
Perserverance, or the lack thereof

git clone git://
commit e6795db3a88bdc123df78d42ae8cfe7508722e23
parent a8fde4e01fa1684be6df30394d399d9921049f10
Author: Shimmy Xu <>
Date:   Tue, 12 Dec 2023 23:24:54 -0500

Add 2023 day 12 part 1

A2023/day12/day12.scm | 135+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
A2023/day12/input.txt | 1000+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 1135 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/2023/day12/day12.scm b/2023/day12/day12.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+(use-modules (ice-9 popen))
+(use-modules (ice-9 rdelim))
+(use-modules (ice-9 format))
+(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
+(define (parse-numbers numbers)
+  (filter (lambda (x) x) (map string->number (string-split numbers #\,))))
+(define (parse-input filename)
+  (let ((file (open-input-file filename))
+        (records '()))
+    (while #t
+           (let ((line (car (%read-line file))))
+             (if (eof-object? line)
+                 (break)
+                 (let* ((tmp (string-split line #\ ))
+                        (pattern (string->list (car tmp)))
+                        (group (parse-numbers (list-ref tmp 1))))
+                   (set! records (cons (list pattern group) records))))))
+    records))
+(define (check-group pattern curr-count curr-group)
+  (if (null? pattern)
+      (if (> curr-count 0)
+          (append curr-group (list curr-count))
+          curr-group)
+      (case (car pattern)
+        ((#\.) (if (> curr-count 0)
+                   (check-group (cdr pattern) 0 (append curr-group (list curr-count)))
+                   (check-group (cdr pattern) 0 curr-group)))
+        ((#\#) (check-group (cdr pattern) (1+ curr-count) curr-group)))))
+(define (group-cmp prefix-group target-group strict prefix-group-ended)
+  ;; strict forces same length, otherwise only prefix part is checked
+  ;; prefix-group-ended indicates if last group can still change
+  (if (null? target-group)
+      (null? prefix-group)
+      (if (null? prefix-group)
+          (not strict)
+          (if (= (car prefix-group) (car target-group))
+              (group-cmp (cdr prefix-group) (cdr target-group) strict prefix-group-ended)
+              ;; can make this part smarter to cut more branches
+              (if (and (= (length prefix-group) 1) (not prefix-group-ended))
+                  (< (car prefix-group) (car target-group))
+                  #f)))))
+(define (is-prefix-valid max-len prefix group)
+  (let ((prefix-group (check-group prefix 0 '()))
+        (strict (= max-len (length prefix)))
+        (prefix-group-ended (or (= max-len (length prefix))
+                                (and (> (length prefix) 0)
+                                     (equal? (list-ref prefix (1- (length prefix))) #\.)))))
+    ;; (display (list "valid-check" prefix-group group strict prefix-group-ended)) (newline)
+    (group-cmp prefix-group group strict prefix-group-ended)))
+(define (get-determined-prefix pattern prefix)
+  (if (null? pattern)
+      prefix
+      (if (equal? (car pattern) #\?)
+          prefix
+          (get-determined-prefix (cdr pattern)
+                                 (append prefix (list (car pattern)))))))
+(define (expand-pattern pattern)
+  (let ((candidates '()))
+    (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((or (>= i (length pattern)) (not (null? candidates))))
+      (if (equal? (list-ref pattern i) #\?)
+          (begin
+            (let ((tmp (list-copy pattern)))
+              (list-set! tmp i #\.)
+              (set! candidates (cons tmp candidates)))
+            (let ((tmp (list-copy pattern)))
+              (list-set! tmp i #\#)
+              (set! candidates (cons tmp candidates))))))
+    candidates))
+(define (find-valid-permutation pattern group)
+  (let ((queue (list pattern))
+        (valid-count 0))
+    (while (> (length queue) 0)
+           (let* ((curr (car queue))
+                  (curr-prefix (get-determined-prefix curr '()))
+                  (curr-prefix-valid (is-prefix-valid (length curr) curr-prefix group))
+                  (curr-prefix-ended (= (length curr-prefix) (length curr))))
+             ;; (display (list "queue" queue)) (newline)
+             ;; (display (list "curr" curr curr-prefix curr-prefix-valid curr-prefix-ended)) (newline)
+             (set! queue (cdr queue))
+             (if curr-prefix-valid
+                 (if curr-prefix-ended
+                     (begin
+                       ;; (display (list "found valid" curr-prefix)) (newline)
+                       (set! valid-count (1+ valid-count)))
+                     (let ((candidates (expand-pattern curr)))
+                       (set! queue (append candidates queue)))))
+             )
+           )
+    ;; (display (list "found" valid-count "permutations for" pattern group)) (newline)
+    valid-count
+    )
+  )
+(define (repeat lst n sep)
+  (if (= n 1)
+      lst
+      (if (null? sep)
+          (append lst (repeat lst (1- n) sep))
+          (append lst (list sep) (repeat lst (1- n) sep)))))
+(let* ((records (parse-input "input.txt"))
+       (permutations
+        (map (lambda (x) (find-valid-permutation (car x) (car (cdr x)))) records))
+       (total-permutation (fold + 0 permutations))
+       ;; (permutations-2
+       ;;  (map (lambda (x) (find-valid-permutation (repeat (car x) 2 #\?)
+       ;;                                           (repeat (car (cdr x)) 2 #nil))) records))
+       ;; (total-permutation-2 (fold + 0 permutations))
+       )
+  ;; this won't work for part 2, we need a (log n) algo or something that takes
+  ;; the entire sequence into consideration. consider separating the pattern by
+  ;; all the consecutive runs of #\., that gives us the blocks to build on. each
+  ;; block can match from 0 to len / 2 groups. then within each block fromed
+  ;; only by #\# and #\?, we check how many ways there are to form specified
+  ;; groups. some memorization could help. may need to break blocks down further
+  ;; at #\# boundaries, i.e. we need to know ?###??? can never make (1) and
+  ;; needs at least (3). maybe list these as "mergable" blocks: i.e. ?### gives
+  ;; ((() (1)) 3) => ((3) (4)).
+  ;; need some kind of memoization/dynamic programming
+  ;; 7007
+  (format #t "Part 1: ~d" total-permutation)
+  (newline)
+  ;; (format #t "Part 2: ~d" total-permutation-2)
+  ;; (newline)
+  )
diff --git a/2023/day12/input.txt b/2023/day12/input.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@
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