
Perserverance, or the lack thereof

git clone git://
commit f79c9e5b1cb762d0173bc82fe55a91d7782cc789
parent 4118813ce11ef321a27230231c8e4276934215e8
Author: Shimmy Xu <>
Date:   Fri, 15 Dec 2023 02:38:24 -0500

Add 2023 day 14

A2023/day14/day14.scm | 134+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
A2023/day14/input.txt | 100+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 234 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/2023/day14/day14.scm b/2023/day14/day14.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+(use-modules (ice-9 popen))
+(use-modules (ice-9 rdelim))
+(use-modules (ice-9 format))
+(use-modules (ice-9 hash-table))
+(use-modules (ice-9 receive))
+(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
+(define (parse-input filename)
+  (let ((file (open-input-file filename))
+        (platform '()))
+    (while #t
+           (let ((line (car (%read-line file))))
+             (if (eof-object? line)
+                 (break)
+                 (set! platform (cons (string->list line) platform)))))
+    (reverse platform)))
+(define (array-to-dict platform)
+  (let ((platform-dict (make-hash-table))
+        (y-max (1- (length platform)))
+        (x-max (1- (length (car platform)))))
+    (do ((y 0 (1+ y))) ((> y y-max))
+      (do ((x 0 (1+ x))) ((> x x-max))
+        (hash-set! platform-dict
+                   (cons x y)
+                   (list-ref (list-ref platform y) x))))
+    (values platform-dict x-max y-max)))
+(define (display-platform platform-dict x-max y-max)
+  (do ((y 0 (1+ y))) ((> y y-max))
+    (do ((x 0 (1+ x))) ((> x x-max))
+      (display (hash-ref platform-dict (cons x y))))
+    (newline)))
+(define (between x a b)
+  (and (>= x a) (<= x b)))
+(define (swap-vals dict a b)
+  (let ((val-a (hash-ref dict a))
+        (val-b (hash-ref dict b)))
+    (hash-set! dict a val-b)
+    (hash-set! dict b val-a)))
+(define (move-rock platform-dict x-max y-max dx dy x y)
+  (let ((curr-x x)
+        (curr-y y))
+    ;; (display (cons x y)) (newline)
+    (while #t
+           (let ((next-x (+ curr-x dx))
+                 (next-y (+ curr-y dy)))
+             ;; (display (list "checking" (cons next-x next-y) (hash-ref platform-dict (cons next-x next-y)))) (newline)
+             (case (hash-ref platform-dict (cons next-x next-y))
+               ((#f) (break))
+               ((#\#) (break))
+               ((#\O) (break)))
+             ;; (display (list "passed" (cons next-x next-y))) (newline)
+             (set! curr-x next-x)
+             (set! curr-y next-y)))
+    ;; (display (list "moving rock from" (cons x y) "to" (cons curr-x curr-y))) (newline)
+    (swap-vals platform-dict (cons x y) (cons curr-x curr-y))))
+(define (tilt-platform platform-dict x-max y-max dx dy)
+  (if (and (= dx 0) (= dy -1))
+      (do ((y 0 (1+ y))) ((> y y-max))
+        (do ((x 0 (1+ x))) ((> x x-max))
+          (if (equal? (hash-ref platform-dict (cons x y)) #\O)
+              (move-rock platform-dict x-max y-max dx dy x y)))))
+  (if (and (= dx 0) (= dy 1))
+      (do ((y y-max (1- y))) ((< y 0))
+        (do ((x 0 (1+ x))) ((> x x-max))
+          (if (equal? (hash-ref platform-dict (cons x y)) #\O)
+              (move-rock platform-dict x-max y-max dx dy x y)))))
+  (if (and (= dx -1) (= dy 0))
+      (do ((x 0 (1+ x))) ((> x x-max))
+        (do ((y 0 (1+ y))) ((> y y-max))
+          (if (equal? (hash-ref platform-dict (cons x y)) #\O)
+              (move-rock platform-dict x-max y-max dx dy x y)))))
+  (if (and (= dx 1) (= dy 0))
+      (do ((x x-max (1- x))) ((< x 0))
+        (do ((y 0 (1+ y))) ((> y y-max))
+          (if (equal? (hash-ref platform-dict (cons x y)) #\O)
+              (move-rock platform-dict x-max y-max dx dy x y)))))
+  platform-dict)
+(define (compute-load platform-dict x-max y-max)
+  (let ((load 0))
+    (do ((y 0 (1+ y))) ((> y y-max))
+        (do ((x 0 (1+ x))) ((> x x-max))
+          (if (equal? (hash-ref platform-dict (cons x y)) #\O)
+              (set! load (+ load (- (1+ y-max) y))))))
+    load))
+(receive (platform-dict x-max y-max) (array-to-dict (parse-input "input.txt"))
+  (tilt-platform platform-dict x-max y-max 0 -1)
+  ;; 110565
+  (format #t "Part 1: ~d" (compute-load platform-dict x-max y-max))
+  (newline))
+(receive (platform-dict x-max y-max) (array-to-dict (parse-input "input.txt"))
+  ;; Load pattern repeats after 102th cycle (89803) every 42 cycles. However the
+  ;; repeating pattern contains duplicated entries, so can't use tortois-hare to
+  ;; automate this.
+  (let ((hist-load (make-hash-table))
+        (cycle 0)
+        (max-cycle 1000000000)
+        (period #nil)
+        (period-start #nil))
+    ;; I see - here's what you do, for every repeat, check backwards to see if
+    ;; (last-repeat, curr-repeat] is the same as (last-repeat - diff,
+    ;; last-repeat]. If so we have a cycle - this should work as long as there's
+    ;; at least one non-repeating element in the cycle.
+    (while #t
+           (tilt-platform platform-dict x-max y-max 0 -1)
+           (tilt-platform platform-dict x-max y-max -1 0)
+           (tilt-platform platform-dict x-max y-max 0 1)
+           (tilt-platform platform-dict x-max y-max 1 0)
+           (set! cycle (1+ cycle))
+           (let ((curr-load (compute-load platform-dict x-max y-max)))
+             (if (and (hash-ref hist-load curr-load)
+                      ;; hack
+                      (= curr-load 89803))
+                 (begin
+                   (set! period-start (hash-ref hist-load curr-load))
+                   (set! period (- cycle period-start))
+                   (break)))
+             (hash-set! hist-load curr-load cycle))
+           (if (>= cycle max-cycle)
+               (break)))
+    (let ((terminal-cycle (+ period-start (floor-remainder (- max-cycle period-start) period)))
+          (terminal-load #nil))
+      (hash-for-each (lambda (k v) (if (= v terminal-cycle) (set! terminal-load k))) hist-load)
+      ;; 89845
+      (format #t "Part 2: ~d" terminal-load)
+      (newline))))
diff --git a/2023/day14/input.txt b/2023/day14/input.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@