
Yes, my $HOME has a git repo now :(

git clone git://

hyperskip (2220B)

    1 #!/usr/bin/env python
    2 import argparse
    3 import datetime
    4 import hashlib
    5 import sys
    6 import urllib.parse
    9 def parse_comment(lines):
   10     """Takes in a email file and outputs the comment
   11     """
   12     comment = {}
   13     for i, line in enumerate(lines):
   14         if line.startswith("Subject:"):
   15             comment["uri"] = line.replace("Subject: RE:", "").strip()
   16         elif line.startswith("From:"):
   17             email = line.replace("From: ", "").replace(">", "").split(" <")[1].strip()
   18             comment["email_hash"] = hashlib.sha256(str.encode(email)).hexdigest()[-10:]
   19         elif line.startswith("Date:"):
   20             # Expected format: Sun, 5 Apr 2020 21:38:47 -0500
   21             comment["time"] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
   22                 line.replace("Date: ", "").strip(), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
   23             ).isoformat()
   24         elif line.startswith("name="):
   25             full_content = line
   26             # Stop at first empty line
   27             while line.strip():
   28                 i += 1
   29                 if i >= len(lines):
   30                     break
   31                 line = lines[i]
   32                 full_content += line
   33             # Get rid of line concatination and Gmail's "=3D"
   34             full_content = (
   35                 full_content.replace("=3D", "=").replace("\r", "").replace("=\n", "")
   36             )
   37             name, content = full_content.split("&")
   38             comment["name"] = name.split("=")[1]
   39             comment["content"] = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(content.split("=")[1])
   40     return comment
   43 def print_to_toml(comment):
   44     """Print comment to TOML format
   45     """
   46     print("[[comments]]")
   47     for key in ["name", "email_hash", "time", "uri"]:
   48         if key == "time":
   49             print(f"{key} = {comment[key]}")
   50         else:
   51             print(f'{key} = "{comment[key]}"')
   52     print(f'content = """\n{comment["content"].strip()}\n"""')
   55 if __name__ == "__main__":
   56     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
   57         description="Convert Hyperskip formatted email to compatible TOML format"
   58     )
   59     parser.add_argument(
   60         "infile", nargs="?", type=argparse.FileType("r"), default=sys.stdin
   61     )
   62     args = parser.parse_args()
   63     print_to_toml(parse_comment(args.infile.readlines()))