
Perserverance, or the lack thereof

git clone git://
commit 6762b968d50545722de1e399ce1db7a7a3a679e8
parent 181394b2c5e14fdd2b82face143c37cf9bb6148e
Author: Shimmy Xu <>
Date:   Sun, 20 Dec 2020 09:03:49 -0600

Add 2020 day 20

A2020/day20/input.txt | 1728+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
A2020/day20/main.go | 318+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 2046 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/2020/day20/input.txt b/2020/day20/input.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1728 @@
+Tile 2957:
+Tile 3499:
+Tile 3583:
+Tile 2309:
+Tile 1297:
+Tile 3779:
+Tile 1471:
+Tile 3803:
+Tile 2473:
+Tile 1193:
+Tile 1879:
+Tile 1049:
+Tile 2917:
+Tile 1619:
+Tile 1663:
+Tile 3571:
+Tile 2969:
+Tile 2657:
+Tile 1693:
+Tile 3257:
+Tile 2707:
+Tile 1723:
+Tile 2333:
+Tile 2909:
+Tile 1637:
+Tile 2129:
+Tile 3083:
+Tile 3929:
+Tile 2239:
+Tile 3793:
+Tile 3581:
+Tile 1553:
+Tile 2203:
+Tile 1847:
+Tile 1367:
+Tile 2633:
+Tile 1697:
+Tile 1571:
+Tile 3889:
+Tile 1039:
+Tile 2339:
+Tile 1583:
+Tile 3881:
+Tile 1123:
+Tile 2243:
+Tile 2063:
+Tile 1621:
+Tile 3331:
+Tile 1259:
+Tile 3407:
+Tile 1033:
+Tile 3089:
+Tile 2297:
+Tile 3259:
+Tile 3457:
+Tile 1423:
+Tile 2741:
+Tile 3187:
+Tile 1117:
+Tile 3271:
+Tile 3067:
+Tile 1429:
+Tile 1801:
+Tile 3853:
+Tile 3109:
+Tile 1301:
+Tile 2017:
+Tile 2621:
+Tile 3697:
+Tile 2711:
+Tile 3533:
+Tile 1907:
+Tile 2213:
+Tile 1229:
+Tile 3797:
+Tile 1087:
+Tile 2687:
+Tile 1051:
+Tile 3739:
+Tile 2087:
+Tile 2683:
+Tile 2137:
+Tile 1031:
+Tile 2887:
+Tile 2729:
+Tile 3517:
+Tile 3191:
+Tile 1381:
+Tile 2111:
+Tile 3541:
+Tile 1997:
+Tile 1597:
+Tile 2347:
+Tile 3767:
+Tile 2003:
+Tile 1523:
+Tile 3079:
+Tile 1069:
+Tile 2089:
+Tile 3863:
+Tile 2663:
+Tile 1019:
+Tile 3709:
+Tile 3023:
+Tile 3623:
+Tile 2161:
+Tile 3037:
+Tile 2539:
+Tile 1361:
+Tile 1873:
+Tile 3701:
+Tile 3557:
+Tile 2659:
+Tile 2269:
+Tile 3121:
+Tile 2939:
+Tile 3967:
+Tile 2113:
+Tile 1871:
+Tile 2531:
+Tile 2543:
+Tile 3041:
+Tile 1559:
+Tile 2617:
+Tile 1861:
+Tile 1747:
+Tile 2579:
+Tile 3761:
+Tile 3463:
+Tile 2521:
+Tile 2647:
+Tile 3847:
+Tile 2027:
+Tile 3347:
+Tile 3911:
+Tile 1741:
+Tile 3137:
+Tile 2417:
+Tile 2803:
+Tile 2267:
+Tile 1613:
+Tile 2777:
+Tile 3923:
+Tile 3919:
diff --git a/2020/day20/main.go b/2020/day20/main.go
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+package main
+import (
+	"bufio"
+	"fmt"
+	"os"
+	"regexp"
+	"strconv"
+const (
+	LIT    = 1
+	DARK   = 0
+	TOP    = 0
+	LEFT   = 1
+	BOTTOM = 2
+	RIGHT  = 3
+type Tile struct {
+	id   int
+	size int
+	v    []int
+func (this Tile) get(x, y int) int {
+	return this.v[x*this.size+y]
+func (this Tile) set(x, y, val int) {
+	this.v[x*this.size+y] = val
+func (this Tile) computeBorder() [4]int {
+	top, left, bottom, right := 0, 0, 0, 0
+	for i := 0; i < this.size; i++ {
+		top <<= 1
+		top += this.get(0, i)
+		left <<= 1
+		left += this.get(i, 0)
+		bottom <<= 1
+		bottom += this.get(this.size-1, i)
+		right <<= 1
+		right += this.get(i, this.size-1)
+	}
+	res := [4]int{top, left, bottom, right}
+	for i, _ := range res {
+		// Disambiguate by picking the larger between flipped versions.
