
Yes, my $HOME has a git repo now :(

git clone git://

config.ini (1129B)

    1 [dmenu]
    2 fn = -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
    3 dmenu_command = rofi
    4 # # Note that dmenu_command can contain arguments as well like `rofi -width 30`
    5 # # Rofi and dmenu are set to case insensitive by default `-i`
    6 # l = number of lines to display, defaults to number of total network options
    7 # fn = font string
    8 # nb = normal background (name, #RGB, or #RRGGBB)
    9 # nf = normal foreground
   10 # sb = selected background
   11 # sf = selected foreground
   12 # b =  (just set to empty value and menu will appear at the bottom
   13 # m = number of monitor to display on
   14 # p = Custom Prompt for the networks menu
   15 # pinentry = Pinentry command
   16 # rofi_highlight = <True or False> # (Default: False) use rofi highlighting instead of '**'
   17 # compact = <True or False> # (Default: False). Remove extra spacing from display
   19 # # override normal foreground and background colors (dmenu) or use the
   20 # # -password option (rofi) to obscure passphrase entry
   21 # [dmenu_passphrase]
   22 # nf = #222222
   23 # nb = #222222
   24 # rofi_obscure = True
   26 [editor]
   27 terminal = alacritty
   28 gui_if_available = True
   29 # terminal = <name of terminal program>
   30 # gui_if_available = <True or False>