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    1 ---
    2 title: "hugo mod"
    3 slug: hugo_mod
    4 url: /commands/hugo_mod/
    5 ---
    6 ## hugo mod
    8 Various Hugo Modules helpers.
   10 ### Synopsis
   12 Various helpers to help manage the modules in your project's dependency graph.
   14 Most operations here requires a Go version installed on your system (>= Go 1.12) and the relevant VCS client (typically Git).
   15 This is not needed if you only operate on modules inside /themes or if you have vendored them via "hugo mod vendor".
   18 Note that Hugo will always start out by resolving the components defined in the site
   19 configuration, provided by a _vendor directory (if no --ignoreVendorPaths flag provided),
   20 Go Modules, or a folder inside the themes directory, in that order.
   22 See for more information.
   26 ### Options
   28 ```
   29   -b, --baseURL string         hostname (and path) to the root, e.g.
   30   -D, --buildDrafts            include content marked as draft
   31   -E, --buildExpired           include expired content
   32   -F, --buildFuture            include content with publishdate in the future
   33       --cacheDir string        filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
   34       --cleanDestinationDir    remove files from destination not found in static directories
   35   -c, --contentDir string      filesystem path to content directory
   36   -d, --destination string     filesystem path to write files to
   37       --disableKinds strings   disable different kind of pages (home, RSS etc.)
   38       --enableGitInfo          add Git revision, date, author, and CODEOWNERS info to the pages
   39       --forceSyncStatic        copy all files when static is changed.
   40       --gc                     enable to run some cleanup tasks (remove unused cache files) after the build
   41   -h, --help                   help for mod
   42       --ignoreCache            ignores the cache directory
   43   -l, --layoutDir string       filesystem path to layout directory
   44       --minify                 minify any supported output format (HTML, XML etc.)
   45       --noBuildLock            don't create .hugo_build.lock file
   46       --noChmod                don't sync permission mode of files
   47       --noTimes                don't sync modification time of files
   48       --panicOnWarning         panic on first WARNING log
   49       --poll string            set this to a poll interval, e.g --poll 700ms, to use a poll based approach to watch for file system changes
   50       --printI18nWarnings      print missing translations
   51       --printMemoryUsage       print memory usage to screen at intervals
   52       --printPathWarnings      print warnings on duplicate target paths etc.
   53       --printUnusedTemplates   print warnings on unused templates.
   54       --templateMetrics        display metrics about template executions
   55       --templateMetricsHints   calculate some improvement hints when combined with --templateMetrics
   56   -t, --theme strings          themes to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
   57       --trace file             write trace to file (not useful in general)
   58 ```
   60 ### Options inherited from parent commands
   62 ```
   63       --clock string               set the clock used by Hugo, e.g. --clock 2021-11-06T22:30:00.00+09:00
   64       --config string              config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   65       --configDir string           config dir (default "config")
   66       --debug                      debug output
   67   -e, --environment string         build environment
   68       --ignoreVendorPaths string   ignores any _vendor for module paths matching the given Glob pattern
   69       --log                        enable Logging
   70       --logFile string             log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
   71       --quiet                      build in quiet mode
   72   -s, --source string              filesystem path to read files relative from
   73       --themesDir string           filesystem path to themes directory
   74   -v, --verbose                    verbose output
   75       --verboseLog                 verbose logging
   76 ```
   78 ### SEE ALSO
   80 * [hugo](/commands/hugo/)	 - hugo builds your site
   81 * [hugo mod clean](/commands/hugo_mod_clean/)	 - Delete the Hugo Module cache for the current project.
   82 * [hugo mod get](/commands/hugo_mod_get/)	 - Resolves dependencies in your current Hugo Project.
   83 * [hugo mod graph](/commands/hugo_mod_graph/)	 - Print a module dependency graph.
   84 * [hugo mod init](/commands/hugo_mod_init/)	 - Initialize this project as a Hugo Module.
   85 * [hugo mod npm](/commands/hugo_mod_npm/)	 - Various npm helpers.
   86 * [hugo mod tidy](/commands/hugo_mod_tidy/)	 - Remove unused entries in go.mod and go.sum.
   87 * [hugo mod vendor](/commands/hugo_mod_vendor/)	 - Vendor all module dependencies into the _vendor directory.
   88 * [hugo mod verify](/commands/hugo_mod_verify/)	 - Verify dependencies.