
Fork of with reverse pagination support

git clone git://

.cspell.json (5219B)

    1 {
    2   "version": "0.2",
    3   "words": [
    4     "aaabaab",
    5     "aabb",
    6     "aabba",
    7     "aabbaa",
    8     "aabbaabb",
    9     "aabbaabbab",
   10     "abbaa",
   11     "abourget",
   12     "absurl",
   13     "adoc",
   14     "algolia",
   15     "allowfullscreen",
   16     "ananke",
   17     "anchorize",
   18     "anthonyfok",
   19     "asciidoctor",
   20     "attrlink",
   21     "azblob",
   22     "baseof",
   23     "bbaa",
   24     "bcde",
   25     "bcdef",
   26     "beevelop",
   27     "Bergevin",
   28     "bibtex",
   29     "Bjørn",
   30     "blackfriday",
   31     "blogue",
   32     "bogem",
   33     "Bootcamp",
   34     "brlink",
   35     "Brotli",
   36     "Browsersync",
   37     "canonify",
   38     "Catmull",
   39     "Catwoman",
   40     "changefreq",
   41     "Cheatsheet",
   42     "choco",
   43     "chromastyles",
   44     "clockoon",
   45     "Cloudinary",
   46     "CNAME",
   47     "Codecademy's",
   48     "CODEOWNERS",
   49     "Coen",
   50     "Commento",
   51     "Cond",
   52     "contentdir",
   53     "Contentful",
   54     "Copr",
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   62     "DATOCMS",
   63     "debugconfig",
   64     "DELIM",
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   66     "digitalcraftsman",
   67     "Disqus",
   68     "Dmdh",
   69     "doas",
   70     "dokuwiki",
   71     "dpkg",
   72     "DRING",
   73     "Eiqc",
   74     "Eliott",
   75     "Emojify",
   76     "Enwrite",
   77     "eopkg",
   78     "eparis",
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   80     "erroridf",
   81     "Evernote",
   82     "exitwp",
   83     "expirydate",
   84     "Feminella",
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   86     "Formspree",
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   88     "Francia",
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   91     "funcs",
   92     "funcsig",
   93     "Garen",
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   95     "Getenv",
   96     "getjson",
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   99     "Goel",
  100     "Gohugo",
  101     "gohugoio",
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  103     "Goldmark",
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  107     "Gowans",
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  114     "Hokus",
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  116     "hügó",
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  119     "Hugofy",
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  132     "Intelli",
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  136     "Isset",
  137     "Isso",
  138     "Jaco",
  139     "JIRN",
  140     "johnpatitucci",
  141     "Joomla",
  142     "JRBR",
  143     "jsonify",
  144     "katex",
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  147     "kubernetes",
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  163     "Milli",
  164     "Mittwoch",
  165     "mkdir",
  166     "modh",
  167     "monokai",
  168     "Morling",
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  170     "Multihost",
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  190     "Nikhil",
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  193     "nobr",
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  195     "Norsk",
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  197     "NOSQL",
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  199     "novembre",
  200     "numfmt",
  202     "Obhu",
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  204     "Octopress",
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  206     "onrender",
  207     "opengraph",
  208     "OWASP",
  209     "Pandoc",
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  211     "Pastorius",
  212     "Patitucci",
  213     "PCRE",
  214     "peaceiris",
  215     "Pedersen",
  216     "Pekka",
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  218     "plainify",
  219     "POSIX",
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  221     "Poupin",
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  223     "println",
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  225     "Pygments",
  226     "qref",
  227     "querify",
  228     "QVOMC",
  229     "Racic",
  230     "Rclone",
  231     "rdwatters",
  232     "readfile",
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  235     "REDIR",
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  250     "Samsa",
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  252     "Shekhar",
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  254     "Shortcodes",
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  256     "Silvola",
  257     "Sindre",
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  259     "sitemapxml",
  260     "Smartcrop",
  261     "Sprintf",
  262     "Startseite",
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  264     "stringifier",
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  266     "structs",
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  269     "symdiff",
  270     "Talkyard",
  271     "taxo",
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  275     "testshortcodes",
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  277     "Thinkful",
  278     "Tknx",
  279     "TLDR",
  280     "TMPDIR",
  281     "TOCSS",
  282     "todos",
  283     "tojson",
  284     "Tomango",
  285     "topologix",
  286     "Torikian",
  287     "totoml",
  288     "toyaml",
  289     "twitteruser",
  290     "Unmarshal",
  291     "urlize",
  292     "urlset",
  293     "utimestamp",
  294     "vendored",
  295     "vimrc",
  296     "wanghc",
  297     "Wappalyzer",
  298     "warnf",
  299     "webp",
  300     "Wercker",
  301     "wibble",
  302     "wordcount",
  303     "workson",
  304     "wpxr",
  305     "Xbaabbab",
  306     "xvzf",
  307     "yoyoyo",
  308     "Zgotmpl",
  309     "zzbbaabb",
  310     "مدونتي"
  311   ],
  312   "language": "en,en-GB,en-US,de,fr",
  313   "allowCompoundWords": true,
  314   "files": [
  315     "**/*.md"
  316   ],
  317   "ignoreRegExpList": [
  318     "<!-- prettier-ignore -->\\n(`{3,})\\w*\\n[\\s\\S]+?\\1",
  319     "\\[(\\*{2})?@\\w+?\\1\\]",
  320     "\\[`\\w+`\\]",
  321     "ve{2,}r{2,}y",
  322     "ve+r+y+long\\w*",
  323     "\\/.*?\\/",
  324     "\\_\\w+",
  325     "\\#\\w+"
  326   ],
  327   "ignorePaths": [
  328     ".cspell.json",
  329     "**/node_modules/**",
  330     "*.min.*",
  331     "**/news/*",
  332     "**/showcase/*"
  333   ],
  334   "useGitignore": true
  335 }