
Notes for /The Art of Computer Programming/

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    1 #+Title: The Art of Computer Programming
    2 #+Subtitle: Notes
    3 #+Author: Shimmy Xu
    4 #+LaTeX_CLASS: article
    5 #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsthm,placeins,esint,bm}
    6 #+INCLUDE: "~/.emacs.d/static/math_macros.sty" src latex-macros
    7 #+Options: toc:nil num:t
    8 #+STARTUP: logdone
   11 * TODO The Art of Computer Programming Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms
   12 ** TODO Chapter 1: Basic concepts
   13 *** TODO 1.1 Algorithms
   14 :LOGBOOK:
   15 CLOCK: [2020-12-28 Mon 19:54]--[2020-12-28 Mon 20:26] =>  0:32
   16 :END:
   17 *** TODO 1.2 Mathematical Preliminaries
   18 :LOGBOOK:
   19 CLOCK: [2021-01-03 Sun 16:03]--[2021-01-03 Sun 18:28] =>  2:25
   20 CLOCK: [2020-12-30 Tue 20:50]--[2020-12-30 Wed 21:20] =>  0:30
   21 CLOCK: [2020-12-29 Tue 20:11]--[2020-12-29 Wed 21:30] =>  1:19
   22 CLOCK: [2020-12-28 Mon 20:27]--[2020-12-28 Mon 21:29] =>  1:02
   23 :END:
   24 **** 1.2.1
   25 ***** DONE 1
   26 CLOSED: [2021-01-10 Sun 06:35]
   27 Change all occurrences of \(P(1)\) to \(P(0)\). In I1, set \(k \left 0\).
   28 ***** DONE 2
   29 CLOSED: [2021-01-10 Sun 06:35]
   30 When \(n = 1\), the quantity \(b = a^(n-2)/(n-1)\) is not defined due to division by zero.
   31 ***** INACTIVE 3
   32 ***** TODO 4
   33 ***** INACTIVE 5
   34 ***** DONE 6
   35 CLOSED: [2021-01-10 Sun 06:35]
   36 \(a'm + b'n = c\) is trivial as it's \(am + bn = d\) after rename in E4.
   37 Given Eqs. (6) and \(c = qd + r\), we also have:
   38 \begin{align*}
   39   r
   40   &= c - qd\\
   41   &= (a'm + b'n) - q(am + bn)\\
   42   &= (a' - qa)m + (b' - qb)n.
   43 \end{align*}
   44 After E4, this equality becomes \(am + bn = d\).
   45 **** 1.2.2
   46 Never thought about the not ending in infinitely many 9s part.
   47 **** 1.2.3
   48 I knew Kronecker delta, but not Iverson's convention.
   49 ***** 29
   50 1.2.9
   52 **** 1.2.4
   53 The construction of \(x \mod y\) here is well defined when \(y < 0\).
   54 ***** DONE 35
   55 CLOSED: [2021-01-10 Sun 06:34]
   56 Note that \(0 \leq x - \floor{x} < 1\), so we have \(x \mod n = \floor{x} \mod n + (x - \floor{x})\).
   57 \begin{align*}
   58   n \floor{(x + m) / n}
   59   &= (x - m) - (x + m) \mod m\\
   60   &= (x - m) - (\floor{x + m} \mod m + (x + m - \floor{x + m}))\\
   61   &= (\floor{x} - m) - (\floor{x} + m) \mod m\\
   62   &= n \floor((\floor{x} + m) / n),\\
   63   \floor{(x + m) / n}
   64   &= \floor((\floor{x} + m) / n).
   65 \end{align*}
   67 **** 1.2.5
   68 Method II conditions on the last number being \(k\), effectively.
   69 Ah Stirling's appproximation.
   71 2nd equality in (20): just a sign trick.
   73 ***** 18
   75 ***** 20
   76 **** 1.2.6
   77 Note how the \(r\) in \({r \choose k} = \frac{r^{\underline{k}}}{k!}\) is real.
   79 \(n + 1\) point equality proof for \(n\)-th order polynomials is a neat argument.
   81 (9) is again, conditioning on last element.
   83 Never seen E before, related proof for sum of squares is cool.
   85 For binomial theorem, when \(r < 0\), where does the \(\abs{x/y} < 1\) restriction comes from?
   86 As now the series is infinite, and for
   87 \begin{align*}
   88   \sum_{k}{r \choose k}x^{k}y^{r-k}
   89   &= y^{r}\sum_{k}{r \choose k}(\frac{x}{y})^{k},
   90 \end{align*}
   91 that's a necessary condition for convergence.
