
Fork of with reverse pagination support

git clone git://

page-header.html (807B)

    1 {{ $currentPage := . }}
    2 {{ $currentURL := .RelPermalink }}
    3 <header class="ph4 flex pv4 bg-light-gray">
    4   <ul class="list ma0 pa0 ">
    5       <!-- TODO: Active classes -->
    6       <li class="f5 dib mr3 mb3 mb0-ns v-top white">
    7         <a href="/news/" class="link primary-color-dark dim">
    8             News:
    9         </a>
   10       </li>
   11       {{ range $name, $taxonomy := .Site.Taxonomies.categories }}
   12         {{ $link :=  $name | printf "%s%s" "/categories/" | printf "%s/" }}
   13         <li class="f5 dib mr3 v-top mr3 mb3 mb0-ns">
   14           <a href="{{ $link }}" class="link {{ if eq $currentURL $link }} bg-primary-color-dark {{ else }} bg-primary-color-dark {{ end }} white ph3 pv1 br2 hover-bg-accent-color-light">
   15             {{ $name  | humanize }}
   16           </a>
   17         </li>
   18       {{ end }}
   19   </ul>
   20 </header>