fe2d5841"
  330 time=2015-01-03T16:15:18+00:00
  331 uri="/zh/posts/2014-12-18-winter-is-coming/"
  332 content="""
  333 新年快乐
  334 """
  335 [[comments]]
  336 name="shimmy1996"
  337 email_hash="9954e37336"
  338 time=2015-01-05T17:17:06+00:00
  339 uri="/zh/posts/2014-12-18-winter-is-coming/"
  340 content="""
  341 新年快乐!XDD
  342 """
  343 [[comments]]
  344 name="shimmy1996"
  345 email_hash="9954e37336"
  346 time=2015-01-25T00:09:22+00:00
  347 uri="/zh/friends/"
  348 content="""
  349 好顶赞!XDD
  351 使用感觉如何?
  352 """
  353 [[comments]]
  354 name="御宅暴君"
  355 email_hash="91a32d2bbf"
  356 time=2015-06-27T09:39:00+00:00
  357 uri="/zh/friends/"
  358 content="""
  359 强力・路过。
  360 """
  361 [[comments]]
  362 name="shimmy1996"
  363 email_hash="9954e37336"
  364 time=2015-06-27T17:23:00+00:00
  365 uri="/zh/friends/"
  366 content="""
  367 给本页首个回复点个赞XD
  368 """
  369 [[comments]]
  370 name="御宅暴君"
  371 email_hash="91a32d2bbf"
  372 time=2015-08-03T13:56:00+00:00
  373 uri="/zh/friends/"
  374 content="""
  375 贵博为什么起这名呢?
  376 """
  377 [[comments]]
  378 name="shimmy1996"
  379 email_hash="9954e37336"
  380 time=2015-08-04T01:37:00+00:00
  381 uri="/zh/friends/"
  382 content="""
  383 博客名字来源于基地系列中的川陀大学图书馆,也就是第二基地所在地。
  384 """
  385 [[comments]]
  386 name="aclef"
  387 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
  388 time=2015-12-22T20:02:00+00:00
  389 uri="/zh/friends/"
  390 content="""
  391 yooo!好久没更新啊。
  393 我时不时会过来逛一圈,但是留言板常常加载不出来(大概是校园网的锅?)。
  394 今天不知道为什么加载出来了,so
  395 自从国内gmail彻底挂掉之后我就用aclef@qq.com这个邮箱了,你现在用的邮箱地址是什么?
  396 另外最近我也考虑建一个blog,还在考虑要买哪里的空间。
  399 BXMusic
  400 """
  401 [[comments]]
  402 name="aclef"
  403 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
  404 time=2015-12-22T20:03:00+00:00
  405 uri="/zh/friends/"
  406 content="""
  407 另外我也买了个POKER II~但是没有方向键真的好不习惯,导致我打算转战Vim了
  408 """
  409 [[comments]]
  410 name="shimmy1996"
  411 email_hash="9954e37336"
  412 time=2015-12-22T20:44:00+00:00
  413 uri="/zh/friends/"
  414 content="""
  415 yooooo! 好久不见!(前天明明更新了啊XD)
  417 现在用的邮箱发给你了
  419 我现在用的是bluehost,唯一的好处大概是便宜?
  421 国内好像有不少人在用hk的机房,似乎不用备案?
  422 """
  423 [[comments]]
  424 name="shimmy1996"
  425 email_hash="9954e37336"
  426 time=2015-12-22T20:49:00+00:00
  427 uri="/zh/friends/"
  428 content="""
  429 60的方向键确实是个痛点...有方向键的大多不是标准键位
  431 不过用vim的话都不是问题吧XDD
  432 """
  433 [[comments]]
  434 name="aclef"
  435 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
  436 time=2016-01-04T19:53:00+00:00
  437 uri="/zh/posts/2016-01-01-things-i-want-to-do-in-2016/"
  438 content="""
  439 蛤!发现原来还有一个wiki。两个站可以放在同一个空间里面吗?
