
Fork of with reverse pagination support

git clone git://

hero.html (682B)

    1 <header class="bg-primary-color-dark ph4 tc" role="banner">
    2   <section class="center pb4 pb5-l ph4-l pt3 pt5-ns w-90 w-60-l">
    3     <div class="center w-100 w-50-ns">
    4         <img src="/images/hugo-logo-wide.svg" alt="Hugo Logo">
    5     </div>
    6     {{ with .Site.Params.description }}
    7       <h2 class="f3 f1-l fw4 white-90 m0 lh-title pt2 pb3 pv0-ns">
    8         {{ . }}
    9       </h2>
   10     {{ end }}
   11     <div class="lh-copy f4 w-90-ns center fw2 silver tc tc-ns">
   12       {{ .Content }}
   13     </div>
   14     <div class="w4 mv4 center">
   15       <a class="f5 db link grow tc v-mid bg-blue white ba b--blue ph3 pv2 br1" href="/getting-started/quick-start/">Quick Start</a>
   16     </div>
   17   </section>
   18 </header>