+		res[i] = max(res[i], reverseBit(res[i], this.size))
+	}
+	return res
+func (this Tile) rotate(rot int) (new Tile) {
+	// Rotate clockwise rot*90 degrees.
+	new = Tile{, this.size, make([]int, this.size*this.size)}
+	for x := 0; x < this.size; x++ {
+		for y := 0; y < this.size; y++ {
+			xNew, yNew := x, y
+			for i := 0; i < rot%4; i++ {
+				xNew, yNew = yNew, this.size-1-xNew
+			}
+			new.set(xNew, yNew, this.get(x, y))
+		}
+	}
+	return new
+func (this Tile) flip(flp int) (new Tile) {
+	// Flip left to right flp times.
+	new = Tile{, this.size, make([]int, this.size*this.size)}
+	for x := 0; x < this.size; x++ {
+		for y := 0; y < this.size; y++ {
+			xNew, yNew := x, y
+			for i := 0; i < flp%2; i++ {
+				xNew, yNew = xNew, this.size-1-yNew
+			}
+			new.set(xNew, yNew, this.get(x, y))
+		}
+	}
+	return new
+func (this Tile) toString() (res []string) {
+	for x := 0; x < this.size; x++ {
+		row := ""
+		for y := 0; y < this.size; y++ {
+			switch this.get(x, y) {
+			case LIT:
+				row += "#"
+			case DARK:
+				row += "."
+			}
+		}
+		res = append(res, row)
+	}
+	return
+func reverseBit(x int, size int) (res int) {
+	for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
+		res <<= 1
+		res += x & 1
+		x >>= 1
+	}
+	return
+func max(x int, y int) int {
+	if x > y {
+		return x
+	} else {
+		return y
+	}
+func readInput(filename string) (res []Tile) {
+	file, _ := os.Open(filename)
+	defer file.Close()
+	matcher := regexp.MustCompile(`Tile ([0-9]{4}):`)
+	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
+	for scanner.Scan() {
+		line := scanner.Text()
+		if line == "" {
+			continue
+		}
+		matched := matcher.FindStringSubmatch(line)
+		id, _ := strconv.Atoi(matched[1])
+		v := []int{}
+		size := len(line)
+		for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
+			scanner.Scan()
+			line := scanner.Text()
+			for _, ch := range line {
+				switch ch {
+				case '#':
+					v = append(v, LIT)
+				case '.':
+					v = append(v, DARK)
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		res = append(res, Tile{id, size, v})
+	}
+	return
+func main() {
+	input := readInput("./input.txt")
+	// 7901522557967
+	fmt.Println(part1(input))
+	// 2476
+	fmt.Println(part2(input))
+func countBorders(tiles []Tile) (res map[int]int) {
+	res = map[int]int{}
+	for _, t := range tiles {
+		for _, v := range t.computeBorder() {
+			res[v] += 1
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func part1(input []Tile) (res int64) {
+	// Shared borders are unique, i.e. no more than 1 pair.
+	borderCount := countBorders(input)
+	// Angle tiles only have 2 shared borders.
+	angleTiles := []int{}
+	for _, t := range input {
+		sharedCount := 0
+		for _, v := range t.computeBorder() {
+			sharedCount += borderCount[v] / 2
+		}
+		if sharedCount == 2 {
+			angleTiles = append(angleTiles,
+		}
+	}
+	res = 1
+	for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
+		res *= int64(angleTiles[i])
+	}
+	return
+func assembleImage(tiles []Tile) (res Tile) {
+	borderCount := countBorders(tiles)
+	idMap := map[int]Tile{}
+	for _, v := range tiles {
+		idMap[] = v
+	}
+	// Find correct arrangment of tile ids.
