
My fork of hugo-xmin

git clone git://

config.toml (908B)

    1 baseurl = "/"
    2 languageCode = "en-us"
    3 title = "A minimal Hugo website"
    4 theme = "hugo-xmin"
    5 googleAnalytics = ""
    6 disqusShortname = ""
    7 ignoreFiles = ["\\.Rmd$", "\\.Rmarkdown$", "_files$", "_cache$"]
    8 preserveTaxonomyNames = true
    9 footnotereturnlinkcontents = "↩"
   11 [permalinks]
   12     post = "/post/:year/:month/:day/:slug/"
   13     note = "/note/:year/:month/:day/:slug/"
   15 [[menu.main]]
   16     name = "Home"
   17     url = "/"
   18     weight = 1
   19 [[menu.main]]
   20     name = "About"
   21     url = "/about/"
   22     weight = 2
   23 [[menu.main]]
   24     name = "Categories"
   25     url = "/categories/"
   26     weight = 3
   27 [[menu.main]]
   28     name = "Tags"
   29     url = "/tags/"
   30     weight = 4
   31 [[menu.main]]
   32     name = "Subscribe"
   33     url = "/index.xml"
   35 [params]
   36     description = "A website built through Hugo and blogdown."
   37     footer = "© [Yihui Xie]( 2017 | [Github]( | [Twitter]("