
Fork of with reverse pagination support

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decoder.go (7849B)

    1 // Copyright 2018 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
    2 //
    3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
    6 //
    7 //
    8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   12 // limitations under the License.
   14 package metadecoders
   16 import (
   17 	"bytes"
   18 	"encoding/csv"
   19 	"encoding/json"
   20 	"fmt"
   21 	"regexp"
   22 	"strings"
   24 	""
   25 	""
   27 	xml ""
   28 	toml ""
   29 	""
   30 	""
   31 	jww ""
   32 	yaml ""
   33 )
   35 // Decoder provides some configuration options for the decoders.
   36 type Decoder struct {
   37 	// Delimiter is the field delimiter used in the CSV decoder. It defaults to ','.
   38 	Delimiter rune
   40 	// Comment, if not 0, is the comment character ued in the CSV decoder. Lines beginning with the
   41 	// Comment character without preceding whitespace are ignored.
   42 	Comment rune
   43 }
   45 // OptionsKey is used in cache keys.
   46 func (d Decoder) OptionsKey() string {
   47 	var sb strings.Builder
   48 	sb.WriteRune(d.Delimiter)
   49 	sb.WriteRune(d.Comment)
   50 	return sb.String()
   51 }
   53 // Default is a Decoder in its default configuration.
   54 var Default = Decoder{
   55 	Delimiter: ',',
   56 }
   58 // UnmarshalToMap will unmarshall data in format f into a new map. This is
   59 // what's needed for Hugo's front matter decoding.
   60 func (d Decoder) UnmarshalToMap(data []byte, f Format) (map[string]any, error) {
   61 	m := make(map[string]any)
   62 	if data == nil {
   63 		return m, nil
   64 	}
   66 	err := d.UnmarshalTo(data, f, &m)
   68 	return m, err
   69 }
   71 // UnmarshalFileToMap is the same as UnmarshalToMap, but reads the data from
   72 // the given filename.
   73 func (d Decoder) UnmarshalFileToMap(fs afero.Fs, filename string) (map[string]any, error) {
   74 	format := FormatFromString(filename)
   75 	if format == "" {
   76 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%q is not a valid configuration format", filename)
   77 	}
   79 	data, err := afero.ReadFile(fs, filename)
   80 	if err != nil {
   81 		return nil, err
   82 	}
   83 	return d.UnmarshalToMap(data, format)
   84 }
   86 // UnmarshalStringTo tries to unmarshal data to a new instance of type typ.
   87 func (d Decoder) UnmarshalStringTo(data string, typ any) (any, error) {
   88 	data = strings.TrimSpace(data)
   89 	// We only check for the possible types in YAML, JSON and TOML.
   90 	switch typ.(type) {
   91 	case string:
   92 		return data, nil
   93 	case map[string]any:
   94 		format := d.FormatFromContentString(data)
   95 		return d.UnmarshalToMap([]byte(data), format)
   96 	case []any:
   97 		// A standalone slice. Let YAML handle it.
   98 		return d.Unmarshal([]byte(data), YAML)
   99 	case bool:
  100 		return cast.ToBoolE(data)
  101 	case int:
  102 		return cast.ToIntE(data)
  103 	case int64:
  104 		return cast.ToInt64E(data)
  105 	case float64:
  106 		return cast.ToFloat64E(data)
  107 	default:
  108 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unmarshal: %T not supported", typ)
  109 	}
  110 }
  112 // Unmarshal will unmarshall data in format f into an interface{}.
  113 // This is what's needed for Hugo's /data handling.
  114 func (d Decoder) Unmarshal(data []byte, f Format) (any, error) {
  115 	if data == nil {
  116 		switch f {
  117 		case CSV:
  118 			return make([][]string, 0), nil
  119 		default:
  120 			return make(map[string]any), nil
  121 		}
  122 	}
  123 	var v any
  124 	err := d.UnmarshalTo(data, f, &v)
  126 	return v, err
  127 }
  129 // UnmarshalTo unmarshals data in format f into v.
  130 func (d Decoder) UnmarshalTo(data []byte, f Format, v any) error {
  131 	var err error
  133 	switch f {
  134 	case ORG:
  135 		err = d.unmarshalORG(data, v)
  136 	case JSON:
  137 		err = json.Unmarshal(data, v)
  138 	case XML:
  139 		var xmlRoot xml.Map
  140 		xmlRoot, err = xml.NewMapXml(data)
  142 		var xmlValue map[string]any
  143 		if err == nil {
  144 			xmlRootName, err := xmlRoot.Root()
  145 			if err != nil {
  146 				return toFileError(f, data, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal XML: %w", err))
  147 			}
  148 			xmlValue = xmlRoot[xmlRootName].(map[string]any)
  149 		}
  151 		switch v := v.(type) {
  152 		case *map[string]any:
  153 			*v = xmlValue
  154 		case *any:
  155 			*v = xmlValue
  156 		}
  157 	case TOML:
  158 		err = toml.Unmarshal(data, v)
  159 	case YAML:
  160 		err = yaml.Unmarshal(data, v)
  161 		if err != nil {
  162 			return toFileError(f, data, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal YAML: %w", err))
  163 		}
  165 		// To support boolean keys, the YAML package unmarshals maps to
  166 		// map[interface{}]interface{}. Here we recurse through the result
  167 		// and change all maps to map[string]interface{} like we would've
  168 		// gotten from `json`.
