
Fork of with reverse pagination support

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site_sections_test.go (13645B)

    1 // Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
    2 //
    3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
    6 //
    7 //
    8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   12 // limitations under the License.
   14 package hugolib
   16 import (
   17 	"fmt"
   18 	"path/filepath"
   19 	"strings"
   20 	"testing"
   22 	qt ""
   23 	""
   24 	""
   25 )
   27 func TestNestedSections(t *testing.T) {
   28 	var (
   29 		c       = qt.New(t)
   30 		cfg, fs = newTestCfg()
   31 		th      = newTestHelper(cfg, fs, t)
   32 	)
   34 	cfg.Set("permalinks", map[string]string{
   35 		"perm a": ":sections/:title",
   36 	})
   38 	pageTemplate := `---
   39 title: T%d_%d
   40 ---
   41 Content
   42 `
   44 	// Home page
   45 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, -1, -1))
   47 	// Top level content page
   48 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 1234, 5))
   50 	// Top level section without index content page
   51 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "top", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 12345, 6))
   52 	// Just a page in a subfolder, i.e. not a section.
   53 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "top", "folder", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 12345, 67))
   55 	for level1 := 1; level1 < 3; level1++ {
   56 		writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "l1", fmt.Sprintf("", level1)),
   57 			fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 1, level1))
   58 	}
   60 	// Issue #3586
   61 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "post", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 1, 2))
   62 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "post", "0000", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 1, 3))
   63 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "elsewhere", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 1, 4))
   65 	// Empty nested section, i.e. no regular content pages.
   66 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "empty1", "b", "c", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 33, -1))
   67 	// Index content file a the end and in the middle.
   68 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "empty2", "b", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 40, -1))
   69 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "empty2", "b", "c", "d", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 41, -1))
   71 	// Empty with content file in the middle.
   72 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "empty3", "b", "c", "d", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 41, -1))
   73 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "empty3", "b", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 3, -1))
   75 	// Section with permalink config
   76 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "perm a", "link", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 9, -1))
   77 	for i := 1; i < 4; i++ {
   78 		writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "perm a", "link", fmt.Sprintf("", i)),
   79 			fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 1, i))
   80 	}
   81 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "perm a", "link", "regular", fmt.Sprintf("", 5)),
   82 		fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 1, 5))
   84 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "l1", "l2", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 2, -1))
   85 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "l1", "l2_2", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 22, -1))
   86 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "l1", "l2", "l3", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 3, -1))
   88 	for level2 := 1; level2 < 4; level2++ {
   89 		writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "l1", "l2", fmt.Sprintf("", level2)),
   90 			fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 2, level2))
   91 	}
   92 	for level2 := 1; level2 < 3; level2++ {
   93 		writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "l1", "l2_2", fmt.Sprintf("", level2)),
   94 			fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 2, level2))
   95 	}
   96 	for level3 := 1; level3 < 3; level3++ {
   97 		writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "l1", "l2", "l3", fmt.Sprintf("", level3)),
   98 			fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 3, level3))
   99 	}
  101 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "Spaces in Section", ""), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, 10, 0))
  103 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("layouts", "_default", "single.html"), "<html>Single|{{ .Title }}</html>")
  104 	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("layouts", "_default", "list.html"),
  105 		`
  106 {{ $sect := (.Site.GetPage "l1/l2") }}
  107 <html>List|{{ .Title }}|L1/l2-IsActive: {{ .InSection $sect }}
  108 {{ range .Paginator.Pages }}
  109 PAG|{{ .Title }}|{{ $sect.InSection . }}
  110 {{ end }}
  111 {{/* */}}
  112 {{ $sections := (.Site.GetPage "section" .Section).Sections.ByWeight }}
  113 </html>`)
  115 	cfg.Set("paginate", 2)
  117 	s := buildSingleSite(t, deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg}, BuildCfg{})
  119 	c.Assert(len(s.RegularPages()), qt.Equals, 21)
  121 	tests := []struct {
  122 		sections string
  123 		verify   func(c *qt.C, p page.Page)
  124 	}{
  125 		{"elsewhere", func(c *qt.C, p page.Page) {
  126 			c.Assert(len(p.Pages()), qt.Equals, 1)
  127 			for _, p := range p.Pages() {
  128 				c.Assert(p.SectionsPath(), qt.Equals, "elsewhere")
  129 			}
  130 		}},
  131 		{"post", func(c *qt.C, p page.Page) {
  132 			c.Assert(len(p.Pages()), qt.Equals, 2)
  133 			for _, p := range p.Pages() {
  134 				c.Assert(p.Section(), qt.Equals, "post")
  135 			}
  136 		}},
  137 		{"empty1", func(c *qt.C, p page.Page) {
  138 			// > b,c
  139 			c.Assert(getPage(p, "/empty1/b"), qt.IsNil) // No page.