  440 """
  441 [[comments]]
  442 name="shimmy1996"
  443 email_hash="9954e37336"
  444 time=2016-01-04T20:47:00+00:00
  445 uri="/zh/posts/2016-01-01-things-i-want-to-do-in-2016/"
  446 content="""
  447 可以的,用二级域名就行0 0
  448 """
  449 [[comments]]
  450 name="aclef"
  451 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
  452 time=2016-01-05T16:55:00+00:00
  453 uri="/zh/posts/2016-01-01-things-i-want-to-do-in-2016/"
  454 content="""
  455 解析要怎么设置?我的那个空间商好像只允许一个子站
  456 """
  457 [[comments]]
  458 name="aclef"
  459 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
  460 time=2016-01-05T16:56:00+00:00
  461 uri="/zh/posts/2016-01-01-things-i-want-to-do-in-2016/"
  462 content="""
  463 我已经把一个子站的额度给用掉了,好像不能直接解析到某一个目录里面
  464 """
  465 [[comments]]
  466 name="shimmy1996"
  467 email_hash="9954e37336"
  468 time=2016-01-06T21:19:00+00:00
  469 uri="/zh/posts/2016-01-01-things-i-want-to-do-in-2016/"
  470 content="""
  471 即使没有子站支持也应该可以解析到public_html的下级目录的吧?i.e.
  472 """
  473 [[comments]]
  474 name="HiKo"
  475 email_hash="9894352427"
  476 time=2016-05-22T17:29:00+00:00
  477 uri="/zh/friends/"
  478 content="""
  479 资瓷一个。。同为程序员,而且也爱阿西莫夫(看头像即可233),也喜欢玩键盘,很佩服博主折腾键盘的精神。
  481 前段时间刚买了一把 HHKB 无刻,好是好,但数字区经常按错,而且左下角缺键让我没法用手掌去按 Control,有点遗憾。相比之下,感觉 minila 的布局更适合我,反正 Esc、CapsLock 和 Backspace 可以自己改,但是最下排功能键又太多,不如给我一个长空格,总之都不完美。不知博主现在心目中是否有「完美」的键盘呢?
  482 """
  483 [[comments]]
  484 name="HiKo"
  485 email_hash="9894352427"
  486 time=2016-05-22T19:56:00+00:00
  487 uri="/zh/friends/"
  488 content="""
  489 Mac 下可以把 Control + B/P/N/F 绑定方向键,正好不影响文本编辑时的光标定位。Linux 应该也可以?
  490 """
  491 [[comments]]
  492 name="shimmy1996"
  493 email_hash="9954e37336"
  494 time=2016-05-22T23:36:00+00:00
  495 uri="/zh/friends/"
  496 content="""
  497 多谢资瓷XDDD 最近没怎么更新还来有人到访真是感动XDDD
  499 现在感觉用的最舒服的还是ergodox,一个开源的分体垂直布局键盘(可以在之前的键盘像素画里看到w)
  501 由于可以自定义键位,可以尝试不同布局直到找到最适合的为止
  503 分体式的设计也减轻了手腕负担
  505 用惯ergodox后,在键盘这块基本拔草了www
  507 不过有点头疼的是尺寸太大,所以带笔记本出行还是只能用自带键盘(
  509 (其实最大的缺点是键帽难配XDD)
  510 """
  511 [[comments]]
  512 name="HiKo"
  513 email_hash="9894352427"
  514 time=2016-05-23T07:14:00+00:00
  515 uri="/zh/friends/"
  516 content="""
  517 哈哈,昨天看到像素画就觉得这键盘很棒,而且貌似还可以单手用,有机会试试~感谢推荐,记得常更新啊2333
  518 """
  519 [[comments]]
  520 name="Chiahao Miao"
  521 email_hash="3ee1781940"
  522 time=2017-02-28T15:54:00+00:00
  523 uri="/zh/posts/2016-01-01-things-i-want-to-do-in-2016/"
  524 content="""
  525 道理我都懂…到现在wiki都没更→_→
  526 """
  527 [[comments]]
  528 name="shimmy1996"
  529 email_hash="9954e37336"
  530 time=2017-02-28T16:39:00+00:00
  531 uri="/zh/posts/2016-01-01-things-i-want-to-do-in-2016/"
  532 content="""
  533 啊快毕业了所以把老游戏都收起来了,结果就一直没整理...但是其他大部分目标都实现了=v=
  534 """
  535 [[comments]]
  536 name="shimmy1996"
  537 email_hash="9954e37336"
  538 time=2017-10-25T04:22:48+00:00
  539 uri="/en/friends/"
  540 content="""
  541 Testing the new comment system.
  542 """
  543 [[comments]]
  544 name="shimmy1996"
  545 email_hash="9954e37336"
  546 time=2017-10-25T04:23:29+00:00
  547 uri="/zh/friends/"
  548 content="""
  549 测试isso评论系统。
  550 """
  551 [[comments]]
  552 name="shimmy1996"
  553 email_hash="9954e37336"
  554 time=2017-10-26T04:48:03+00:00
  555 uri="/en/friends/"
  556 content="""
  557 This is looking great!
  558 """
  559 [[comments]]
  560 name="shimmy1996"
  561 email_hash="9954e37336"
  562 time=2017-10-26T04:48:32+00:00
  563 uri="/zh/friends/"
  564 content="""
  565 看起来很棒!