   93 Abel's (16) is interesting.
   95 Proof for (17):
   96 \begin{align*}
   97   {r \choose k}
   98   &= \frac{r(r - 1)\dots(r - k + 1)}{k!}\\
   99   &= (-1)^{k}\frac{(-r)(1 - r)\dots(k - r - 1)}{k!}\\
  100   &= (-1)^{k}\frac{(k - r - 1)\dots((k - r - 1) - k)((k - r - 1) - (k - 1))}{k!}\\
  101   &= (-1)^{k}{k - r - 1 \choose k}.
  102 \end{align*}
  104 Proof for (35):
  105 \begin{align*}
  106   \sum_{k}{r \choose k}{s - kt \choose r}(-1)^{k}
  107   &= \sum_{k}{r \choose k}\frac{(s - kt)(s - kt - 1)\dots(s - kt - r + 1)}{r!}(-1)^{k}\\
  108   &= \sum_{k}{r \choose k}\frac{(kt - s)(kt - s + 1)\dots(kt - s + r - 1)}{r!}(-1)^{r - k}(-1)^{2k}\\
  109   &= \frac{1}{r!}\sum_{k}{r \choose k}(-1)^{r - k}(tk - s)(tk - s + 1)\dots(tk - s + r - 1)\\
  110   &= \frac{1}{r!}\sum_{k}{r \choose k}(-1)^{r - k}(b_{0} + b_{1}tk + \cdots + t^{r}k^{r}),
  111 \end{align*}
  112 for some \(b_{i}\). Applying (34) gives the answer \(t^{r}\).
  114 Try to prove (37) and (38).
  116 Check /Concrete Math/ 5.8 for Gosper-Zeilberger algorithm and 6.1 for Stirling numbers.
  118 ***** TODO 25
  120 ***** INACTIVE 36
  121 ***** INACTIVE 40
  122 ***** INACTIVE 41
  123 ***** INACTIVE 42
  124 ***** INACTIVE 43
  125 ***** INACTIVE 44
  126 ***** INACTIVE 45
  127 ***** DONE 50
  128 CLOSED: [2021-01-03 Sun 17:02]
  129 When \(x + y = 0\), we have by applying (17) and that \(n - k > -1 - k\),
  130 \begin{align*}
  131   &\quad\sum_{k}{n \choose k}x(x - kz)^{k - 1}(y + kz)^{n - k}\\
  132   &= \sum_{k}{n \choose k}x(x - kz)^{k - 1}(-x + kz)^{n - k}\\
  133   &= \sum_{k}(-1)^{n - k}{n \choose k}x(x - kz)^{n - 1}\\
  134   &= \sum_{k}(-1)^{n - k}{n \choose n - k}x(x - kz)^{n - 1}\\
  135   &= \sum_{k}{-1 - k \choose n - k}x(x - kz)^{n - 1}\\
  136   &= 0\\
  137   &= (x + y)^{n}.
  138 \end{align*}
  140 ***** DONE 51
  141 CLOSED: [2021-01-03 Sun 17:52]
  142 Writing \(y = (x + y) - x\), we have by (20),
  143 \begin{align*}
  144   &\quad\sum_{k}{n \choose k}x(x - kz)^{k - 1}((x + y) - x + kz)^{n - k}\\
  145   &= \sum_{k}{n \choose k}x(x - kz)^{k - 1}\sum_{l}(-1)^{n - k - l}{n - k \choose l}(x + y)^{l}(x - kz)^{n - k - l}\\
  146   &= \sum_{k, l}(x + y)^{l}(-1)^{n - k - l}{n \choose k}{n - k \choose n - k - l}x(x - kz)^{n - l - 1}\\
  147   &= \sum_{k, l}(x + y)^{l}(-1)^{n - k - l}{n \choose n - l}{n - l \choose k}x(x - kz)^{n - l - 1}\\
  148   &= \sum_{l}{n \choose n - l}(x + y)^{l}\sum_{k}(-1)^{(n - l) - k}{n - l \choose k}x(x - kz)^{(n - l) - 1}.
  149 \end{align*}
  150 Using results from [[50]], we know that the inner sum is \(0\) unless \(n = l\), in which case the sum is \(0^{0} = 1\). Thus, above is equal to
  151 \begin{align*}
  152   &\quad\sum_{l = n}{n \choose n - l}(x + y)^{l}0^{0}\\
  153   &= (x + y)^{n}.