  140 			c.Assert(getPage(p, "/empty1/b/c"), qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
  141 		}},
  142 		{"empty2", func(c *qt.C, p page.Page) {
  143 			// > b,c,d where b and d have files.
  144 			b := getPage(p, "/empty2/b")
  145 			c.Assert(b, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
  146 			c.Assert(b.Title(), qt.Equals, "T40_-1")
  148 			cp := getPage(p, "/empty2/b/c")
  149 			c.Assert(cp, qt.IsNil) // No
  151 			d := getPage(p, "/empty2/b/c/d")
  152 			c.Assert(d, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
  153 			c.Assert(d.Title(), qt.Equals, "T41_-1")
  155 			c.Assert(cp.Eq(d), qt.Equals, false)
  156 			c.Assert(cp.Eq(cp), qt.Equals, true)
  157 			c.Assert(cp.Eq("asdf"), qt.Equals, false)
  158 		}},
  159 		{"empty3", func(c *qt.C, p page.Page) {
  160 			// b,c,d with regular page in b
  161 			b := getPage(p, "/empty3/b")
  162 			c.Assert(b, qt.IsNil) // No
  163 			e3 := getPage(p, "/empty3/b/empty3")
  164 			c.Assert(e3, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
  165 			c.Assert(e3.File().LogicalName(), qt.Equals, "")
  166 		}},
  167 		{"empty3", func(c *qt.C, p page.Page) {
  168 			xxx := getPage(p, "/empty3/nil")
  169 			c.Assert(xxx, qt.IsNil)
  170 		}},
  171 		{"top", func(c *qt.C, p page.Page) {
  172 			c.Assert(p.Title(), qt.Equals, "Tops")
  173 			c.Assert(len(p.Pages()), qt.Equals, 2)
  174 			c.Assert(p.Pages()[0].File().LogicalName(), qt.Equals, "")
  175 			c.Assert(p.Pages()[1].File().LogicalName(), qt.Equals, "")
  176 			home := p.Parent()
  177 			c.Assert(home.IsHome(), qt.Equals, true)
  178 			c.Assert(len(p.Sections()), qt.Equals, 0)
  179 			c.Assert(home.CurrentSection(), qt.Equals, home)
  180 			active, err := home.InSection(home)
  181 			c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
  182 			c.Assert(active, qt.Equals, true)
  183 			c.Assert(p.FirstSection(), qt.Equals, p)
  184 		}},
  185 		{"l1", func(c *qt.C, p page.Page) {
  186 			c.Assert(p.Title(), qt.Equals, "L1s")
  187 			c.Assert(len(p.Pages()), qt.Equals, 4) // 2 pages + 2 sections
  188 			c.Assert(p.Parent().IsHome(), qt.Equals, true)
  189 			c.Assert(len(p.Sections()), qt.Equals, 2)
  190 		}},
  191 		{"l1,l2", func(c *qt.C, p page.Page) {
  192 			c.Assert(p.Title(), qt.Equals, "T2_-1")
  193 			c.Assert(len(p.Pages()), qt.Equals, 4) // 3 pages + 1 section
  194 			c.Assert(p.Pages()[0].Parent(), qt.Equals, p)
  195 			c.Assert(p.Parent().Title(), qt.Equals, "L1s")
  196 			c.Assert(p.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/l1/l2/")
  197 			c.Assert(len(p.Sections()), qt.Equals, 1)
  199 			for _, child := range p.Pages() {
  200 				if child.IsSection() {
  201 					c.Assert(child.CurrentSection(), qt.Equals, child)
  202 					continue
  203 				}
  205 				c.Assert(child.CurrentSection(), qt.Equals, p)
  206 				active, err := child.InSection(p)
  207 				c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
  209 				c.Assert(active, qt.Equals, true)
  210 				active, err = p.InSection(child)
  211 				c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
  212 				c.Assert(active, qt.Equals, true)
  213 				active, err = p.InSection(getPage(p, "/"))
  214 				c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
  215 				c.Assert(active, qt.Equals, false)
  217 				isAncestor, err := p.IsAncestor(child)
  218 				c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
  219 				c.Assert(isAncestor, qt.Equals, true)
  220 				isAncestor, err = child.IsAncestor(p)
