
Yes, my $HOME has a git repo now :(

git clone git:// (3411B)

    1 #+Title: BIGMOD Core Configuration Files
    2 #+Author: Shimmy Xu
    4 An archive of core configuration files for the fabled Bipedal Inter-Galactic Mass Obliteration Device (BIGMOD). A lot of motivations and ideas comes from [[][Luke Smith's]] and [[][Marvin Beckers']] dotfiles and [[][]].
    6 * Applications of Choice
    7 Geared towards migration to Wayland in the long term. X11 variants also included for non-compatible ones.
    9 | Usage                    | Application            |
   10 | Application Launcher     | =rofi=                 |
   11 | Base16 Color Scheme      | =gruvbox-dark-pale=    |
   12 | Clipboard                | =xclip=                |
   13 | Compositor (X)           | =compton=              |
   14 | Display Manager          | =tbsm=                 |
   15 | Editor                   | =emacs=                |
   16 | Email Client             | =aerc=                 |
   17 | File Browser             | =lf=                   |
   18 | File Syncing             | =syncthing=, =dropbox= |
   19 | Font - Monospace         | Iosevka SS09           |
   20 | Font - Sans              | Oxygen-Sans            |
   21 | GTK Theme                | Adapta-Nokto-Eta       |
   22 | Icon Theme               | Numix-Circle           |
   23 | Image Viewer             | =imv=                  |
   24 | Input Method             | =fcitx=                |
   25 | Music Player             | =mpd=, =ncmpcpp=       |
   26 | Network Manager Frontend | =networkmanager-dmenu= |
   27 | Notification Daemon      | =mako=                 |
   28 | Notification Daemon (X)  | =dunst=                |
   29 | PDF Reader               | =zathura=              |
   30 | Password Manager         | =pass=                 |
   31 | Shell                    | =bash=, =fish=         |
   32 | Status Bar               | =i3blocks=             |
   33 | Terminal Emulator        | =alacritty=            |
   34 | Web Browser              | =firefox=              |
   35 | Window Manager           | =sway=                 |
   36 | Window Manager (X)       | =i3-gaps=              |
   38 * Functional Dependencies
   39 Utilities used in configuration.
   41 | Function                              | Application/Package Name |
   42 | Battery Status                        | =acpi=                   |
   43 | CLI Interface to =mpd=                | =mpc=                    |
   44 | Emoji Picker                          | =rofimoji=               |
   45 | Fuzzy Search                          | =fzf=                    |
   46 | GTK Setting Override in Wayland       | =gsettings=              |
   47 | Get Network ID                        | =iwgetid=                |
   48 | Get/Set Backlight Level               | =xbacklight=             |
   49 | Integration with =pass=               | =rofi-pass=              |
   50 | Key Remapping                         | =xkb=                    |
   51 | Preview Images in =lf= and =aerc=     | =catimg=                 |
   52 | Replacement for =find=                | =fd=                     |
   53 | Screen Locker                         | =swaylock=               |
   54 | Screen Locker (X)                     | =i3lock=                 |
   55 | Set Desktop Background (X)            | =feh=                    |
   56 | URL Parser for =aerc=                 | =urlscan=                |
   57 | Unicode Picker                        | =unipicker=              |
   58 | Unify Clipboard and Primary Selection | =greenclip=              |
   59 | Volume Control                        | =alsa-utils=             |