
Fork of with reverse pagination support

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resources.go (6165B)

    1 // Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
    2 //
    3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
    6 //
    7 //
    8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   12 // limitations under the License.
   14 package resource
   16 import (
   17 	"fmt"
   18 	"strings"
   20 	""
   21 	""
   22 )
   24 var _ ResourceFinder = (*Resources)(nil)
   26 // Resources represents a slice of resources, which can be a mix of different types.
   27 // I.e. both pages and images etc.
   28 type Resources []Resource
   30 // var _ resource.ResourceFinder = (*Namespace)(nil)
   31 // ResourcesConverter converts a given slice of Resource objects to Resources.
   32 type ResourcesConverter interface {
   33 	// For internal use.
   34 	ToResources() Resources
   35 }
   37 // ByType returns resources of a given resource type (e.g. "image").
   38 func (r Resources) ByType(typ any) Resources {
   39 	tpstr, err := cast.ToStringE(typ)
   40 	if err != nil {
   41 		panic(err)
   42 	}
   43 	var filtered Resources
   45 	for _, resource := range r {
   46 		if resource.ResourceType() == tpstr {
   47 			filtered = append(filtered, resource)
   48 		}
   49 	}
   50 	return filtered
   51 }
   53 // Get locates the name given in Resources.
   54 // The search is case insensitive.
   55 func (r Resources) Get(name any) Resource {
   56 	namestr, err := cast.ToStringE(name)
   57 	if err != nil {
   58 		panic(err)
   59 	}
   60 	namestr = strings.ToLower(namestr)
   61 	for _, resource := range r {
   62 		if strings.EqualFold(namestr, resource.Name()) {
   63 			return resource
   64 		}
   65 	}
   66 	return nil
   67 }
   69 // GetMatch finds the first Resource matching the given pattern, or nil if none found.
   70 // See Match for a more complete explanation about the rules used.
   71 func (r Resources) GetMatch(pattern any) Resource {
   72 	patternstr, err := cast.ToStringE(pattern)
   73 	if err != nil {
   74 		panic(err)
   75 	}
   77 	g, err := glob.GetGlob(patternstr)
   78 	if err != nil {
   79 		panic(err)
   80 	}
   82 	for _, resource := range r {
   83 		if g.Match(strings.ToLower(resource.Name())) {
   84 			return resource
   85 		}
   86 	}
   88 	return nil
   89 }
   91 // Match gets all resources matching the given base filename prefix, e.g
   92 // "*.png" will match all png files. The "*" does not match path delimiters (/),
   93 // so if you organize your resources in sub-folders, you need to be explicit about it, e.g.:
   94 // "images/*.png". To match any PNG image anywhere in the bundle you can do "**.png", and
   95 // to match all PNG images below the images folder, use "images/**.jpg".
   96 // The matching is case insensitive.
   97 // Match matches by using the value of Resource.Name, which, by default, is a filename with
   98 // path relative to the bundle root with Unix style slashes (/) and no leading slash, e.g. "images/logo.png".
   99 // See for the full rules set.
  100 func (r Resources) Match(pattern any) Resources {
  101 	patternstr, err := cast.ToStringE(pattern)
  102 	if err != nil {
  103 		panic(err)
  104 	}
  106 	g, err := glob.GetGlob(patternstr)
  107 	if err != nil {
  108 		panic(err)
  109 	}
  111 	var matches Resources
  112 	for _, resource := range r {
  113 		if g.Match(strings.ToLower(resource.Name())) {
  114 			matches = append(matches, resource)
  115 		}
  116 	}
  117 	return matches
  118 }
  120 type translatedResource interface {
  121 	TranslationKey() string
  122 }
  124 // MergeByLanguage adds missing translations in r1 from r2.
  125 func (r Resources) MergeByLanguage(r2 Resources) Resources {
  126 	result := append(Resources(nil), r...)
  127 	m := make(map[string]bool)
  128 	for _, rr := range r {
  129 		if translated, ok := rr.(translatedResource); ok {
  130 			m[translated.TranslationKey()] = true
  131 		}
  132 	}
  134 	for _, rr := range r2 {
  135 		if translated, ok := rr.(translatedResource); ok {
  136 			if _, found := m[translated.TranslationKey()]; !found {
  137 				result = append(result, rr)
  138 			}
  139 		}
  140 	}
  141 	return result
  142 }
  144 // MergeByLanguageInterface is the generic version of MergeByLanguage. It
  145 // is here just so it can be called from the tpl package.
  146 func (r Resources) MergeByLanguageInterface(in any) (any, error) {
  147 	r2, ok := in.(Resources)
  148 	if !ok {
  149 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%T cannot be merged by language", in)
  150 	}
  151 	return r.MergeByLanguage(r2), nil
  152 }
  154 // Source is an internal template and not meant for use in the templates. It
  155 // may change without notice.
  156 type Source interface {
  157 	Publish() error
  158 }
  160 // ResourceFinder provides methods to find Resources.
  161 // Note that GetRemote (as found in resources.GetRemote) is
  162 // not covered by this interface, as this is only available as a global template function.
  163 type ResourceFinder interface {
  165 	// Get locates the Resource with the given name in the current context (e.g. in .Page.Resources).
  166 	//
  167 	// It returns nil if no Resource could found, panics if name is invalid.
  168 	Get(name any) Resource
  170 	// GetMatch finds the first Resource matching the given pattern, or nil if none found.
  171 	//
  172 	// See Match for a more complete explanation about the rules used.
  173 	//
  174 	// It returns nil if no Resource could found, panics if pattern is invalid.
  175 	GetMatch(pattern any) Resource
  177 	// Match gets all resources matching the given base path prefix, e.g
  178 	// "*.png" will match all png files. The "*" does not match path delimiters (/),
  179 	// so if you organize your resources in sub-folders, you need to be explicit about it, e.g.:
  180 	// "images/*.png". To match any PNG image anywhere in the bundle you can do "**.png", and
  181 	// to match all PNG images below the images folder, use "images/**.jpg".
  182 	//
  183 	// The matching is case insensitive.
  184 	//
  185 	// Match matches by using a relative pathwith Unix style slashes (/) and no
  186 	// leading slash, e.g. "images/logo.png".
  187 	//
  188 	// See for the full rules set.
  189 	//
  190 	// See Match for a more complete explanation about the rules used.
  191 	//
  192 	// It returns nil if no Resources could found, panics if pattern is invalid.
  193 	Match(pattern any) Resources
  195 	// ByType returns resources of a given resource type (e.g. "image").
  196 	// It returns nil if no Resources could found, panics if typ is invalid.
  197 	ByType(typ any) Resources
  198 }