  169 		var ptr any
  170 		switch v.(type) {
  171 		case *map[string]any:
  172 			ptr = *v.(*map[string]any)
  173 		case *any:
  174 			ptr = *v.(*any)
  175 		default:
  176 			// Not a map.
  177 		}
  179 		if ptr != nil {
  180 			if mm, changed := stringifyMapKeys(ptr); changed {
  181 				switch v.(type) {
  182 				case *map[string]any:
  183 					*v.(*map[string]any) = mm.(map[string]any)
  184 				case *any:
  185 					*v.(*any) = mm
  186 				}
  187 			}
  188 		}
  189 	case CSV:
  190 		return d.unmarshalCSV(data, v)
  192 	default:
  193 		return fmt.Errorf("unmarshal of format %q is not supported", f)
  194 	}
  196 	if err == nil {
  197 		return nil
  198 	}
  200 	return toFileError(f, data, fmt.Errorf("unmarshal failed: %w", err))
  201 }
  203 func (d Decoder) unmarshalCSV(data []byte, v any) error {
  204 	r := csv.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(data))
  205 	r.Comma = d.Delimiter
  206 	r.Comment = d.Comment
  208 	records, err := r.ReadAll()
  209 	if err != nil {
  210 		return err
  211 	}
  213 	switch v.(type) {
  214 	case *any:
  215 		*v.(*any) = records
  216 	default:
  217 		return fmt.Errorf("CSV cannot be unmarshaled into %T", v)
  219 	}
  221 	return nil
  222 }
  224 func parseORGDate(s string) string {
  225 	r := regexp.MustCompile(`[<\[](\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}) .*[>\]]`)
  226 	if m := r.FindStringSubmatch(s); m != nil {
  227 		return m[1]
  228 	}
  229 	return s
  230 }
  232 func (d Decoder) unmarshalORG(data []byte, v any) error {
  233 	config := org.New()
  234 	config.Log = jww.WARN
  235 	document := config.Parse(bytes.NewReader(data), "")
  236 	if document.Error != nil {
  237 		return document.Error
  238 	}
  239 	frontMatter := make(map[string]any, len(document.BufferSettings))
  240 	for k, v := range document.BufferSettings {
  241 		k = strings.ToLower(k)
  242 		if strings.HasSuffix(k, "[]") {
  243 			frontMatter[k[:len(k)-2]] = strings.Fields(v)
  244 		} else if k == "tags" || k == "categories" || k == "aliases" {
  245 			jww.WARN.Printf("Please use '#+%s[]:' notation, automatic conversion is deprecated.", k)
  246 			frontMatter[k] = strings.Fields(v)
  247 		} else if k == "date" {
  248 			frontMatter[k] = parseORGDate(v)
  249 		} else {
  250 			frontMatter[k] = v
  251 		}
  252 	}
  253 	switch v.(type) {
  254 	case *map[string]any:
  255 		*v.(*map[string]any) = frontMatter
  256 	default:
  257 		*v.(*any) = frontMatter
  258 	}
  259 	return nil
  260 }
  262 func toFileError(f Format, data []byte, err error) error {
  263 	return herrors.NewFileErrorFromName(err, fmt.Sprintf("_stream.%s", f)).UpdateContent(bytes.NewReader(data), nil)
  264 }
  266 // stringifyMapKeys recurses into in and changes all instances of
  267 // map[interface{}]interface{} to map[string]interface{}. This is useful to
  268 // work around the impedance mismatch between JSON and YAML unmarshaling that's
  269 // described here:
  270 //
  271 // Inspired by, MIT licensed
  272 func stringifyMapKeys(in any) (any, bool) {
  273 	switch in := in.(type) {
  274 	case []any:
  275 		for i, v := range in {
  276 			if vv, replaced := stringifyMapKeys(v); replaced {
  277 				in[i] = vv
  278 			}
  279 		}
  280 	case map[string]any:
  281 		for k, v := range in {
  282 			if vv, changed := stringifyMapKeys(v); changed {
  283 				in[k] = vv
  284 			}
  285 		}
  286 	case map[any]any:
  287 		res := make(map[string]any)
  288 		var (
  289 			ok  bool
  290 			err error
  291 		)
  292 		for k, v := range in {
  293 			var ks string
  295 			if ks, ok = k.(string); !ok {
  296 				ks, err = cast.ToStringE(k)
  297 				if err != nil {
  298 					ks = fmt.Sprintf("%v", k)
  299 				}
  300 			}
  301 			if vv, replaced := stringifyMapKeys(v); replaced {
  302 				res[ks] = vv
  303 			} else {
  304 				res[ks] = v
  305 			}
  306 		}
  307 		return res, true
  308 	}
  310 	return nil, false
  311 }