
Fork of with reverse pagination support

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minify.go (1893B)

    1 // Copyright 2018 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
    2 //
    3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
    6 //
    7 //
    8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   12 // limitations under the License.
   14 package minifier
   16 import (
   17 	""
   18 	""
   19 	""
   20 	""
   21 )
   23 // Client for minification of Resource objects. Supported minifiers are:
   24 // css, html, js, json, svg and xml.
   25 type Client struct {
   26 	rs *resources.Spec
   27 	m  minifiers.Client
   28 }
   30 // New creates a new Client given a specification. Note that it is the media types
   31 // configured for the site that is used to match files to the correct minifier.
   32 func New(rs *resources.Spec) (*Client, error) {
   33 	m, err := minifiers.New(rs.MediaTypes, rs.OutputFormats, rs.Cfg)
   34 	if err != nil {
   35 		return nil, err
   36 	}
   37 	return &Client{rs: rs, m: m}, nil
   38 }
   40 type minifyTransformation struct {
   41 	rs *resources.Spec
   42 	m  minifiers.Client
   43 }
   45 func (t *minifyTransformation) Key() internal.ResourceTransformationKey {
   46 	return internal.NewResourceTransformationKey("minify")
   47 }
   49 func (t *minifyTransformation) Transform(ctx *resources.ResourceTransformationCtx) error {
   50 	ctx.AddOutPathIdentifier(".min")
   51 	return t.m.Minify(ctx.InMediaType, ctx.To, ctx.From)
   52 }
   54 func (c *Client) Minify(res resources.ResourceTransformer) (resource.Resource, error) {
   55 	return res.Transform(&minifyTransformation{
   56 		rs:,
   57 		m:  c.m,
   58 	})
   59 }