  154 \end{align*}
  156 ***** DONE 52
  157 CLOSED: [2021-01-03 Sun 18:26]
  158 Setting \(n = x = -1, y = z = 1\), we have \((x + y)^{n} = (-1 + 1)^{-1} = 0\). However, applying (19), the RHS of (16) gives
  159 \begin{align*}
  160   &\quad\sum_{k}{n \choose k}x(x - kz)^{k - 1}(y + kz)^{n - k}\\
  161   &= \sum_{k}{-1 \choose k}(-1)(-1 - k)^{k - 1}(1 + k)^{-1 - k}\\
  162   &= \sum_{k}(-1)^{-k}{k \choose 0}(-1)(-1 - k)^{k - 1}(1 + k)^{-1 - k}\\
  163   &= \sum_{k}(-1)^{1 - k}(-1 - k)^{k - 1}(1 + k)^{-1 - k}\\
  164   &= \sum_{k}(1 + k)^{k - 1}(1 + k)^{-1 - k}\\
  165   &= \sum_{k}(1 + k)^{-2},
  166 \end{align*}
  167 which doesn't converge due to \(k = -1\) term.
  169 ***** INACTIVE 58
  170 ***** INACTIVE 61
  171 ***** INACTIVE 64
  172 ***** INACTIVE 65
  173 **** 1.2.7
  174 Euler's constant, Riemann's zeta function, Bernoulli number, oh my!
  175 Check CMath 6.5.
  177 Try integration by parts on
  178 \begin{align*}
  179   \int_{1}^{n}x^{m}\ln{x} \dd x
  180   &= \frac{n^{m+1}}{m+1}(\ln{n} - \frac{1}{m+1}) + \frac{1}{(m+1)^{2}}
  181 \end{align*}
  183 ***** INACTIVE 3
  184 ***** INACTIVE 7
  185 ***** INACTIVE 6
  186 ***** INACTIVE 10
  187 Summation by parts.
  188 **** 1.2.8
  189 Books to checkout
  190 - /The Book of Numbers/ by Conway and Guy
  191 - /The  2nd Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions/ by Martin Gardner
  193 Proof of (4) using matrix determinants is cool.
  195 Proof of (17) first step:
  196 We have
  197 \begin{align*}
  198   \sum_{k=0}^{n}F_{k}F_{n-k}
  199   &= \sum_{k=0}^{n}\frac{1}{\sqrt{5}}(\phi^{k} - \hat{\phi}^{k})\frac{1}{\sqrt{5}}(\phi^{n-k} - \hat{\phi}^{n-k})\\
  200   &= \frac{1}{5}\sum_{k=0}^{n}(\phi^{n} - \phi^{k}\hat{\phi}^{n-k} - \hat{\phi}^{k}\phi^{n-k} + \hat{\phi}^{n})\\
  201   &= \frac{1}{5}((n + 1)(\phi^{n} + \hat{\phi}^{n}) - 2\sum_{k=0}^{n}\phi^{k}\hat{\phi}^{n-k})\\
  202   &= \frac{1}{5}((n + 1)(\phi^{n} + \hat{\phi}^{n}) - 2\frac{1}{\phi - \hat{\phi}}(\phi^{n + 1} - \hat{\phi}^{n + 1}))\\
  203   &= \frac{1}{5}((n + 1)(\phi^{n} + \hat{\phi}^{n}) - 2\frac{1}{\sqrt{5}}(\phi^{n + 1} - \hat{\phi}^{n + 1}))\\
  204   &= \frac{1}{5}((n + 1)(\phi^{n} + \hat{\phi}^{n}) - 2F_{n + 1}).
  205 \end{align*}
  207 ***** INACTIVE 3
  209 ***** DONE 11
  210 CLOSED: [2021-01-26 Tue 21:40]
  211 From
  212 \begin{align*}
  213   \phi\hat{\phi}
  214   &= \frac{1}{2}(1 + \sqrt{5})\frac{1}{2}(1 - \sqrt{5})\\
  215   &= \frac{1}{4}(1 - 5)\\
  216   &= -1,
  217 \end{align*}
  218 we have
  219 \begin{align*}
  220   F_{n}\phi + F_{n - 1}
  221   &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{5}}(\phi(\phi^{n} - \hat{\phi^{n}}) + (\phi^{n - 1} - \hat{\phi}^{n - 1}))\\
  222   &= \frac{1}{\phi - \hat{\phi}}(\phi(\phi^{n} - \hat{\phi^{n}}) + (\phi^{n - 1} - \hat{\phi}^{n - 1}))\\
  223   &= \phi \sum_{k=0}^{n - 1}\phi^{k}\hat{\phi}^{(n - 1) - k} + \sum_{k=0}^{n - 2}\phi^{k}\hat{\phi}^{(n - 2) - k}\\
  224   &= \phi^{n} + (\phi\hat{\phi} + 1) \sum_{k=0}^{n - 2}\phi^{k}\hat{\phi}^{(n - 2) - k}\\
  225   &= \phi^{n}.