+	used := map[int]bool{}
+	image := [][]int{}
+	row := []int{}
+	leftReq, topReq := 0, 0
+	for {
+		// Find next tile according to left and top borders.
+		found := false
+		for id, t := range idMap {
+			if used[id] {
+				continue
+			}
+			leftSide, topSide := -1, -1
+			for side, v := range t.computeBorder() {
+				// 0 means unique borders not shared with others.
+				if borderCount[v] == 1 {
+					v = 0
+				}
+				if leftSide == -1 && v == leftReq {
+					leftSide = side
+				} else if topSide == -1 && v == topReq {
+					topSide = side
+				}
+			}
+			if leftSide != -1 && topSide != -1 {
+				// Add to image after correctly orienting it.
+				found = true
+				// Use top to compute rotation.
+				t = t.rotate(topSide)
+				// Use left to compute flip.
+				if left := t.computeBorder()[LEFT]; (leftReq != 0 && left != leftReq) ||
+					(leftReq == 0 && borderCount[left] != 1) {
+					t = t.flip(1)
+				}
+				idMap[id] = t
+				row = append(row, id)
+				used[id] = true
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		if !found {
+			panic("No matching tile found!")
+		}
+		// Update requirements.
+		lastBorder := idMap[row[len(row)-1]].computeBorder()
+		if borderCount[lastBorder[BOTTOM]] == 1 &&
+			borderCount[lastBorder[RIGHT]] == 1 {
+			// Image finished.
+			image = append(image, row)
+			break
+		} else if borderCount[lastBorder[RIGHT]] == 1 {
+			// Start new row.
+			image = append(image, row)
+			row = []int{}
+			leftReq = 0
+			topReq = idMap[image[len(image)-1][0]].computeBorder()[BOTTOM]
+		} else {
+			// Start next in row.
+			leftReq = lastBorder[RIGHT]
+			if len(image) == 0 {
+				topReq = 0
+			} else {
+				topReq = idMap[image[len(image)-1][len(row)]].computeBorder()[BOTTOM]
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Piece together full image. Resulting image is always square.
+	tileSize := idMap[image[0][0]].size
+	pixels := []int{}
+	for i := 0; i < len(image); i++ {
+		for x := 1; x < tileSize-1; x++ {
+			for j := 0; j < len(image[0]); j++ {
+				for y := 1; y < tileSize-1; y++ {
+					pixels = append(pixels, idMap[image[i][j]].get(x, y))
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return Tile{0, (tileSize - 2) * len(image), pixels}
+func findMonster(image []string, monsterRegex []*regexp.Regexp, monsterLen int) (res int) {
+	for x := 0; x <= len(image)-len(monsterRegex); x++ {
+		for yMax := monsterLen; yMax < len(image[0]); {
+			// Match per sliding window of same size so we have at most 1 match.
+			matchCount := 0
+			for i := 0; i < len(monsterRegex); i++ {
+				matchCount += len(monsterRegex[i].FindAllStringIndex(image[x+i][(yMax-monsterLen):yMax], -1))
+			}
+			if matchCount == len(monsterRegex) {
+				res += 1
+				// Sea monters don't overlap, so we can do this; makes counting easier too.
+				yMax += monsterLen
+			}
+			yMax += 1
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func part2(input []Tile) (res int) {
+	monsterRegex := []*regexp.Regexp{
+		regexp.MustCompile(`..................#.`),
+		regexp.MustCompile(`#....##....##....###`),
+		regexp.MustCompile(`.#..#..#..#..#..#...`),
+	}
+	monsterLen := 20
+	monsterLitCount := 15 // Each sea monster has 15 '#'s.
+	image := assembleImage(input)
+	litSum := 0
+	for _, p := range image.v {
+		litSum += p
+	}
+	// Try all orientations of the image.
+	for rot := 0; rot <= 3; rot++ {
+		for flp := 0; flp <= 1; flp++ {
+			image := image.rotate(rot).flip(flp).toString()
+			monsterCount := findMonster(image, monsterRegex, monsterLen)
+			if monsterCount > 0 {
+				return litSum - monsterCount*monsterLitCount
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return