  566 """
  567 [[comments]]
  568 name="shimmy1996"
  569 email_hash="9954e37336"
  570 time=2017-10-26T15:07:28+00:00
  571 uri="/en/friends/"
  572 content="""
  573 Testing from IOS.
  574 """
  575 [[comments]]
  576 name="shimmy1996"
  577 email_hash="9954e37336"
  578 time=2017-10-26T15:21:06+00:00
  579 uri="/zh/friends/"
  580 content="""
  581 IOS 平台测试。
  582 """
  583 [[comments]]
  584 name="Yihui"
  585 email_hash="093f5583f8"
  586 time=2018-02-05T03:30:28+00:00
  587 uri="/zh/posts/2018-01-15-my-very-own-avatar-icon-thingy/"
  588 content="""
  589 我的头像也是自己制作的,不过我不会用图片编辑工具,所以直接用了一个在线服务,拼凑了几个卡通图案,然后用了十几年了。
  590 """
  591 [[comments]]
  592 name="shimmy1996"
  593 email_hash="9954e37336"
  594 time=2018-02-05T03:39:35+00:00
  595 uri="/zh/posts/2018-01-15-my-very-own-avatar-icon-thingy/"
  596 content="""
  597 嘿!你是这个站重建后的第一条评论!你的头像感觉是南方公园的风格啊。
  598 """
  599 [[comments]]
  600 name="Yihui"
  601 email_hash="093f5583f8"
  602 time=2018-02-19T04:12:05+00:00
  603 uri="/zh/posts/2018-01-15-my-very-own-avatar-icon-thingy/"
  604 content="""
  605 正是南方公园!
  606 """
  607 [[comments]]
  608 name="laurent"
  609 email_hash="be70f113af"
  610 time=2019-06-24T10:42:30+00:00
  611 uri="/zh/friends/"
  612 content="""
  613 网站很棒
  614 """
  615 [[comments]]
  616 name="shimmy1996"
  617 email_hash="9954e37336"
  618 time=2019-06-25T00:53:45+00:00
  619 uri="/en/friends/"
  620 content="""
  621 Testing reply.
  622 """
  623 [[comments]]
  624 name="shimmy1996"
  625 email_hash="9954e37336"
  626 time=2019-06-25T01:03:08+00:00
  627 uri="/zh/friends/"
  628 content="""
  629 谢谢!:)
  630 """
  631 [[comments]]
  632 name="aclef"
  633 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
  634 time=2019-09-15T07:41:58+00:00
  635 uri="/en/friends/"
  636 content="""
  637 long time no see :D I nuked my blog a long time ago. Pushed it online
  638 again on the spur of the moment but really have no idea how long can I
  639 keep doing it, or the general point of this but...
  640 """
  641 [[comments]]
  642 name="shimmy1996"
  643 email_hash="9954e37336"
  644 time=2019-09-15T14:23:22+00:00
  645 uri="/en/friends/"
  646 content="""
  647 Ayyyy - it's been quite a while for sure! Glad to see the revival of your site. I consider personal website to be part of my digital identity - not too different from having a twitter account except that I own all the data - so I guess its existence is the whole point (no pun intended)?
  648 """
  649 [[comments]]
  650 name="aclef"
  651 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
  652 time=2019-09-16T04:52:34+00:00
  653 uri="/en/posts/2019-09-15-hello-darkness-my-old-friend/"
  654 content="""
  655 I've been using Manjaro exclusively for at least a year(yeah I'm not quite nerd enough to try Arch in its original taste or even Gentoo XD), One thing I love is I can easily invert the color of window with shortcuts. Together with many other pros I can finally say I love linux for its own sake but not out of my hatred for Microsoft. LOL.