  226 \end{align*}
  227 Similarly we have
  228 \begin{align*}
  229   F_{n}\hat{\phi} + F_{n - 1}
  230   &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{5}}(\hat{\phi}(\phi^{n} - \hat{\phi^{n}}) + (\phi^{n - 1} - \hat{\phi}^{n - 1}))\\
  231   &= \frac{1}{\phi - \hat{\phi}}(\hat{\phi}(\phi^{n} - \hat{\phi^{n}}) + (\phi^{n - 1} - \hat{\phi}^{n - 1}))\\
  232   &= \hat{\phi} \sum_{k=0}^{n - 1}\hat{\phi}^{k}\phi^{(n - 1) - k} + \sum_{k=0}^{n - 2}\hat{\phi}^{k}\phi^{(n - 2) - k}\\
  233   &= \hat{\phi}^{n} + (\phi\hat{\phi} + 1) \sum_{k=0}^{n - 2}\phi^{k}\hat{\phi}^{(n - 2) - k}\\
  234   &= \phi^{n}.
  235 \end{align*}
  237 **** 1.2.9
  238 The trick in (7) is cool: the \(\frac{1}{1-z} G(z)\) factor gives us generating function of sums for \(G(z)\). This also gives (18).
  240 We get (20) by applying identity 1.2.6-(17):
  241 \begin{align*}
  242   \frac{1}{(1 - z)^{n + 1}}
  243   &= (1 + (-z))^{-(n + 1)}\\
  244   &= \sum_{k \geq 0}{-n - 1 \choose k}(-z)^{k}\\
  245   &= \sum_{k \geq 0}(-1)^{k}{k - (k + n) - 1 \choose k}z^{k}\\
  246   &= \sum_{k \geq 0}{k + n \choose k}z^{k}\\
  247   &= \sum_{k \geq 0}{k + n \choose n}z^{k}.
  248 \end{align*}
  250 Proof for (21) is 1.2.6-25.
  252 To get (25), apply (6) to (17) and (20):
  253 \begin{align*}
  254   \frac{1}{(1 - z)^{m + 1}}\ln(\frac{1}{1 - z})
  255   &= \sum_{n \geq 1} z^{n}\sum_{k = 0}^{n}{m + k \choose m} \frac{1}{n - k}
  256 \end{align*}
  258 (36) is an application of (6) to \(n\) generating functions of form \([z^{m}]H_{n}(z) = x_{n}^{m}\). Note that we can rewire (6) as
  259 \begin{align*}
  260   c_{m}
  261   &= \sum_{k = 0}^{m}a_{k}b_{m-k}\\
  262   &= \sum_{k = 0}^{m}x_{1}^{k}x_{2}^{m-k}\\
  263   &= \sum_{1 \leq j_{1} \leq \cdots \leq j_{m} \leq 2}x_{j_{1}}\cdots x_{j_{m}}\\
  264   &= h_{m, n = 2}.
  265 \end{align*}
  266 By induction we can then prove that
  267 \begin{align*}
  268 h_{m, n + 1}
  269 &= \sum_{k = 0}^{m}h_{k, n}x_{n + 1}^{m-k}\\
  270 &= \sum_{k = 0}^{m}x_{n + 1}^{m-k}\sum_{1 \leq j_{1} \leq \cdots \leq j_{k} \leq n}x_{j_{1}}\cdots x_{j_{k}}\\
  271 &= \sum_{k = 0}^{m}\sum_{1 \leq j_{1} \leq \cdots \leq j_{m} \leq n + 1}x_{j_{1}}\cdots x_{j_{m}}[\sum_{l = 1}^{m}[j_{l} = n + 1] = m - k]\\
  272 &= \sum_{1 \leq j_{1} \leq \cdots \leq j_{m} \leq n + 1}x_{j_{1}}\cdots x_{j_{m}}.
  273 \end{align*}
  274 Alternatively, this can also from rewriting (9) with \(a_{jk} = x_{j}\).
  276 In (38), note that
  277 \begin{align*}
  278   \E^{S_{k}z^{k} / k}
  279   &= \sum_{l \geq 0} \frac{1}{l!}(S_{k}z^{k} / k)^{l}\\
  280   &= \sum_{l \geq 0} \frac{1}{l!}S_{k}^{l}z^{lk}k^{l},
  281 \end{align*}
  282 which means if the \(l\)-th term is chosen, we contribute \(z^{lk}\) to the product, represented by the \(\sum_{i = 1}^{m}ik_{i} = m\) condition (so that for \(z^{m}\)'s coefficient, we get the correct exponent).
