
Fork of with reverse pagination support

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hooks.go (3080B)

    1 // Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
    2 //
    3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
    6 //
    7 //
    8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   12 // limitations under the License.
   14 package hooks
   16 import (
   17 	"io"
   19 	""
   20 	""
   21 	""
   22 	""
   23 	""
   24 )
   26 var _ AttributesOptionsSliceProvider = (*attributes.AttributesHolder)(nil)
   28 type AttributesProvider interface {
   29 	Attributes() map[string]any
   30 }
   32 type LinkContext interface {
   33 	Page() any
   34 	Destination() string
   35 	Title() string
   36 	Text() hstring.RenderedString
   37 	PlainText() string
   38 }
   40 type CodeblockContext interface {
   41 	AttributesProvider
   42 	text.Positioner
   43 	Options() map[string]any
   44 	Type() string
   45 	Inner() string
   46 	Ordinal() int
   47 	Page() any
   48 }
   50 type AttributesOptionsSliceProvider interface {
   51 	AttributesSlice() []attributes.Attribute
   52 	OptionsSlice() []attributes.Attribute
   53 }
   55 type LinkRenderer interface {
   56 	RenderLink(w io.Writer, ctx LinkContext) error
   57 	identity.Provider
   58 }
   60 type CodeBlockRenderer interface {
   61 	RenderCodeblock(w hugio.FlexiWriter, ctx CodeblockContext) error
   62 	identity.Provider
   63 }
   65 type IsDefaultCodeBlockRendererProvider interface {
   66 	IsDefaultCodeBlockRenderer() bool
   67 }
   69 // HeadingContext contains accessors to all attributes that a HeadingRenderer
   70 // can use to render a heading.
   71 type HeadingContext interface {
   72 	// Page is the page containing the heading.
   73 	Page() any
   74 	// Level is the level of the header (i.e. 1 for top-level, 2 for sub-level, etc.).
   75 	Level() int
   76 	// Anchor is the HTML id assigned to the heading.
   77 	Anchor() string
   78 	// Text is the rendered (HTML) heading text, excluding the heading marker.
   79 	Text() hstring.RenderedString
   80 	// PlainText is the unrendered version of Text.
   81 	PlainText() string
   83 	// Attributes (e.g. CSS classes)
   84 	AttributesProvider
   85 }
   87 // HeadingRenderer describes a uniquely identifiable rendering hook.
   88 type HeadingRenderer interface {
   89 	// Render writes the rendered content to w using the data in w.
   90 	RenderHeading(w io.Writer, ctx HeadingContext) error
   91 	identity.Provider
   92 }
   94 // ElementPositionResolver provides a way to resolve the start Position
   95 // of a markdown element in the original source document.
   96 // This may be both slow and approximate, so should only be
   97 // used for error logging.
   98 type ElementPositionResolver interface {
   99 	ResolvePosition(ctx any) text.Position
  100 }
  102 type RendererType int
  104 const (
  105 	LinkRendererType RendererType = iota + 1
  106 	ImageRendererType
  107 	HeadingRendererType
  108 	CodeBlockRendererType
  109 )
  111 type GetRendererFunc func(t RendererType, id any) any