  221 				c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
  222 				c.Assert(isAncestor, qt.Equals, false)
  224 				isDescendant, err := p.IsDescendant(child)
  225 				c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
  226 				c.Assert(isDescendant, qt.Equals, false)
  227 				isDescendant, err = child.IsDescendant(p)
  228 				c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
  229 				c.Assert(isDescendant, qt.Equals, true)
  230 			}
  232 			c.Assert(p.Eq(p.CurrentSection()), qt.Equals, true)
  233 		}},
  234 		{"l1,l2_2", func(c *qt.C, p page.Page) {
  235 			c.Assert(p.Title(), qt.Equals, "T22_-1")
  236 			c.Assert(len(p.Pages()), qt.Equals, 2)
  237 			c.Assert(p.Pages()[0].File().Path(), qt.Equals, filepath.FromSlash("l1/l2_2/"))
  238 			c.Assert(p.Parent().Title(), qt.Equals, "L1s")
  239 			c.Assert(len(p.Sections()), qt.Equals, 0)
  240 		}},
  241 		{"l1,l2,l3", func(c *qt.C, p page.Page) {
  242 			nilp, _ := p.GetPage("this/does/not/exist")
  244 			c.Assert(p.Title(), qt.Equals, "T3_-1")
  245 			c.Assert(len(p.Pages()), qt.Equals, 2)
  246 			c.Assert(p.Parent().Title(), qt.Equals, "T2_-1")
  247 			c.Assert(len(p.Sections()), qt.Equals, 0)
  249 			l1 := getPage(p, "/l1")
  250 			isDescendant, err := l1.IsDescendant(p)
  251 			c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
  252 			c.Assert(isDescendant, qt.Equals, false)
  253 			isDescendant, err = l1.IsDescendant(nil)
  254 			c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
  255 			c.Assert(isDescendant, qt.Equals, false)
  256 			isDescendant, err = nilp.IsDescendant(p)
  257 			c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
  258 			c.Assert(isDescendant, qt.Equals, false)
  259 			isDescendant, err = p.IsDescendant(l1)
  260 			c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
  261 			c.Assert(isDescendant, qt.Equals, true)
  263 			isAncestor, err := l1.IsAncestor(p)
  264 			c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
  265 			c.Assert(isAncestor, qt.Equals, true)
  266 			isAncestor, err = p.IsAncestor(l1)
  267 			c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
  268 			c.Assert(isAncestor, qt.Equals, false)
  269 			c.Assert(p.FirstSection(), qt.Equals, l1)
  270 			isAncestor, err = p.IsAncestor(nil)
  271 			c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
  272 			c.Assert(isAncestor, qt.Equals, false)
  273 			isAncestor, err = nilp.IsAncestor(l1)
  274 			c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
  275 			c.Assert(isAncestor, qt.Equals, false)
  276 		}},
  277 		{"perm a,link", func(c *qt.C, p page.Page) {
  278 			c.Assert(p.Title(), qt.Equals, "T9_-1")
  279 			c.Assert(p.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/perm-a/link/")
  280 			c.Assert(len(p.Pages()), qt.Equals, 4)
  281 			first := p.Pages()[0]
  282 			c.Assert(first.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/perm-a/link/t1_1/")
  283 			th.assertFileContent("public/perm-a/link/t1_1/index.html", "Single|T1_1")
  285 			last := p.Pages()[3]
  286 			c.Assert(last.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/perm-a/link/t1_5/")
  287 		}},
  288 	}
  290 	home := s.getPage(page.KindHome)
  292 	for _, test := range tests {
  293 		test := test
  294 		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("sections %s", test.sections), func(t *testing.T) {
  295 			t.Parallel()
  296 			c := qt.New(t)
  297 			sections := strings.Split(test.sections, ",")
  298 			p := s.getPage(page.KindSection, sections...)