  657 How is LaTeX rendering implemented for your blog? Does it work well with dare mode?
  658 """
  659 [[comments]]
  660 name="shimmy1996"
  661 email_hash="9954e37336"
  662 time=2019-09-16T05:10:41+00:00
  663 uri="/en/posts/2019-09-15-hello-darkness-my-old-friend/"
  664 content="""
  665 Interesting - is that a function of the desktop environment that you use? Does it handle images correctly?
  667 For LaTeX rendering, I'm using [KaTeX](, which is supposedly faster than the more popular MathJax. It respects the html color tags so it works fine in dark mode. I haven't figured out an efficient way to include my LaTeX macros so the only example of posts using LaTeX so far is the LaTeX logo [here](
  668 """
  669 [[comments]]
  670 name="aclef"
  671 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
  672 time=2019-09-16T05:23:07+00:00
  673 uri="/en/posts/2019-01-27-installing-gentoo/"
  674 content="""
  675 I don't really know I am the guy who introduced you to the Linux wonderland XD. I've been using all sorts of distributions along the way but eventually settled on Manjaro, before I completely ditched Win.
  677 I still do distro/DE/WM jumping sometimes, but I have an inexplicable distaste for VMs so I installed them into SD cards(have to do some chainloading to boot into it but visually more appealing, without an USB dongle ) or USB drives, and they run very smoothly, which is quite unexpected.
  678 """
  679 [[comments]]
  680 name="aclef"
  681 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
  682 time=2019-09-16T05:35:43+00:00
  683 uri="/en/posts/2019-09-15-hello-darkness-my-old-friend/"
  684 content="""
  685 For KDE out of the box there's an invert option in desktop effect settings, you can specify different hot key for window inversion or global inversion.
  686 For Cinnamon you can install a extension in it's own extension market that can do the same thing.
  688 For other gnome derivatives, install xcalib and register a hot key to 'xcalib -i -c' can handle global inversion ,still don't know how to do window-wise inversion.
  689 Because it's inversion on the level of window composition so images will also be inverted, it's okay for me though. For webpages there's a firefox plugin that can handle image aware inversion.
  690 """
  691 [[comments]]
  692 name="shimmy1996"
  693 email_hash="9954e37336"
  694 time=2019-09-16T05:54:29+00:00
  695 uri="/en/posts/2019-09-15-hello-darkness-my-old-friend/"
  696 content="""
  697 Intriguing - I'm running i3/sway on my setup and use system-wide dark mode via `gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme` config. It's finicky in that its effectiveness depends on application support. In context of website dark modes, Firefox picks that setting up and loads the correct CSS but Chromium doesn't.
  698 """
  699 [[comments]]
  700 name="shimmy1996"
  701 email_hash="9954e37336"
  702 time=2019-09-16T06:25:09+00:00
  703 uri="/en/posts/2019-01-27-installing-gentoo/"
  704 content="""
  705 My primary use case for VMs is to run certain Win/Mac only programs (yes Adobe I'm looking at you and your stupid encrypted PDFs). For distro hopping, VM is nice in that it circumvents most driver issues, but I can see the appeal of SD card/USB drive approaches - much more portable if you want to run on different devices. Modern day flash memory are probably magnitudes faster than HDDs in random reads - good ol' technology!
  706 """
  707 [[comments]]
  708 name="aclef"
  709 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
  710 time=2019-09-21T15:28:50+00:00
  711 uri="/en/friends/"
  712 content="""
  713 Ugh GFW are on fire these days. I submit. Gotta wait until the shit passes. Just to let you know I made my new hugo site as a standalone venting site because now my teacher reads my blog XD, you can add to my link lol
  714 """
  715 [[comments]]
  716 name="shimmy1996"
  717 email_hash="9954e37336"
  718 time=2019-09-22T03:18:09+00:00
  719 uri="/en/friends/"
  720 content="""
