
Fork of with reverse pagination support

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htmlElementsCollector_test.go (7848B)

    1 // Copyright 2020 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
    2 //
    3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
    6 //
    7 //
    8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   12 // limitations under the License.
   14 package publisher
   16 import (
   17 	"bytes"
   18 	"fmt"
   19 	"io"
   20 	"math/rand"
   21 	"strings"
   22 	"testing"
   23 	"time"
   25 	""
   26 	""
   27 	""
   28 	""
   30 	qt ""
   31 )
   33 func TestClassCollector(t *testing.T) {
   34 	c := qt.New((t))
   35 	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix()))
   37 	f := func(tags, classes, ids string) HTMLElements {
   38 		var tagss, classess, idss []string
   39 		if tags != "" {
   40 			tagss = strings.Split(tags, " ")
   41 		}
   42 		if classes != "" {
   43 			classess = strings.Split(classes, " ")
   44 		}
   45 		if ids != "" {
   46 			idss = strings.Split(ids, " ")
   47 		}
   48 		return HTMLElements{
   49 			Tags:    tagss,
   50 			Classes: classess,
   51 			IDs:     idss,
   52 		}
   53 	}
   55 	skipMinifyTest := map[string]bool{
   56 		"Script tags content should be skipped": true, //
   57 	}
   59 	for _, test := range []struct {
   60 		name   string
   61 		html   string
   62 		expect HTMLElements
   63 	}{
   64 		{"basic", `<body class="b a"></body>`, f("body", "a b", "")},
   65 		{"duplicates", `<div class="b a b"></div><div class="b a b"></div>x'`, f("div", "a b", "")},
   66 		{"single quote", `<body class='b a'></body>`, f("body", "a b", "")},
   67 		{"no quote", `<body class=b id=myelement></body>`, f("body", "b", "myelement")},
   68 		{"short", `<i>`, f("i", "", "")},
   69 		{"invalid", `< body class="b a"></body><div></div>`, f("div", "", "")},
   70 		//
   71 		{"thead", `<table class="cl1">
   72     <thead class="cl2"><tr class="cl3"><td class="cl4"></td></tr></thead>
   73     <tbody class="cl5"><tr class="cl6"><td class="cl7"></td></tr></tbody>
   74 </table>`, f("table tbody td thead tr", "cl1 cl2 cl3 cl4 cl5 cl6 cl7", "")},
   75 		{"thead uppercase", `<TABLE class="CL1">
   76     <THEAD class="CL2"><TR class="CL3"><TD class="CL4"></TD></TR></THEAD>
   77     <TBODY class="CL5"><TR class="CL6"><TD class="CL7"></TD></TR></TBODY>
   78 </TABLE>`, f("table tbody td thead tr", "CL1 CL2 CL3 CL4 CL5 CL6 CL7", "")},
   79 		//
   80 		{"minified a href", `<a class="b a" href=/></a>`, f("a", "a b", "")},
   81 		{"AlpineJS bind 1", `<body>
   82     <div x-bind:class="{
   83         'class1':,
   84         'class2 class3': == 'bar'
   85          }">
   86     </div>
   87 </body>`, f("body div", "class1 class2 class3", "")},
   88 		{"AlpineJS bind 2", `<div x-bind:class="{ 'bg-black':  filter.checked }" class="inline-block mr-1 mb-2 rounded  bg-gray-300 px-2 py-2">FOO</div>`,
   89 			f("div", "bg-black bg-gray-300 inline-block mb-2 mr-1 px-2 py-2 rounded", ""),
   90 		},
   91 		{"AlpineJS bind 3", `<div x-bind:class="{ 'text-gray-800':  !checked, 'text-white': checked }"></div>`, f("div", "text-gray-800 text-white", "")},
   92 		{"AlpineJS bind 4", `<div x-bind:class="{ 'text-gray-800':  !checked, 
   93 					 'text-white': checked }"></div>`, f("div", "text-gray-800 text-white", "")},
   94 		{"AlpineJS bind 5", `<a x-bind:class="{
   95                 'text-a': a && b,
   96                 'text-b': !a && b || c,
   97                 'pl-3': a === 1,
   98                  pl-2: b == 3,
   99                 'text-gray-600': (a > 1)
  100                 }" class="block w-36 cursor-pointer pr-3 no-underline capitalize"></a>`, f("a", "block capitalize cursor-pointer no-underline pl-2 pl-3 pr-3 text-a text-b text-gray-600 w-36", "")},
  101 		{"AlpineJS transition 1", `<div x-transition:enter-start="opacity-0 transform mobile:-translate-x-8 sm:-translate-y-8">`, f("div", "mobile:-translate-x-8 opacity-0 sm:-translate-y-8 transform", "")},
  102 		{"Vue bind", `<div v-bind:class="{ active: isActive }"></div>`, f("div", "active", "")},
  103 		// Issue #7746