  284 For (39), differentiate (37) to get
  285 \begin{align*}
  286   \frac{G'(z)}{G(z)}
  287   &= \sum_{k \geq 1} S_{k}z^{k - 1}\\
  288   &= \sum_{k \geq 0} S_{k + 1}z^{k}.
  289 \end{align*}
  290 Rearranging gives
  291 \begin{align*}
  292   G'(z)
  293   &= \sum_{j \geq 0}(j + 1)h_{j + 1}z^{j}\\
  294   &= \sum_{k \geq 0}S_{k + 1}z^{k}G(z)\\
  295   &= \sum_{k \geq 0}S_{k + 1}z^{k}(\sum_{l \geq 0}h_{l}z^{l})\\
  296   &= \sum_{j \geq 0}z^{j}\sum_{k, j \geq 0, k + l = j}S_{k + 1}h_{l}\\
  297   &=\sum_{j \geq 0}z^{j}\sum_{k \geq 1}S_{k}h_{j - k},
  298 \end{align*}
  299 or
  300 \begin{align*}
  301   h_{n}
  302   &= \frac{1}{n}\sum_{k \geq 1}S_{k}h_{(n - 1) - k}.
  303 \end{align*}
  305 ***** DONE 14
  306 CLOSED: [2021-07-04 Sun 10:25]
  307 Since \(\omega^{m} = 1\), we have
  308 \begin{align*}
  309   \omega^{k}
  310   &= \omega^{k \mod m}.
  311 \end{align*}
  312 Starting from RHS of (13), we have
  313 \begin{align*}
  314   \frac{1}{m}\sum_{0 \leq k < m}\omega^{-kr}G(\omega^{k}z)
  315   &= \frac{1}{m}\sum_{n \geq 0}\sum_{0 \leq k < m}\omega^{-kr}a_{n}\omega^{kn}z^{n}\\
  316   &= \frac{1}{m}\sum_{n \geq 0}a_{n}z^{n}\sum_{0 \leq k < m}\omega^{k(n-r)}\\
  317   &= \frac{1}{m}\sum_{n \geq 0}a_{n}z^{n}\sum_{0 \leq k < m}\omega^{k((n-r) \mod m)}.
  318 \end{align*}
  319 If \(n \mod m = r\), then \((n - r) \mod m = 0\) and
  320 \begin{align*}
  321   \sum_{0 \leq k < m}\omega^{k((n-r) \mod m)}
  322   &= \sum_{0 \leq k < m}\omega^{0}\\
  323   &= m.
  324 \end{align*}
  325 If \(n \mod m \neq r\), let \(l = (n - r) \mod m \in [1, m)\), then we have
  326 \begin{align*}
  327   \sum_{0 \leq k < m}\omega^{kl}
  328   &= \frac{1 - (\omega^{l})^{m}}{1 - \omega^{l}}\\
  329   &= \frac{1 - (\omega^{m})^{l}}{1 - \omega^{l}}\\
  330   &= \frac{1 - 1^{l}}{1 - \omega^{l}}\\
  331   &= 0.
  332 \end{align*}
  333 Thus, we have
  334 \begin{align*}
  335    \frac{1}{m}\sum_{n \geq 0}a_{n}z^{n}\sum_{0 \leq k < m}\omega^{k((n-r) \mod m)}
  336   &= \frac{1}{m}\sum_{n \geq 0}a_{n}z^{n}m\rInd_{n \mod m = r}\\
  337   &= \sum_{n \geq 0, n \mod m = r}a_{n}z^{n}.
  338 \end{align*}
  340 **** 1.2.10
  341 Notation for (4) is a bit confusing at first. We scan from back to the front, so if \(x_{1}\) is the \(n\)-th (largest), we would make the last update there, leaving \(k - 1\) updates when we go from \(x_{n}\) to \(x_{2}\) (\(P_{(n - 1)(k - 1)}\)). If \(x_{1}\) is not the largest, we would have made all \(k\) updates before we go to it (\(P_{(n - 1)k}\)).
  343 To get (7), we rewrite \(G_{n}(z)\) using (4):
  344 \begin{align*}
  345   G_{n}(z)
  346   &= \sum_{k}p_{nk}z^{k}\\
  347   &= \sum_{k}(\frac{1}{n}p_{(n - 1)(k - 1)} + \frac{n - 1}{n}p_{(n - 1)k})z^{k}\\
  348   &= \frac{z}{n} \sum_{k}p_{(n - 1)(k - 1)}z^{k - 1} + \frac{n - 1}{n}\sum_{k}p_{(n - 1)k}z^{k}\\
  349   &= \frac{z}{n} G_{n - 1}(z) + \frac{n - 1}{n}G_{n - 1}(z)\\
  350   &= \frac{z + n - 1}{n} G_{n - 1}(z).
