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    1 ---
    2 title: range
    3 linktitle:
    4 description: Iterates over a map, array, or slice.
    5 date: 2017-02-01
    6 publishdate: 2017-02-01
    7 lastmod: 2017-02-01
    8 categories: [functions]
    9 menu:
   10   docs:
   11     parent: "functions"
   12 keywords: [iteration]
   13 signature: ["range COLLECTION"]
   14 workson: []
   15 hugoversion:
   16 relatedfuncs: []
   17 deprecated: false
   18 draft: false
   19 aliases: []
   20 ---
   22 Just like in the Go programming language, Go and Hugo templates make heavy use of `range` to iterate over a map, array or slice. Other templating languages use a foreach for the equivalent functionality.
   24 `range` is fundamental to templating in Hugo. (See the [Introduction to Hugo Templates](/templates/introduction/) for more examples.)