baseof.html (3007B)
1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html class="no-js" lang="{{ with $.Site.LanguageCode }}{{ . }}{{ else }}en-us{{ end }}"> 3 4 <head> 5 <meta charset="utf-8"> 6 {{/* */}} 7 <link rel="preload" href="{{ "fonts/muli-latin-200.woff2" | absURL }}" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin> 8 <link rel="preload" href="{{ "fonts/muli-latin-400.woff2" | absURL }}" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin> 9 <link rel="preload" href="{{ "fonts/muli-latin-800.woff2" | absURL }}" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin> 10 11 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> 12 {{/* NOTE: the Site's title, and if there is a page title, that is set too */}} 13 <title>{{ block "title" . }}{{ with .Title }}{{ . }} | {{ end }}{{ .Site.Title }}{{ end }}</title> 14 15 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,minimum-scale=1"> 16 {{ hugo.Generator }} 17 18 {{ if eq (getenv "HUGO_ENV") "production" | or (eq .Site.Params.env "production") }} 19 <meta name="robots" content="index, follow"> 20 {{ else }} 21 <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"> 22 {{ end }} 23 24 {{ range .AlternativeOutputFormats -}} 25 <link rel="{{ .Rel }}" type="{{ .MediaType.Type }}" href="{{ .Permalink | safeURL }}"> 26 {{ end -}} 27 28 {{ $isDev := eq hugo.Environment "development" }} 29 {{ $stylesheet := resources.Get "output/css/app.css" }} 30 {{ if not $isDev }} 31 {{ $stylesheet = $stylesheet | minify | fingerprint }} 32 {{ end }} 33 {{ with $stylesheet }} 34 {{ if $isDev }} 35 <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" crossorigin="anonymous"> 36 {{ else }} 37 <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ .Data.Integrity }}" crossorigin="anonymous"> 38 {{ end }} 39 {{ $.Scratch.Set "stylesheet" . }} 40 {{end}} 41 42 <meta name="description" 43 content="{{ with .Description }}{{ . }}{{ else }}{{ with .Site.Params.description }}{{ . }}{{ end }}{{ end }}"> 44 45 {{ block "scripts" . }} 46 {{- partial "site-scripts.html" . -}} 47 {{ end }} 48 {{ partial "site-manifest.html" . }} 49 {{- partial "head-additions.html" . -}} 50 {{- partial "opengraph/opengraph.html" . -}} 51 {{- template "_internal/schema.html" . -}} 52 {{- partial "opengraph/twitter_cards.html" . -}} 53 54 {{ if eq (getenv "HUGO_ENV") "production" | or (eq .Site.Params.env "production") }} 55 {{ partial "gtag" . }} 56 {{ end }} 57 58 </head> 59 60 <body class="ma0 sans-serif bg-primary-color-light{{ with getenv "HUGO_ENV" }} {{ . }}{{ end }}"> 61 {{ partial "hooks/after-body-start" . }} 62 {{ block "nav" . }}{{ partial "site-nav.html" . }}{{ end }} 63 {{ block "header" . }}{{ end }} 64 <main role="main" class="content-with-sidebar min-vh-100 pb7 pb0-ns"> 65 {{ block "main" . }}{{ end }} 66 </main> 67 68 {{ block "footer" . }}{{ partialCached "site-footer.html" . }}{{ end }} 69 70 {{ partial "hooks/before-body-end" . }} 71 72 73 {{ if .Page.Store.Get "hasMermaid" }} 74 <script src=""></script> 75 <script> 76 mermaid.initialize({ startOnLoad: true }); 77 </script> 78 {{ end }} 79 80 81 </body> 82 83 </html>