  351 \end{align*}
  352 Similarly applying this to (17) we get
  353 \begin{align*}
  354   G_{n}(z)
  355   &= \sum_{k}p_{nk}z^{k}\\
  356   &= \sum_{k}(pp_{(n - 1)(k - 1)} + q p_{(n - 1)k})z^{k}\\
  357   &= pz\sum_{k}pp_{(n - 1)(k - 1)}z^{k - 1} + q \sum_{k}p_{(n - 1)k}z^{k}\\
  358   &= (q + pz)G_{n - 1}(z).
  359 \end{align*}
  361 Taylor's expansion for (20) reads
  362 \begin{align*}
  363   G(1 + z)
  364   &= \frac{1}{n} \frac{(1 + z)^{n + 1} - 1 - z}{z}\\
  365   &= \frac{1}{n} \frac{\sum_{k = 0}^{n + 1}{n + 1\choose k}z^{k} - 1 - z}{z}\\
  366   &= \frac{1}{n} (\sum_{k = 1}^{n + 1}{n + 1\choose k}z^{k - 1} - 1)\\
  367   &= \frac{1}{n} (n + \sum_{k = 2}^{n + 1}{n + 1\choose k}z^{k - 1})\\
  368   &= 1 + \frac{1}{n}\sum_{k = 1}^{n}{n + 1\choose k + 1}z^{k}\\
  369   &= 1 + \frac{1}{n}{n + 1\choose 2}z + \frac{1}{n}{n + 1 \choose 3}z^{2} + \cdots\\
  370   &= 1 + \frac{n + 1}{2}z + \frac{(n + 1)(n - 1)}{6}z^{2} + \cdots.
  371 \end{align*}
  373 Didn't realize that \(\ev[X]\) can be read as expected value of \([X]\). Guess it does make sense to use \(\ev(X)\) or \(\ev X\) then.
  375 ***** DONE 2
  376 CLOSED: [2021-10-09 Sat 07:38]
  377 Since
  378 \begin{align*}
  379   G''(z)
  380   &= \sum_{k}k(k - 1)p_{k}z^{k - 1}\\
  381   &= \sum_{k}k^{2}p_{k}z^{k - 1} - \sum_{k}kp_{k}z^{k - 1}\\
  382   &= \sum_{k}k^{2}p_{k}z^{k - 1} - G'(z),
  383 \end{align*}
  384 it's easy to see that
  385 \begin{align*}
  386   \var(G)
  387   &= \sum_{k}k^{2}p_{k} - (\sum_{k}kp_{k})^{2}\\
  388   &= G''(1) + G'(1) - (G'(1))^{2}.
  389 \end{align*}
  391 ***** INACTIVE 13
  392 ***** INACTIVE 14
  393 ***** INACTIVE 21
  394 ***** INACTIVE 22
  395 ***** INACTIVE 23
  396 ****
  397 (10) seems useful. Also note the customary meaning of \(z\) being in the neighborhood of \(0\).
  398 ***** INACTIVE 8
  399 ***** INACTIVE 11
  400 ***** INACTIVE 12
  401 ****
  402 To get (2), note that in \([k, k + 1)\), \(\{x\} = x - k\):
  403 \begin{align*}
  404   \int_{k}^{k + 1}(\{x\} - \frac{1}{2})f'(x)\dd x
  405   &= (\{x\} - \frac{1}{2})f(x)|_{x = k}^{k + 1} - \int_{k}^{k + 1}f(x) \dd (\{x\} - \frac{1}{2})\\
  406   &= (x - k - \frac{1}{2})f(x)|_{x = k}^{k + 1} - \int_{k}^{k + 1}f(x) \dd x.
  407 \end{align*}
  410 By no discontinuities it meant that \(B_{m}(\{x\}) = B_{m}\) at all \([t, t+1]\) boundary points with \(t \geq 1\). The integration by parts results can then be simplified as:
  411 \begin{align*}
  412   \frac{1}{m!} \int_{1}^{n}B_{m}(\{x\})f^{(m)}(x)\dd x
  413   &= \frac{1}{(m + 1)!} \int_{1}^{n}f^{(m)}(x)\dd B_{m + 1}(\{x\})\\
  414   &= \frac{1}{(m + 1)!} (B_{m + 1}(\{x\})f^{m}(x))|_{x = 1}^{n} - \frac{1}{(m + 1)!} \int_{1}^{n}B_{m + 1}(\{x\}) f^{(m + 1)}(x)\dd x\\
  415   &= \frac{B_{m + 1}}{(m + 1)!}(f^{m}(n) - f^{m}(1)) - \frac{1}{(m + 1)!} \int_{1}^{n}B_{m + 1}(\{x\}) f^{(m + 1)}(x)\dd x.
