
Fork of with reverse pagination support

git clone git://

maintenance-pages-table.html (665B)

    1 <table class="collapse ba br2 b--black-10 pv2 ph3">
    2 	<thead>
    3 		<tr>
    4 			<th class="pv2 ph3 tl f6 fw6 ttu">LastMod</th>
    5 			<th class="pv2 ph3 tl f6 fw6 ttu">Link</th>
    6 			<th class="pv2 ph3 tl f6 fw6 ttu">GitHub</th>
    7 		</tr>
    8 	</thead>
    9 	<tbody>
   10 		{{ range  . }}
   11 		<tr class="striped--light-gray">
   12 			<td class="pv2 ph3">{{ .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02" }}</td>
   13 			<td class="pv2 ph3">
   14 				<a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
   15 			</td>
   16 			<td class="pv2 ph3">
   17 				<a href="{{.Site.Params.ghrepo}}blob/master/content/{{.Lang }}/{{.File.Path}}">
   18 					{{ with .GitInfo }}{{ .Subject }}{{ else }}Source{{ end }}
   19 				</a>
   20 			</td>
   21 		</tr>
   22 		{{ end }}
   23 	</tbody>
   24 </table>