  299 			c.Assert(p, qt.Not(qt.IsNil), qt.Commentf(fmt.Sprint(sections)))
  301 			if p.Pages() != nil {
  302 				c.Assert(p.Data().(page.Data).Pages(), deepEqualsPages, p.Pages())
  303 			}
  304 			c.Assert(p.Parent(), qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
  305 			test.verify(c, p)
  306 		})
  307 	}
  309 	c.Assert(home, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
  311 	c.Assert(len(home.Sections()), qt.Equals, 9)
  312 	c.Assert(s.Info.Sections(), deepEqualsPages, home.Sections())
  314 	rootPage := s.getPage(page.KindPage, "")
  315 	c.Assert(rootPage, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
  316 	c.Assert(rootPage.Parent().IsHome(), qt.Equals, true)
  317 	//
  318 	c.Assert(rootPage.Sections(), qt.HasLen, 0)
  320 	// Add a odd test for this as this looks a little bit off, but I'm not in the mood
  321 	// to think too hard a out this right now. It works, but people will have to spell
  322 	// out the directory name as is.
  323 	// If we later decide to do something about this, we will have to do some normalization in
  324 	// getPage.
  325 	// TODO(bep)
  326 	sectionWithSpace := s.getPage(page.KindSection, "Spaces in Section")
  327 	c.Assert(sectionWithSpace, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
  328 	c.Assert(sectionWithSpace.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/spaces-in-section/")
  330 	th.assertFileContent("public/l1/l2/page/2/index.html", "L1/l2-IsActive: true", "PAG|T2_3|true")
  331 }
  333 func TestNextInSectionNested(t *testing.T) {
  334 	t.Parallel()
  336 	pageContent := `---
  337 title: "The Page"
  338 weight: %d
  339 ---
  340 Some content.
  341 `
  342 	createPageContent := func(weight int) string {
  343 		return fmt.Sprintf(pageContent, weight)
  344 	}
  346 	b := newTestSitesBuilder(t)
  347 	b.WithSimpleConfigFile()
  348 	b.WithTemplates("_default/single.html", `
  349 Prev: {{ with .PrevInSection }}{{ .RelPermalink }}{{ end }}|
  350 Next: {{ with .NextInSection }}{{ .RelPermalink }}{{ end }}|
  351 `)
  353 	b.WithContent("blog/", createPageContent(1))
  354 	b.WithContent("blog/", createPageContent(2))
  355 	b.WithContent("blog/cool/", createPageContent(1))
  356 	b.WithContent("blog/cool/", createPageContent(1))
  357 	b.WithContent("blog/cool/", createPageContent(2))
  358 	b.WithContent("", createPageContent(1))
  359 	b.WithContent("", createPageContent(2))
  361 	b.Build(BuildCfg{})
  363 	b.AssertFileContent("public/root1/index.html",
  364 		"Prev: /root2/|", "Next: |")
  365 	b.AssertFileContent("public/root2/index.html",
  366 		"Prev: |", "Next: /root1/|")
  367 	b.AssertFileContent("public/blog/page1/index.html",
  368 		"Prev: /blog/page2/|", "Next: |")
  369 	b.AssertFileContent("public/blog/page2/index.html",
  370 		"Prev: |", "Next: /blog/page1/|")
  371 	b.AssertFileContent("public/blog/cool/cool1/index.html",
  372 		"Prev: /blog/cool/cool2/|", "Next: |")
  373 	b.AssertFileContent("public/blog/cool/cool2/index.html",
  374 		"Prev: |", "Next: /blog/cool/cool1/|")
  375 }