  416 \end{align*}
  419 See Concrete Mathematics 9.5 for proof of (12). Also note how we get Stiring's approximation and Euler's constant from (10)!
  421 \(\E^{\sigma} = \sqrt{2\pi}\) is another interesting fact. The most common form of Stirling's approximation is probably with \(m = 1\)
  422 \begin{align*}
  423   \ln n!
  424   &= (n + \frac{1}{2})\ln n - n + \sigma + O(\frac{1}{n}),\\
  425   n!
  426   &= \E^{\sigma}\sqrt{n}(\frac{n}{\E})^{n} + O(\frac{1}{n})\\
  427   &= \sqrt{2\pi n}(\frac{n}{\E})^{n} + O(\frac{1}{n}).
  428 \end{align*}
  430 ***** DONE 1
  431 CLOSED: [2021-10-09 Sat 09:12]
  432 To get (7), multiply (4) by \(\E^{z} - 1\):
  433 \begin{align*}
  434   z
  435   &= \sum_{n \geq 0}\delta_{n1}z^{n}\\
  436   &= (\E^{z} - 1)\sum_{k \geq 0}\frac{B_{k}z^{k}}{k!}\\
  437   &= (\sum_{j \geq 0}\frac{z^{j}}{j!} - 1)\sum_{k \geq 0}\frac{B_{k}z^{k}}{k!}\\
  438   &= \sum_{n \geq 0}z^{n}(\sum_{0 \leq k \leq n}\frac{B_{k}}{k!(n-k)!} - \frac{B_{n}}{n!}).
  439 \end{align*}
  440 Equating the coefficients we get
  441 \begin{align*}
  442   \sum_{0 \leq k \leq n}\frac{B_{k}}{k!(n-k)!} - \frac{B_{n}}{n!}
  443   &= \delta_{n1},\\
  444   \sum_{k}{n\choose k}B_{k}
  445   &= B_{n} + n!\denta_{n1}\\
  446   &= B_{n} + 1!\denta_{n1}\\
  447   &= B_{n} + \denta_{n1}.
  448 \end{align*}
  450 ***** INACTIVE 3
  451 ***** INACTIVE 5
  452 ***** INACTIVE 6
  453 ****
  455 Note that
  456 \begin{align*}
  457   \Gamm(x + 1)
  458   &= \int_{0}^{\infty}\E^{-t}t^{x}\dd t,
  459 \end{align*}
  460 thus the following
  461 \begin{align*}
  462   \frac{1}{\Gamma(x + 1)}\int_{0}^{x + y}\E^{-t}t^{x}\dd t
  463   &= \frac{1}{\Gamma(x + 1)}(\Gamma(x + 1) - \int_{x}^{\infty}\E^{-t}t^{x}\dd t + \int_{x}^{x + y}\E^{-t}t^{x}\dd t)\\
  464   &= 1 - \frac{1}{\Gamma(x + 1)}\int_{x}^{\infty}\E^{-t}t^{x}\dd t + \frac{1}{\Gamma(x + 1)}\int_{x}^{x + y}\E^{-t}t^{x}\dd t).
  465 \end{align*}
  467 For the expansion after (11), we can write
  468 \begin{align*}
  469   1 - \frac{2}{3}u + \frac{1}{2}u^{2} - \frac{2}{5}u^{3} + \cdots
  470   &= (\sum_{i = 0}^{\infty}a_{i}u^{i})^{2}\\
  471   &= \sum_{i = 0}^{\infity}u^{i}\sum_{j = 0}^{i}a_{j}a_{i-j}.
  472 \end{align*}
  473 We can then solve the first few terms
  474 \begin{align*}
  475   \begin{cases}
  476     1
  477     &= a_{0}^{2},\\
  478     -\frac{2}{3}
  479     &= 2a_{0}a_{1}\\
  480     \frac{1}{2}
  481     &= 2a_{0}a_{2} + a_{1}^{2},\\
  482     -\frac{2}{5}
  483     &= 2a_{0}a_{3} + 2a_{1}a_{2},\\
  484     \cdots,
  485   \end{cases}
  486 \end{align*}
  487 and we get
  488 \begin{align*}
  489   a_{0}
  490   &= \sqrt(1)\\
  491   &= 1,\\
  492   a_{1}
  493   &= \frac{-\frac{2}{3}}{2a_{0}}\\
  494   &= -\frac{1}{3},\\
  495   a_{2}
  496   &= \frac{\frac{1}{2} - a_{1}^{2}}{2a_{0}}\\
  497   &= \frac{1}{2}(\frac{1}{2} - \frac{1}{9})\\
  498   &= \frac{7}{36},\\
  499   a_{3}
  500   &= \frac{1}{a_{0}}(-\frac{1}{5} + a_{1}a_{2})\\
  501   &= -\frac{1}{5} - (-\frac{1}{3})\frac{7}{36}\\
  502   &= - \frac{73}{540},\\
  503   &\cdots.
