
Fork of with reverse pagination support

git clone git://

author-github-data.html (700B)

    1 {{ $author := }}
    2 {{ if $author }}
    3   <aside class="mw5 br3 mv3 nested-links">
    4     {{ $urlPre := "" }}
    5     {{ $user_json := getJSON $urlPre "/users/" $author }}
    6       {{ if $ }}
    7         <h3 class="f4 dib">
    8             {{ $ | htmlEscape }}
    9         </h3>
   11       {{ end }}
   12       {{ if $ }}
   13         <p class="lh-copy measure center mt0 f6 black-60">
   14           {{ $ | htmlEscape }}
   15         </p>
   16       {{ end }}
   17       <a href="{{ $user_json.html_url }}" class="link dim v-mid dib">
   18         {{ partial "svg/github-squared.svg" (dict "fill" "gray" "width" "16" "height" "18") }}
   19       </a>
   20   </aside>
   21 {{ end }}