  721 Updated! I can't seem to find the rss feed on for hugo site though - any plans on adding that?
  722 """
  723 [[comments]]
  724 name="aclef"
  725 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
  726 time=2019-09-22T04:01:29+00:00
  727 uri="/en/friends/"
  728 content="""
  729 Definitely, I'll tell you when I figure that out
  730 """
  731 [[comments]]
  732 name="ruibin"
  733 email_hash="e5e6d9d932"
  734 time=2019-09-22T13:32:58+00:00
  735 uri="/zh/posts/2017-10-22-no-more-disqusting-disqus/"
  736 content="""
  737 可能不需要评论,可能邮箱就够了😛️很棒的主题
  738 """
  739 [[comments]]
  740 name="shimmy1996"
  741 email_hash="9954e37336"
  742 time=2019-09-22T17:20:25+00:00
  743 uri="/zh/posts/2017-10-22-no-more-disqusting-disqus/"
  744 content="""
  745 谢谢!用邮件列表来做评论系统确实是个不错的主意🤔
  746 """
  747 [[comments]]
  748 name="shimmy1996"
  749 email_hash="9954e37336"
  750 time=2019-09-22T17:32:46+00:00
  751 uri="/en/friends/"
  752 content="""
  753 Ha found it - it's just a `/index.xml` away.
  754 """
  755 [[comments]]
  756 name="aclef"
  757 email_hash="ae00de6dd1"
  758 time=2019-09-23T09:50:59+00:00
  759 uri="/en/friends/"
  760 content="""
  761 Ohhh it's always there, I just added a menu link to it
  762 """
  763 [[comments]]
  764 name = "LanternD"
  765 email_hash = "8863c7fec0"
  766 time = 2020-04-06T12:22:35-04:00
  767 uri = "/zh/posts/2020-01-01-2019-in-review/"
  768 content = """
  769 或许是第一条评论pipeline测试。
  771 跑400 mile是个了不起的成就啊。我各种跑步App几年加起来还没有400 mile,真是惭愧。跑量上去以后你觉得身体会有什么变化吗?
  773 我最近也搭了一个Mastodon,我觉得完全符合我的需求,决定长期使用下去。Twitter也仅限于只读状态了。但我应该不会删除各种账号,毕竟也是我在互联网存在过的凭证。如果有人想要社会工程那就随他们去吧。
  774 """
  775 [[comments]]
  776 name = "LanternD"
  777 email_hash = "8863c7fec0"
  778 time = 2020-04-06T12:31:07-04:00
  779 uri = "/zh/posts/2018-06-24-fun-with-fonts-in-emacs/"
  780 content = """
  781 印象中我也折腾过一段时间,后来就直接Spacemacs了,好像也不是很完美,但我突然决定不应该再花超出我承受范围的时间去折腾我的工具。而这个的起点就是允许不完美的存在。
  782 """
  783 [[comments]]
  784 name = "LanternD"
  785 email_hash = "8863c7fec0"
  786 time = 2020-04-06T12:45:22-04:00
  787 uri = "/zh/posts/2020-01-09-becoming-pangu-with-gnu-sed/"
  788 content = """
  789 至今在用空格之神,因为只有引入额外的JS才能保证我在所有网站上看到的东西都符合我的期望。
  791 第三条评论后的感想:提交完电子邮件并关闭以后不会返回原站点,于是Blog页面会随着关闭窗口而彻底消失。这个会降低读者继续Explore的可能性。而且Gmail看起来没法修改邮箱的选择(我通常会登陆若干个),只能改链接。
  792 """
  793 [[comments]]
  794 name = "shimmy1996"
  795 email_hash = "9954e37336"
  796 time = 2020-04-06T14:40:59-05:00
  797 uri = "/zh/posts/2020-01-01-2019-in-review/"
  798 content = """
  799 [Re: LanternD](#1700e8f)
  801 感谢回访!~~我才没有又花了半个小时来调整转换评论的脚本~~
  803 谢谢!跑量上去后~~变成了不跑步就受不了的体质~~其实没有感到有什么变化,可能和我每次跑的距离都差不多而只是增加跑步的频度有关?唯一比较深刻的体会是及时换鞋对避免受伤是非常重要的。身体变化最明显的应该还是最开始跑步从0到1的那两三个月。我大概是特别喜欢这种你之前日志中写的“和自己对话的运动”的性格,所以可支配时间多起来后跑步的次数就自然增加了。