  504 \end{align*}
  505 To express \(u\) in \(w\), we just try to cancel one term at a time using the polynomial form, which would probably go something like the above, and there's probably some easier pattern that allows us to write things out easier. Guess we'll find out in 4.7.
  507 Change of variable in (14) is \(q = xv\). Recall that
  508 \begin{align*}
  509   \Gamma(1 + n)
  510   &= n!,\\
  511   \Gamma(\frac{1}{2} + n)
  512   &= \frac{(2n)!}{n^{n}n!}\sqrt(\pi),
  513 \end{align*}
  514 for (15).
  516 For Taylor expansion after (16), we only need to keep terms up to \(x^{-2}\):
  517 \begin{align*}
  518   \exp(\frac{-u^{2}}{2x} + \frac{u^{3}}{3x^{2}} + O(x^{-3}))
  519   &= 1 + (\frac{-u^{2}}{2x} + \frac{u^{3}}{3x^{2}} + O(x^{-3})) + \frac{1}{2}(\frac{-u^{2}}{2x} + \frac{u^{3}}{3x^{2}} + O(x^{-3}))^{2} + O(x^{-3})\\
  520   &= 1 - \frac{u^{2}}{2x} + \frac{u^{3}}{3x^{2}} + \frac{u^{4}}{8x^{2}} + O(x^{-3}).
  521 \end{align*}
  522 Then we can just do the integration term by term
  523 \begin{align*}
  524   \int_{0}^{y}\E^{-u}(1 + \frac{u}{x})^{x}\dd u
  525   &= \int_{0}^{y}(1 - \frac{u^{2}}{2x} + \frac{u^{4}}{8x^{2}} + \frac{u^{3}}{3x^{2}} + O(x^{-3}))\dd u\\
  526   &= (u - \frac{u^{3}}{6x} + \frac{u^{5}}{40x^{2}} + \frac{u^{4}}{12x^{2}} + uO(x^{-3}))|_{u = 0}^{y}\\
  527   &= y - \frac{y^{3}}{6}x + (\frac{y^{5}}{40} + \frac{y^{4}}{12})x^{-2} + O(x^{-3}).
  528 \end{align*}
  530 For (18) we use Stirling's approximation in exponential form (above (19)).
  532 Third term in (21) gets absorbed by \(O(n^{n}\E^{-n})\) in (22).
  534 Try Ramanujan's treatment for \(Q(n)\)!
  536 ***** 2
  537 ***** 3
  538 ***** 4
  539 ***** 5
  540 ***** 6
  541 ***** 14
  542 ***** 19
  543 Watson's lemma! o7
  544 ***** 20
  545 ** INACTIVE 1.3'
  546 Reading the Fascicle 1 instead for 1.3.1 - 1.3.2. For 1.3.3 reading the original + program listing in the MMIX Supplement.
  547 *** 1.3.1'
  548 Note how in (6) the load behavior is defined: when the load width increases, we can include bytes before or after A. Also note the sign behavior.
  550 Why does it overflow in =STB/STW=? Because neither a byte (8 bits) or a wide (16 bits) can represent the value \(-65536 = -2^{16}\), while a tetra (32 bits) or a octa (64 bits) can in signed mode.
  552 Note the use of rH and rD in unsigned arithmetic.
  554 The bitwise operations are indeed bitwise! Bytewise operations feels like AVX.
  556 For floating point numbers, notice that the normal case includes an implicit \(1\cdot 2^{E-1023}\) (probably because 0 has special representation). Also note that there are actually \(2^{52} - 1\) possible representations for NaN (which seems to be used as a way to sneak in extra information).
  558 The \(\pi\), \(\mu\), and \(v\) denotes the time taken for each operation.
  560 **** 32
  561 **** 33
  562 **** 34
  563 **** 35
  564 **** 36
  565 **** 37
  566 **** 57
  568 ** INACTIVE 1.4'
  569 Reading Fascicle 1 for 1.4.1 - 1.4.3.
  570 *** 1.4.2
  571 **** 21
  572 1.3.1
  573 ** TODO Chapter 2: Information structures
  574 ****
  575 ***** INACTIVE 29
  576 1.2.9
  578 ** INACTIVE Chapter 4
  579 *** 4.7
  580 **** 22
  581 1.2.9