  104 		{"Apostrophe inside attribute value", `<a class="missingclass" title="Plus d'information">my text</a><div></div>`, f("a div", "missingclass", "")},
  105 		// Issue #7567
  106 		{"Script tags content should be skipped", `<script><span>foo</span><span>bar</span></script><div class="foo"></div>`, f("div script", "foo", "")},
  107 		{"Style tags content should be skipped", `<style>p{color: red;font-size: 20px;}</style><div class="foo"></div>`, f("div style", "foo", "")},
  108 		{"Pre tags content should be skipped", `<pre class="preclass"><span>foo</span><span>bar</span></pre><div class="foo"></div>`, f("div pre", "foo preclass", "")},
  109 		{"Textarea tags content should be skipped", `<textarea class="textareaclass"><span>foo</span><span>bar</span></textarea><div class="foo"></div>`, f("div textarea", "foo textareaclass", "")},
  110 		{"DOCTYPE should beskipped", `<!DOCTYPE html>`, f("", "", "")},
  111 		{"Comments should be skipped", `<!-- example comment -->`, f("", "", "")},
  112 		{"Comments with elements before and after", `<div></div><!-- example comment --><span><span>`, f("div span", "", "")},
  113 		// Issue #8530
  114 		{"Comment with single quote", `<!-- Hero Area Image d'accueil --><i class="foo">`, f("i", "foo", "")},
  115 		{"Uppercase tags", `<DIV></DIV>`, f("div", "", "")},
  116 		{"Predefined tags with distinct casing", `<script>if (a < b) { nothing(); }</SCRIPT><div></div>`, f("div script", "", "")},
  117 		// Issue #8417
  118 		{"Tabs inline", `<hr	id="a" class="foo"><div class="bar">d</div>`, f("div hr", "bar foo", "a")},
  119 		{"Tabs on multiple rows", `<form
  120 			id="a"
  121 			action=""
  122 			method="post"
  123 ></form>
  124 <div id="b" class="foo">d</div>`, f("div form", "foo", "a b")},
  125 		{"Big input, multibyte runes", strings.Repeat(`神真美好 `, rnd.Intn(500)+1) + "<div id=\"神真美好\" class=\"foo\">" + strings.Repeat(`神真美好 `, rnd.Intn(100)+1) + "   <span>神真美好</span>", f("div span", "foo", "神真美好")},
  126 	} {
  128 		for _, variant := range []struct {
  129 			minify bool
  130 		}{
  131 			{minify: false},
  132 			{minify: true},
  133 		} {
  135 			c.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s--minify-%t",, variant.minify), func(c *qt.C) {
  136 				w := newHTMLElementsCollectorWriter(newHTMLElementsCollector())
  137 				if variant.minify {
  138 					if skipMinifyTest[] {
  139 						c.Skip("skip minify test")
  140 					}
  141 					v := config.NewWithTestDefaults()
  142 					m, _ := minifiers.New(media.DefaultTypes, output.DefaultFormats, v)
  143 					m.Minify(media.HTMLType, w, strings.NewReader(test.html))
  145 				} else {
  146 					var buff bytes.Buffer
  147 					buff.WriteString(test.html)
  148 					io.Copy(w, &buff)
  149 				}
  150 				got := w.collector.getHTMLElements()
  151 				c.Assert(got, qt.DeepEquals, test.expect)
  152 			})
  153 		}
  154 	}
  156 }
  158 func BenchmarkElementsCollectorWriter(b *testing.B) {
  159 	const benchHTML = `
  160 <!DOCTYPE html>
  161 <html>
  162 <head>
  163 <title>title</title>
  164 <style>
  165 	a {color: red;}
  166 	.c {color: blue;}
  167 </style>
  168 </head>
  169 <body id="i1" class="a b c d">
  170 <a class="c d e"></a>
  171 <hr>
  172 <a class="c d e"></a>
  173 <a class="c d e"></a>
  174 <hr>
  175 <a id="i2" class="c d e f"></a>
  176 <a id="i3" class="c d e"></a>
  177 <a class="c d e"></a>
  178 <p>To force<br> line breaks<br> in a text,<br> use the br<br> element.</p>
  179 <hr>
  180 <a class="c d e"></a>
  181 <a class="c d e"></a>
  182 <a class="c d e"></a>
  183 <a class="c d e"></a>
  184 <table>
  185   <thead class="ch">
  186   <tr>
  187     <th>Month</th>
  188     <th>Savings</th>
  189   </tr>
  190   </thead>
  191   <tbody class="cb">
  192   <tr>
  193     <td>January</td>
  194     <td>$100</td>
  195   </tr>
  196   <tr>
  197     <td>February</td>
  198     <td>$200</td>
  199   </tr>
  200   </tbody>
  201   <tfoot class="cf">
  202   <tr>
  203     <td></td>
  204     <td>$300</td>
  205   </tr>
  206   </tfoot>
  207 </table>
  208 </body>
  209 </html>
  210 `
  211 	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
  212 		w := newHTMLElementsCollectorWriter(newHTMLElementsCollector())
  213 		fmt.Fprint(w, benchHTML)
  215 	}
  216 }