
My emacs configuration, done in a literate programming fashion using org-mode

git clone git://git.shimmy1996.com/emacs.d.git
commit 3a3586aff602cf49a8545ffb4ce760e78c3718db
parent 65d6e0e7a8121d3e378f44d56de7fb55224e47b4
Author: Shimmy Xu <shimmy.xu@shimmy1996.com>
Date:   Tue, 26 Feb 2019 16:53:59 -0500

Add kernelspec for plain python src blocks.

MREADME.org | 47+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 47 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
@@ -981,6 +981,53 @@ Export backend for =.ipynb=. Package is not in MELPA yet, so using local copy. R
     :load-path "local/ox-ipynb/")
+Quick and easy hack to get python source blocks to work.
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+  (setq ox-ipynb-kernelspecs
+        '((ipython . (kernelspec . ((display_name . "Python 3")
+                                    (language . "python")
+                                    (name . "python3"))))
+          (python . (kernelspec . ((display_name . "Python 3")
+                                   (language . "python")
+                                   (name . "python3"))))
+          (R . (kernelspec . ((display_name . "R")
+                              (language . "R")
+                              (name . "ir"))))
+          (julia . (kernelspec . ((display_name . "Julia 0.6.0")
+                                  (language . "julia")
+                                  (name . "julia-0.6"))))))
+  (setq ox-ipynb-language-infos
+        '((ipython . (language_info . ((codemirror_mode . ((name . ipython)
+                                                           (version . 3)))
+                                       (file_extension . ".py")
+                                       (mimetype . "text/x-python")
+                                       (name . "python")
+                                       (nbconvert_exporter . "python")
+                                       (pygments_lexer . "ipython3")
+                                       (version . "3.5.2"))))
+          (python . (language_info . ((codemirror_mode . ((name . ipython)
+                                                          (version . 3)))
+                                      (file_extension . ".py")
+                                      (mimetype . "text/x-python")
+                                      (name . "python")
+                                      (nbconvert_exporter . "python")
+                                      (pygments_lexer . "ipython3")
+                                      (version . "3.5.2"))))
+          (R . (language_info . ((codemirror_mode . "r")
+                                 (file_extension . ".r")
+                                 (mimetype . "text/x-r-source")
+                                 (name . "R")
+                                 (pygments_lexer . "r")
+                                 (version . "3.3.2"))))
+          (julia . (language_info . ((codemirror_mode . "julia")
+                                     (file_extension . ".jl")
+                                     (mimetype . "text/x-julia")
+                                     (name . "julia")
+                                     (pygments_lexer . "julia")
+                                     (version . "0.6.0"))))))
 *** LaTeX Macros
 Support LaTeX macros in both LaTeX and HTML/MathJax export. We do this by adding
 a dummy language to Babel. Idea comes form [[https://www.reddit.com/r/orgmode/comments/7u2n0h/tip_for_defining_latex_macros_for_use_in_both/][here]].