
Fork of with reverse pagination support

git clone git:// (2568B)

    1 ---
    2 title: "The world’s fastest framework for building websites"
    3 date: 2017-03-02T12:00:00-05:00
    4 features:
    5   - heading: Blistering Speed
    6     image_path: /images/icon-fast.svg
    7     tagline: What's modern about waiting for your site to build?
    8     copy: Hugo is the fastest tool of its kind. At <1 ms per page, the average site builds in less than a second.
   10   - heading: Robust Content Management
   11     image_path: /images/icon-content-management.svg
   12     tagline: Flexibility rules. Hugo is a content strategist's dream.
   13     copy: Hugo supports unlimited content types, taxonomies, menus, dynamic API-driven content, and more, all without plugins.
   15   - heading: Shortcodes
   16     image_path: /images/icon-shortcodes.svg
   17     tagline: Hugo's shortcodes are Markdown's hidden superpower.
   18     copy: We love the beautiful simplicity of markdown’s syntax, but there are times when we want more flexibility. Hugo shortcodes allow for both beauty and flexibility.
   20   - heading: Built-in Templates
   21     image_path: /images/icon-built-in-templates.svg
   22     tagline: Hugo has common patterns to get your work done quickly.
   23     copy: Hugo ships with pre-made templates to make quick work of SEO, commenting, analytics and other functions. One line of code, and you're done.
   25   - heading: Multilingual and i18n
   26     image_path: /images/icon-multilingual2.svg
   27     tagline: Polyglot baked in.
   28     copy: Hugo provides full i18n support for multi-language sites with the same straightforward development experience Hugo users love in single-language sites.
   30   - heading: Custom Outputs
   31     image_path: /images/icon-custom-outputs.svg
   32     tagline: HTML not enough?
   33     copy: Hugo allows you to output your content in multiple formats, including JSON or AMP, and makes it easy to create your own.
   34 sections:
   35   - heading: "300+ Themes"
   36     cta: Check out the Hugo themes.
   37     link:
   38     color_classes: bg-accent-color white
   39     image: /images/homepage-screenshot-hugo-themes.jpg
   40     copy: "Hugo provides a robust theming system that is easy to implement but capable of producing even the most complicated websites."
   41   - heading: "Capable Templating"
   42     cta: Get Started.
   43     link: templates/
   44     color_classes: bg-primary-color-light black
   45     image: /images/home-page-templating-example.png
   46     copy: "Hugo's Go-based templating provides just the right amount of logic to build anything from the simple to complex."
   47 ---
   49 Hugo is one of the most popular open-source static site generators. With its amazing speed and flexibility, Hugo makes building websites fun again.