site-nav.html (1348B)
1 {{ $currentPage := . }} 2 <nav class="bg-primary-color-dark pv4 w-100" role="navigation"> 3 4 <div class="center flex-ns flex-wrap items-center justify-start mw9"> 5 6 <h1 class="dim f3 lh-solid ml0-ns mr0 mr4-l mv0 pl3 pl4-ns"> 7 <a href="" class="link white"> 8 HUGO 9 </a> 10 </h1> 11 <ul class="list ma0 pa0 dn dib-l" role="menu"> 12 {{ range }} 13 <li class="f5 dib mr4" role="menuitem"> 14 {{/* TODO: Create an "Global" active class to show which site one is currently at */}} 15 <a href="{{ .URL }}" class="dim link{{ if $currentPage.IsMenuCurrent "global" . }} gray {{else}} light-silver{{ end }}"> 16 {{ .Name }} 17 {{/* using ".Post" from the menu system to determine if we should show an icon for external links */}} 18 {{ $post_status := printf "%s" .Post }} 19 {{ if eq $post_status "external" }} 20 <span class="pl1"> 21 {{ partial "svg/link-ext.svg" (dict "size" "10") }} 22 </span> 23 {{ end }} 24 </a> 25 </li> 26 {{ end }} 27 </ul> 28 29 <div class="db dib-ns pl3"> 30 {{- partial "site-search.html" . -}} 31 </div> 32 33 <span class="absolute mt1 mt2-l pr3 right-0 top-0"> 34 {{- partialCached "social-follow.html" . -}} 35 </span> 36 37 </div> 38 </nav>