
Fork of with reverse pagination support

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docshelper.go (4173B)

    1 package output
    3 import (
    4 	"strings"
    6 	//	"fmt"
    8 	""
    9 )
   11 // This is is just some helpers used to create some JSON used in the Hugo docs.
   12 func init() {
   13 	docsProvider := func() docshelper.DocProvider {
   14 		return docshelper.DocProvider{
   15 			"output": map[string]any{
   16 				"formats": DefaultFormats,
   17 				"layouts": createLayoutExamples(),
   18 			},
   19 		}
   20 	}
   22 	docshelper.AddDocProviderFunc(docsProvider)
   23 }
   25 func createLayoutExamples() any {
   26 	type Example struct {
   27 		Example      string
   28 		Kind         string
   29 		OutputFormat string
   30 		Suffix       string
   31 		Layouts      []string `json:"Template Lookup Order"`
   32 	}
   34 	var (
   35 		basicExamples []Example
   36 		demoLayout    = "demolayout"
   37 		demoType      = "demotype"
   38 	)
   40 	for _, example := range []struct {
   41 		name string
   42 		d    LayoutDescriptor
   43 		f    Format
   44 	}{
   45 		// Taxonomy output.LayoutDescriptor={categories category taxonomy en  false Type Section
   46 		{"Single page in \"posts\" section", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page", Type: "posts"}, HTMLFormat},
   47 		{"Base template for single page in \"posts\" section", LayoutDescriptor{Baseof: true, Kind: "page", Type: "posts"}, HTMLFormat},
   48 		{"Single page in \"posts\" section with layout set", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page", Type: "posts", Layout: demoLayout}, HTMLFormat},
   49 		{"Base template for single page in \"posts\" section with layout set", LayoutDescriptor{Baseof: true, Kind: "page", Type: "posts", Layout: demoLayout}, HTMLFormat},
   50 		{"AMP single page", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page", Type: "posts"}, AMPFormat},
   51 		{"AMP single page, French language", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page", Type: "posts", Lang: "fr"}, AMPFormat},
   52 		// All section or typeless pages gets "page" as type
   53 		{"Home page", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home", Type: "page"}, HTMLFormat},
   54 		{"Base template for home page", LayoutDescriptor{Baseof: true, Kind: "home", Type: "page"}, HTMLFormat},
   55 		{"Home page with type set", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home", Type: demoType}, HTMLFormat},
   56 		{"Base template for home page with type set", LayoutDescriptor{Baseof: true, Kind: "home", Type: demoType}, HTMLFormat},
   57 		{"Home page with layout set", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home", Type: "page", Layout: demoLayout}, HTMLFormat},
   58 		{"AMP home, French language", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home", Type: "page", Lang: "fr"}, AMPFormat},
   59 		{"JSON home", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home", Type: "page"}, JSONFormat},
   60 		{"RSS home", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home", Type: "page"}, RSSFormat},
   61 		{"RSS section posts", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "section", Type: "posts"}, RSSFormat},
   62 		{"Taxonomy in categories", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "taxonomy", Type: "categories", Section: "category"}, RSSFormat},
   63 		{"Term in categories", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "term", Type: "categories", Section: "category"}, RSSFormat},
   64 		{"Section list for \"posts\" section", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "section", Type: "posts", Section: "posts"}, HTMLFormat},
   65 		{"Section list for \"posts\" section with type set to \"blog\"", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "section", Type: "blog", Section: "posts"}, HTMLFormat},
   66 		{"Section list for \"posts\" section with layout set to \"demoLayout\"", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "section", Layout: demoLayout, Section: "posts"}, HTMLFormat},
   68 		{"Taxonomy list in categories", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "taxonomy", Type: "categories", Section: "category"}, HTMLFormat},
   69 		{"Taxonomy term in categories", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "term", Type: "categories", Section: "category"}, HTMLFormat},
   70 	} {
   72 		l := NewLayoutHandler()
   73 		layouts, _ := l.For(example.d, example.f)
   75 		basicExamples = append(basicExamples, Example{
   76 			Example:,
   77 			Kind:         example.d.Kind,
   78 			OutputFormat: example.f.Name,
   79 			Suffix:       example.f.MediaType.FirstSuffix.Suffix,
   80 			Layouts:      makeLayoutsPresentable(layouts),
   81 		})
   82 	}
   84 	return basicExamples
   85 }
   87 func makeLayoutsPresentable(l []string) []string {
   88 	var filtered []string
   89 	for _, ll := range l {
   90 		if strings.Contains(ll, "page/") {
   91 			// This is a valid lookup, but it's more confusing than useful.
   92 			continue
   93 		}
   94 		ll = "layouts/" + strings.TrimPrefix(ll, "_text/")
   96 		if !strings.Contains(ll, "indexes") {
   97 			filtered = append(filtered, ll)
   98 		}
   99 	}
  101 	return filtered
  102 }