1 2 --- 3 date: 2019-11-29 4 title: "Hugo 0.60.1: A couple of Bug Fixes" 5 description: "This version fixes a couple of bugs introduced in 0.60.0." 6 categories: ["Releases"] 7 --- 8 9 10 11 This is a bug-fix release with a couple of important fixes. 12 13 * deps: Update minify [86a5b59f]( [@MeiK2333]( [#6475]( 14 * Fix headless regression [bb80fff6]( [@bep]( [#6552]( 15 * deps: Update Goldmark [347cfb0c]( [@bep]( [#6549]([#6551]( 16 * hugolib: Fix timeout number parsing for YAML/JSON config [b60ae35b]( [@bep]( [#6555]( 17 18 19