
Fork of with reverse pagination support

git clone git:// (351B)

    1 ---
    2 title: 关于 Hugo
    3 linktitle: 概览
    4 description: Hugo 的特色、规划、许可和动力。
    5 date: 2018-04-26
    6 publishdate: 2018-04-26
    7 lastmod: 2018-04-26
    8 categories: []
    9 keywords: []
   10 menu:
   11   docs:
   12     parent: "about"
   13     weight: 1
   14 weight: 1
   15 draft: false
   16 aliases: [/about-hugo/,/docs/]
   17 toc: false
   18 ---
   20 Hugo 不是一般的静态网站生成器。