  805 很高兴能看到有更多人使用并自己架设Mastodon!虽然我刚把我的已经坏了半个月没空修理的实例停掉…删除帐号的主要原因是有相当一部分的帐号都是过去我试图占有shimmy1996这一ID而一时兴起注册的,所以大都是无好友的单机状态。现在我的想法改变了:与其试图在所有社交平台上宣示自己的存在不如把所有内容集中到自己的网站上。
  806 """
  807 [[comments]]
  808 name = "shimmy1996"
  809 email_hash = "9954e37336"
  810 time = 2020-04-06T14:53:46-05:00
  811 uri = "/zh/posts/2018-06-24-fun-with-fonts-in-emacs/"
  812 content = """
  813 [Re: LanternD](#2827f88)
  815 哈哈,最后一句话真是刺到我的痛点。我最近也开始有了类似的感觉:我的解决方法是通过使用默认设置来完全消除自己调整各种选项的机会。
  816 """
  817 [[comments]]
  818 name = "shimmy1996"
  819 email_hash = "9954e37336"
  820 time = 2020-04-06T15:13:53-05:00
  821 uri = "/zh/posts/2020-01-09-becoming-pangu-with-gnu-sed/"
  822 content = """
  823 [Re: LanternD](#c687294)
  825 感谢反馈!我之前没有考虑过网页版邮箱的用例,且容我再想想。暂时性的解决办法的话,在邮件发送页面可以通过浏览器返回键来回到博客,也可以通过Control+点击来在新标签页里打开邮件发送页面。
  827 Gmail的话,试了一下应该可以通过[改变浏览器mailto处理链接](的方式来选择默认的邮箱。在多用户登录状态下,每个用户的Gamil的地址后会增加类似`/u/1`的后缀,这时只要像上述链接中说的一样在Gmail页面内打开JS命令行执行
  828 ```
  829 navigator.registerProtocolHandler(
  830     "mailto",
  831     "",
  832     "Gmail"
  833 );
  834 ```
  835 就可以了。
  836 """
  837 [[comments]]
  838 name = "LanternD"
  839 email_hash = "8863c7fec0"
  840 time = 2020-04-28T10:41:48-04:00
  841 uri = "/zh/hoots/1586797396/"
  842 content = """
  843 想起了What does the fox say。还有很多可用的选项 😂
  844 """
  845 [[comments]]
  846 name = "LanternD"
  847 email_hash = "8863c7fec0"
  848 time = 2020-04-28T10:51:45-04:00
  849 uri = "/zh/posts/2020-01-09-becoming-pangu-with-gnu-sed/"
  850 content = """
  851 多谢建议,经过改造,我发现可以默认选到我期望的email账户了。
  852 """
  853 [[comments]]
  854 name = "LanternD"
  855 email_hash = "8863c7fec0"
  856 time = 2020-04-28T11:58:19-04:00
  857 uri = "/zh/posts/2020-01-01-2019-in-review/"
  858 content = """
  859 [Re: shimmy1996](#3506b3f)
  861 期待可支配时间增加+搬到一个气候适宜的地方,这样我可以全年坚持跑步。
  863 最后一句话非常同意,这也是我折腾的主要目的。我决定写一个日志进行详细的讨论。
  864 """
  865 [[comments]]
  866 name = "Cadey A. Ratio"
  867 email_hash = "6822cafa06"
  868 time = 2020-12-03T08:16:30-05:00
  869 uri = "/en/hoots/1606957080/"
  870 content = """
  871 I will display the webmentions I get and I am working on sending them from my site.
  872 """
  873 [[comments]]
  874 name = "LanternD"
  875 email_hash = "8863c7fec0"
  876 time = 2021-02-25T22:41:20-05:00
  877 uri = "/zh/posts/2021-01-01-2020-in-review/"
  878 content = """
  879 去年我才跑了220km。即使外面Covid肆虐,但是似乎对于跑步的影响不大,只需要规划一下路线避开行人。
  881 我对甜食(以及其他零食)和白开水以外饮料有天然免疫,至今没有沉溺于其中一种。
  883 LanternD
  884 """
  885 [[comments]]
  886 name = "shimmy1996"
  887 email_hash = "9954e37336"
  888 time = 2021-02-25T22:11:20-06:00
  889 uri = "/zh/posts/2021-01-01-2020-in-review/"
  890 content = """
  891 [Re: LanternD](#87fff8f)
  893 好评!可惜我住的地方人口还是比较密集,所以我打算等疫苗全面铺开后再恢复户外跑步(已经等了一年了,不差最后的几个月)。
  895 我对碳酸饮料也有类似的抗性(确切地说是非常不喜欢它们的口感),不过甜食(以及诸多快餐食品)对我还是有不小的吸引力的。
  897 也许是时候丰富一下自炊的菜谱或者进军烘培了,至少可以自己拿捏放多少糖和黄油。XD
  898 """