
Fork of with reverse pagination support

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instagram.html (1154B)

    1 {{- $pc := site.Config.Privacy.Instagram -}}
    2 {{- if not $pc.Disable -}}
    3   {{ $accessToken := site.Config.Services.Instagram.AccessToken }}
    4   {{- if not $accessToken -}}
    5     {{- erroridf "error-missing-instagram-accesstoken" "instagram shortcode: Missing config value for services.instagram.accessToken. This can be set in config.toml, but it is recommended to configure this via the HUGO_SERVICES_INSTAGRAM_ACCESSTOKEN OS environment variable. If you are using a Client Access Token, remember that you must combine it with your App ID using a pipe symbol (<APPID>|<CLIENTTOKEN>) otherwise the request will fail." -}}
    6   {{- else -}}
    7     {{- if $pc.Simple -}}
    8       {{ template "_internal/shortcodes/instagram_simple.html" . }}
    9     {{- else -}}
   10       {{ $id := .Get 0 }}
   11       {{ $hideCaption := cond (eq (.Get 1) "hidecaption") "1" "0" }}
   12       {{ $headers := dict "Authorization" (printf "Bearer %s" $accessToken) }}
   13       {{ with getJSON "" $id "/&hidecaption=" $hideCaption $headers }}
   14         {{ .html | safeHTML }}
   15       {{ end }}
   16     {{- end -}}
   17   {{- end -}}
   18 {{- end -}}