
My emacs configuration, done in a literate programming fashion using org-mode

git clone git://git.shimmy1996.com/emacs.d.git
commit e6a8183ac3d9c216b4f3bb3e0a7bc84de0c9d8fb
parent c2290c4e85356e8e43fc14b26fc164f4925d70da
Author: Shimmy Xu <shimmy.xu@shimmy1996.com>
Date:   Fri,  7 Sep 2018 16:27:01 -0400

Add latex macros and org-agenda to dashboard.

MREADME.org | 5+++--
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
@@ -1168,7 +1168,8 @@ Create widget to display important config files. Use ~c~ to jump to this section
   (defvar user/config-file-list
     (mapcar (lambda (arg) (expand-file-name arg user-emacs-directory))
-              "init.el")))
+              "init.el"
+              "static/math_macros.sty")))
   (defun user/dashboard-insert-configs (list-size)
     "Add a list of config files."
@@ -1196,7 +1197,7 @@ Set items to display:
   (setq dashboard-items '((recents  . 10)
                           (bookmarks . 5)
                           (projects . 8)
-  ;                        (agenda . 5)
+                          (agenda . 5)
   ;                        (registers . 5)